Chao Wang
Instructional Support Specialist, Director of Biological Imaging Facilities
Department of Biological Sciences
PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University at College Station
MS, Applied Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Areas of Interest
- Nonlinear optical microscopy & Confocal laser scanning microscopy & Digital fluorescence microscopy
- Near-infrared femtosecond pulsed laser & Supercontinuum-generation fiber laser
- Multimodel biomedical imaging & Nanoparticles
- Optogenetics & Neurophotonics
- Nonlinear optical fibers/waveguides
- Conducting customized bio-image analysis on interplay between neuron and glial cells with multispectral confocal/two-photon fluorescence microscopy and by computational estimate of neuron and glial cell population respectively (Virginia Tech);
- Designing the multimodel biomedical imaging prototype that combined x-ray CT, near-infrared lasers, and controlled luminescence of x-ray pre-excited nanoparticles to facilitate time-course studies of engineered tissues or pathological studies with small animal models; Designing & implementing the customized reflection-mode of near-infrared FRET imaging platform with laser bleed-through suppressed for fast & large-volume screening of engineered tissues with high SNR. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute);
- Establishing a multifunctional biophotonics laboratory for research in optogenetics with customized epi-fluorescence microscope & infrared femtosecond pulsed laser & patch-clamp recording facility; conducting pilot studies on programmable regulation of intracellular calcium transients of non-excitable cells by visible incoherent light (or supercontinuum-generation fiber laser) time-patterned stimulation of genetically-encoded photoreceptors & digital fluorescence microscopy & electrophysiological measurement (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign);
- Designing & implementing the prototype of next generation of nonlinear optical microscopy for ultrasensitive single- & multispectral biophotonics imaging with broadband near-infrared femtosecond laser pulse excitation & dispersion management by chirped mirrors and interferometric autocorrelation measurements; applying this prototype to in-vitro studies on biomechanical behavior of engineered tissues subject to biaxial bioreactor; elucidating the mechanism of thus enhanced multiphoton excited fluorescence & second-harmonic generation by customized nonlinear optical spectroscopy & numerical simulation. (Texas A&M University).
- Investigating binary optical switching effects via fundamental-mode laser beam (or nanosecond laser pulse) propagation in single-mode optical waveguides (or optical fibers) with hybrid Kerr nonlinearities (Shanghai Jiao Tong University).
G. Wang, W. Cong, Chao Wang, and F. Liu, “Stored luminescence computed tomography”,
Granted May 14, 2019; United States patent US10285659B2. -
Chao Wang and G. Yu, “A circular Hough-Transform based segmentation algorithm for computational estimate of nucleus populations from two-channel fluorescence images of brain tissues,” Bio-Image Informatics (BII) Conference 2015 (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, NIH), 2015, Maryland, USA. (proceedings)
- W. Cong, Chao Wang, G. Wang, “Stored Luminescence Computed Tomography,” Applied Optics, 53 (2014) 5672-5676.
- M. Getzin, L. Gjesteby, Y-J Chuang, S. McCallum, W. Cong, Chao Wang, Z. Pan, G. Dai, G. Wang, “A Pilot Study on Coupling CT and MRI through Use of Semiconductor Nanoparticles,” arXiv preprint (2014) arXiv: 1412.7554
- Q. Pian, Chao Wang, X. Chen, J. Liang, L. Zhao, G. Wang, and X. Intes, “Multimodal biomedical optical imaging review: Towards comprehensive investigation of biological tissues,” Current Molecular Imaging, 3 (2014) 72-87.
- W. Cong, F. Liu, Chao Wang, and G. Wang, “X-ray micro-modulated luminescence tomography (XMLT)”, Optics Express, 22 (2014) 5572-5580.
- Y. Tian, S. S. Wang, R. Clarke, Z. Zhang, O. C. Rodrigues, S. Ye, E. Petricoin III, I-M Shih, D. Chan, L. Hilakivi-Clarke, M. Avantaggiati, G. Yu, Chao Wang, B. Zhang, Y. Wang, and C. Albanese, “Integration of network biology and imaging to study cancer phenotype and responses,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 11 (2014) 1009-1019.
- Chao Wang, Y. Zhuo, J. Seong, Y. Wang, and S. A. Boppart, “Temporally precise control of intracellular calcium activity in non-excitable cells by optogenetic techniques,” SPIE Photonics West 2013 (BIOS), 2013, California, USA. (Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8586)
- Chao Wang and A. T. Yeh, “Two-photon excited fluorescence enhancement with broadband versus tunable femtosecond laser pulse excitation,” SPIE J. Biomedical Optics, 17 (2012) 025003-1 ~ 025003-8.
- A. V. Sokolov, L. M. Naveira, M. P. Poudel, J. Strohaber, C. S. Trendafilova, W. C. Buck, J. Wang, B. D. Strycker, Chao Wang, H. Shuessler, A. Kolomenski, and G. W. Kattawar, “Propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in water: linear absorption and onset of nonlinear spectral transformation,” Applied Optics, 49 (2010) 513-519.
- S. Pang, A. T. Yeh, Chao Wang, and K. E. Meissner, “Beyond 1/Tp limit: two-photon excited fluorescence using pulses as short as sub-10-fs,” SPIE J. Biomedical Optics, 14 (2009) 054041-1 ~ 054041-7.
- A. T. Yeh, A. M. Larson, Chao Wang, and K. E. Meissner, “Ultrashort pulse excitation for nonlinear optical microscopy,” Frontiers in Optics, Nonlinear Microscopy in Biology II (FTuU) (Laser Science XXIII/Organic Materials and Devices for Displays and Energy Conversion, The Optical Society of America technical digest), 2007, California, USA.
- Chao Wang and L. N. Binh, “Unbounded solitonic channels in media with competing third- and firth-order nonlinearities”, 4th Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (2002), Sydney, Australia (Proceedings of National Committee for Radio Science & Australian Academy of Science)
- Chao Wang, “Dynamics of divergent dark and bright solitonic channels evolved from a dark soliton-like beam in a medium with competing third- and fifth-order nonlinearities”, J. of the Optical Society of America/B Optical Physics,18 (2001) 1351-1355.
- Chao Wang, “A numerical study on evolution of a dark soliton-like beam in a self-defocusing medium with measurable fifth-order focusing nonlinearity”, Optics Communications (Elsevier Science), 187 (2001) 415-418.
- Chao Wang, “Dynamical behavior of unbounded spatial solitons in self-defocusing media with small self-focusing nonlinearity,” Optics Communications (Elsevier Science), 175 (2000) 239-246.
- Chao Wang, Y. Chen, X. Chen, and Q. Li, “Stability properties of unbounded bright spatial solitons,” ACTA OPTICA SINICA (The Chinese Optical Society), 19 (1999) 513-518.
- Chao Wang and Y. Chen, “Propagation of the unbounded bright solitonic channel in the 𝜒(3)+𝜒(5) medium,” ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA (The Chinese Optical Society), 27 (1998) 508-512.