New SOE Website Addresses K-12 Need for Remote Learning during COVID-19 Crisis
Remote education, an essential innovation for modern school districts everywhere, has become vital during the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Financial Times.
The School of Education, in order to support a greater need for remote learning in K-12 education, on Wednesday launched the website Remote Education Resource Center, or RemoteEd.
The site, which has immediate critical value in the current coronavirus crises, will not only help teachers incorporate remote learning tools into their classes, but also foster a community of practice in the Capital Region. RemoteEd had its unveiling on Wednesday during a webinar with area teachers.
“The School of Education at the University at Albany has a deep purpose and commitment to assist the special, urgent needs of teachers, leaders and schools to support student learning in this current dynamic time,” said Jason Lane, interim dean of the School. “Our faculty and graduate students have worked tirelessly to bring this resource to reality. We’re all in this together to support our children and students.”
In accordance with the website’s release, the School has been bringing area teachers together through frequent networking/community sessions. Monday’s event, hosted by the School’s Capital District Writing Project, featured an online writing session. On Tuesday teachers attended a Twitter Chat on “Sustaining Community Among Educators in Unprecedented Times.” More remote events for teachers and school leaders are scheduled for the coming weeks.
RemoteED, by design, will expand in response to the needs and requests of teachers, leaders and schools. The School of Education’s faculty, administrators and graduate students work together to compile its resources.
For more than 20 years, the School of Education has been a leader in the provision of high-quality online instruction, including supporting teachers to the same in the K12 setting. The School is consistently ranked by US News & World Report as one of the top 10 graduate schools of education in the country in providing online instruction.
“We want to leverage this established expertise to support the work of our colleagues in schools throughout the Capital Region and beyond,” said Lane.