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Compliance Reporting
The University Police Department publishes an annual report that showcases the previous year's activities, statistics, and achievements, along with general department information. Beginning in 2023 the report changed its reporting period from reporting on the previous calendar year to reporting on the previous academic year, in order to be consistent with other University reports.
Crime and Incident Records
The University Police Department maintains a daily record, by the date the incident was reported, any crime or serious incident that occurred on campus or within the University Police Department patrol jurisdiction. The daily record includes offense title, offense date, time, a brief description of the crime and general location the crime occurred.
Visit the Daily Records page.
The University Police Department publishes a daily record through a LISTSERV each day. If you wish to receive this email, please follow the instructions listed below.
- Send an email from your email account to listserv@listserv.albany.edu
- Leave the subject field blank
- Copy and paste or type subscribe UPDDAILY@listserv.albany.edu in the body of the email

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that the University Police Department make certain records available to the public. For more information on how to request records, please refer to request records online or by mail.
Any person may request a copy of a record from the University Police Department. This includes any member of the public as well as those named within the records. All personally identifiable information (PII) is redacted, with a few exceptions. These exceptions include:
Motor Vehicle accident records – under law police are required to facilitate the exchange of information so the records are provided, without redaction, to any person listed on the record.
If the person requesting a record is listed on the record we do not redact their information provided that the person is either personally picking up the record and displaying identification or they are requesting that the record be sent to the University email address assigned to their individual use. All other redactions are made as normal.
Provided records to other criminal justice agencies are un-redacted. This is typically how victims, defendants and others involved in a court case obtain un-redacted copies – through their attorney, the District Attorney’s office or the court.
Subpoena’s for records typically require un-redacted records.
In the case of an arrest, the name of the arrested person, their age at arrest and city and state of residence are never redacted unless they are a minor as defined in the New York State Criminal Procedure Law.
Only completed records are released. There may be exceptional instances where we would not release a record such as releasing information that would compromise an ongoing investigation.
To request records online, you can complete the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Form.
To request records in person or via mail, you can complete the University Police Records Request Form or obtain a copy at the University at Albany Police Department.
Mail or deliver in person a request to:
University at Albany Police Department
Justice Drive
1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222
You may also make a request under FOIL in writing to the University at Albany Records Access Officer.
Any request for a Motor Vehicle Accident Report must be made directly through the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles who may provide you with accident reports filed by involved motorists as well as police motor vehicle accident reports if one was completed.