The RNA Institute Events and Awards

RNA Institute Symposium
The RNA Institute Symposium is held yearly and provides a forum for faculty, students, and industry representatives to present their findings and network with colleagues. It has attracted Nobel Laureates, as well as National Academy Members, distinguished Howard Hughes Medical Institute Principal Investigators, renowned university professors, industry scientists, and medical doctors, among others from around the world.
STEMTriCS (previously RNA Café)
The STEMTriCS (STEM Trending Careers Seminar) is an invited seminar series for students and postdocs to explore science careers by engaging in a roundtable discussion with credentialed scientists who have pursued careers in or outside of academia. Discussion topics cover an array of subjects related to the speaker(s) career path, personal experiences, and interests. Typically, the sessions address specific aspects of academic training, career goals, aspirations, and tips on becoming successful in reaching goals and achieving career stability.
STEMTriCS exposes students across the science disciplines to careers away from the bench, in teaching, in industry or non-traditional research and development. To be included in the invitation list, or if you would like to be an invited speaker or suggest a speaker, please contact us at
December 6, 2022 |
"Careers at Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing" Andrea Wagner, Ph.D., Chief Technical Officer & Co-founder, Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing Jake Krans, Ph.D., Process Engineering Manager, Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing |
October 25, 2022 |
"Oligonucleotide drug discovery and development - from Academia to Industry" Arijit Bhowmick, Ph.D., Nucleic Acid Therapeutics group, RGM, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals |
September 27, 2022 |
"Internship Opportunities and Networking during Graduate School" Christopher Smith, Ph.D. Candidate (Yigit Lab) and RNA Fellow of The RNA Institute, UAlbany |
April 18, 2022 |
"Teaching and Research at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution" Zuleikha Kurji, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Saint Mary's College of California Kathryn Sarachan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Wilson College, Pennsylvania |
November 30, 2021 |
"The Patent Process: An Overview of Patent Application and the Role of a Patent Practitioner" Michael Krenicky, Patent Attorney, The Research Foundation of SUNY |
October 26, 2021 |
"Biotech Startups: the Uncut Gems Edition" Mounir Koussa, Ph.D., Co-founder and Vice President of R&D at Vital Biosciences Inc. |
September 28, 2021 |
"Emerging Landscape of Therapeutics Development and Opportunities" Umut Eser, Ph.D., Chief Innovation Officer at Doctor Evidence, LLC. |
Stranded in Science
This seminar series was created and hosted by Dr. Arun Richard Chandrasekaran, Senior Research Scientist at the RNA Institute. This creative series explores the connections between Science, Communication and Art.
Fall 2021 |
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Spring 2022 |
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Fall 2022 |
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Summer 2022 |
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RNA Collaborative Seminar Series
The RNA Collaborative seminar series goal is to cross promote RNA research and strengthen and connect the RNA scientific community. RNA Collaborative seminars are held virtually every other Wednesday, from 4:00-5:00 pm EDT (8:00 -9:00 pm GMT) and are recorded and made freely available for viewing on the RNA Collaborative YouTube Channel.
View past and upcoming seminars
These seminars are organized by RNA Centers of the following institutions:

RNA Summer Symposium
In the RNA summer symposium, the trainees from the RNA institute summer research fellowships, bioinformatics program and the NSF REU program presents their research work from over the summer.
2023 RNA Summer Celebration
In 2023, the summer symposium integrated with the RNA Day (AUG 1) celebration with a full day events. Beginning with two keynote seminar by Drs. Marlene Belfort and Sally Temple followed by poster session of the summer program trainees and Science themed bake-off.
See Dr. Belfort's talk on "Science-Life Retrospective for RNA Society's Lifetime Achievement Award" here.
Trainee Travel Award
The RNA Institute Trainee Travel Award 2024
Objective: The Trainee Travel Award provides funds to assist PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows working in RNA Institute Affiliated labs within the UAlbany system traveling to conferences and/or seminars to present a poster or give an oral presentation at the conference. The poster or presentation must address research on RNA, or use RNA as a tool (siRNA, shRNA, miRNA, RNAi). The award is not intended to support attending courses at other schools, research or general educational travel.
Eligibility: Graduate students and post-docs are eligible to receive a maximum of $600 (with a cap of $1,200 per lab) Travel Grant. This amount can be used towards one conference during each Calendar year. Applicants must have received commitments from other University sources (such as the faculty mentor, home department or school) to partially cover the costs of the conference or seminar. The grant will be awarded based on the pending availability of funds.
Faculty Mentor Approval & Commitment: A letter of support from the faculty mentor to provide the remainder of the meeting costs must be submitted with the application.
Covered Costs: Trainee travel award will only cover the following items: conference registration fees, transportation to/from meeting, lodging, food, and ground transportation while attending the conference. Trainees are expected to find the most reasonable and economical lodging and transportation. For instance, trainees are encouraged to share a room, and it is expected that trainees partake of meals provided as part of the conference rather than incurring additional expenses. Examples of non-covered expenses include: proposal submission and optional pre-conference fees, poster printing, mailing expenses, and internet access while traveling. Do not include non-covered expenses in the application budget.
Air and rail fares and conference registration fees may be charged to an RNA Institute account prior to travel by contacting Paul Gumpper or 518-437-4449 to make arrangements; however, cash advances will not be provided. Expenses for hotel, food, taxis, etc., are to be paid with the trainee’s personal funds and will be reimbursed upon filing of a properly completed Travel Reimbursement form with original receipts. Following are links to the State Accounting General Travel Procedures: State Accounting General Travel Procedures and Travel Reimbursement Procedures.
Application Instructions:
- The application must be submitted as a single PDF to Please indicate Travel Award Application in the subject line.
- Each application should include the following components:
- Applicant information: name, academic title, expected degree (MS/PhD) and anticipated year of graduation (for graduate students), department, campus address, campus phone number, name of faculty mentor,
- Conference Information: conference name, location, date(s), sponsoring organization name, brief itemized budget
- Category of participation (oral presentation or poster), title, abstract (350 words maximum), and a signed letter of support from the faculty mentor to provide the remainder of the meeting costs.
Deadline: In order to best accommodate various conference schedules, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please apply at least 1 month prior to the conference.
Award Notification: Each trainee will receive an email notification both when the online application is received and when The RNA Institute gives the final approval. The entire process should take between 3-10 business days.
Questions: Please contact or call 518-437-4449 with any questions. Please include your name, department, contact information, and faculty mentor in all messages.
Faculty and Staff Awards
RNA Institute Faculty and Staff Awards
Do you know an RNA Institute faculty or staff member that is doing an exception job in any of the following areas?
- Excellence in mentoring
- Excellence in service
- Excellence in research
Please feel free to nominate them for our annual RNA Institute Faculty and Staff Awards by emailing their name and a brief description of why they are an excellent candidate in one of these three areas to Awards are decided by the Institute senior leadership and presented to awardees during our annual RNA Symposium in the Spring.
Travel Award winners
2022 Travel Award Winners
- Chris Smith, ACS Fall 2022: Sustainability in a Changing World
- Sangeetha Selvam, 2022 RNA Society Meeting
- Jibin Abraham Punnoose, 2022 RNA Society Meeting
- Dana Woodstock, Evolution and Core Processes in Gene Expression Meeting
- Gabriele Baniulyte, Evolution and Core Processes in Gene Expression Meeting
- Jacob Schroader, Gordon Research Conference and Seminar: 2022 Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation
- Johnsi Mathivanan, ACS Fall 2022- Sustainability in a changing world
- Kristen Kaytes, American Society for Virology (ASV) 2022
- Lamyaa Almehmadi, The 27th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy
- Pheonah Badu, RNA Society Meeting 2022
- Shu Jun Lin, American Society of Virology 2022
- Ya Ying Zheng, 2022 ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM)
- Avinash Londhe, Society for Redox Biology and Medicine
- Zhihua Chang, 2022 North East Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society
2023 Travel Award Winners
- Rachel Lange, Vector Biology: Emerging Concepts and Novel Technologies
- Kayla Simanek, Association of Public Health Laboratories 2023
- Chetna Mathur, RNA Therapeutics: From Concept to Clinic
- Humphrey Omeoga, RNA Therapeutics: From Concept to Clinic
- Ya Ying Zheng, GRC: 2023 Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides
- Caleb Mallery, 2023 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Meeting
- Meghan Schumacher, 2023 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Meeting
2024 Travel Award Winners
- Jibin Punnoose, 68th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
- Gabriela Montoya Giraldo, Workshop on Molecular Evolution
- Madhanagopal Barathraj, Foundations of Nanoscience 2024
- Hannah Talbot, Foundations of Nanoscience 2024
- Jacob Schroader, RNA Society 2024
- Dana Woodstock, 19th International p53 Workshop
- Shawn Gianola, 43rd Annual Meeting for The American Society for Virology
- Andrew Munoz, 43rd Annual Meeting for The American Society for Virology
- Chetna Mathur, GRC: Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation
- Abigail McCann, European Molecular Biology Laboratory: Transcription and Chromatin
- Kathyrn Piper, ASM: Next-Gen Sequencing and Bioinformatic Pipelines
- Reagan Conrad, NY RNA Symposium in the Finger Lakes
- Nimmy John, NY RNA Symposium in the Finger Lakes
- Sydney Hanson, 2024 ABRCMS
2025 Travel Awards Winners
- Iranna Todkari, GRC: RNA Nanotechnology
Undergraduate Award Winners
2022 RNA Institute Undergraduate Award Winners