Lectures, Colloquium, Colloquy
ASRC has held lectures and other events since its founding to educate the public about atmospheric science and connect with the community.
Photo taken by Carl Heilman
ASRC is proud of the 50+ years of research and field work taking place at the Whiteface Mountain Field Station in Wilmington, NY!
The Raymond Falconer Natural History Lectures
The Falconer Lecture Series topics range from renewable energy, climate change and extreme weather, to ecological restoration, electric bicycles and more. Watch previous lectures on YouTube.
ASRC hosts two lecture series annually, in spring and summer.
Spring lectures are held Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the ETEC building, located at 1220 Washington Avenue, Room 149A/151A, Albany, NY 12226.
Summer lectures are held Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. at ASRC’s Whiteface Mountain Field Station located at 110 Marble Lane, Wilmington, New York 12997. Visit their Falconer Lecture page for more details.
Spring Falconer Lectures
Free to the public, Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the ETEC building, located at 1220 Washington Avenue, Room 149A/151A, Albany, NY 12226 (free parking).
Can't make it in person? Join us via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 948 4220 9756
Passcode: 441786
View the schedule for the Spring 2024 Ray Falconer Natural History Lecture Series.
Past Raymond Falconer Natural History Lectures
How Weather Science Shapes Renewable Energy Development, Policy & Grid Integration
April 5, 2022 - 7 p.m.
Bruce Bailey, PhD, Business Executive & Atmospheric Sciences Research Center Faculty Emeritus, University at Albany
Weather science plays a remarkably large role in the renewable energy sector. It guides government policies and influences much of the project development process, including financing. It also enables the reliable integration of large quantities of renewables generation into the country’s electricity markets. An array of stakeholders—energy companies, manufacturers, banks, utilities—depend on weather information to make crucial decisions. This talk will illustrate essential linkages between weather science and components of the renewable energy industry and will discuss how uncertainty analysis plays a key role.
WINTRE-MIX: The Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-scale Experiment
April 12, 2022 - 7 p.m.
Justin Minder, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany
The National Science Foundation-funded Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX) took place from February– March 2022 in northern NY and southern Quebec. This region experiences plentiful near-freezing precipitation with interesting terrain influences and large societal impacts. The goal of WINTRE-MIX is to better understand processes that influence the variability and predictability of precipitation type (i.e., rain vs. sleet vs. freezing rain vs. snow) in storms with near-freezing surface conditions. WINTRE-MIX research leverages advanced NYS Mesonet sites, mobile radars, and instrumented aircraft. This talk will cover the motivation, strategy, and initial results of WINTRE-MIX.
The Science of Communicating about Weather Hazards
April 19, 2022 - 7 p.m.
Jeannette Sutton, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity, University at Albany
Communicating weather hazards, the threats to life and property and what people can do to protect themselves, is a transdisciplinary science that harnesses strategies from several research disciplines, including sociology, behavioral change, and communication. Because humans are complex, environmental hazards are ever-present, and technologies are changing, we must constantly learn better ways to communicate and improve on current strategies. This talk provides an overview of research to improve the communication of alerts and warnings that is ongoing at the Emergency and Risk Communication Message Testing Laboratory at the University at Albany.
Monitoring and Characterization of Land Disturbance: Algorithms and Preliminary Results
April 26, 2022 - 7 p.m. (Zoom Only)
Zhe Zhu, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Connecticut
Land disturbances such as temperature, wind, drought, landslide, fire, and human activities play a key role in terrestrial ecosystem health. Human activities, including deforestation, reforestation/afforestation, agricultural expansion/intensification, and urbanization, currently account for 60% of all disturbances. The remaining 40%, or natural disturbances, threaten human life and property, and can carry large socio-economic costs. Fast detection and characterization of land disturbance is extremely important to mitigating its negative impacts and informing adaptive management measures. This talk will overview applications of the satellite-based COLD algorithm for continuous monitoring of land disturbance and the ODACA algorithm for attributing the disturbance to its source.
Cities in a Warming Climate
May 3, 2022 - 7 p.m.
Jorge Gonzalez-Cruz, PhD, Professor of Empire Innovation, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, University at Albany
Cities represent a next frontier scientific challenge in understanding and adapting to a warmer global environment as direct recipients of human impacts due to climate change. Urban environments interact with and often compound the effects of mean global-warming, particularly during extreme weather events. This Falconer Lecture conversation will highlight interactions between the local urban environment and global environment as they both undergo change. The future state of urban air quality, hydrology, human health, and energy demands, together with possible mitigation measures, will be discussed for several different cities.
Decommission and Removal of the Hogansburg Dam: Reconnecting Watersheds, Repatriating Tribal Lands
May 10, 2022 - 7 p.m.
Tony David, Director, Environment Division, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
In 2016, after years of comprehensive environmental and legal efforts, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe removed the Hogansburg Hydroelectric Dam, thereby restoring approximately 555 miles of accessible river and stream habitat. This event marks the first successful decommission and removal of a hydroelectric dam in the State of New York, and the first of its kind by a Tribal Nation in the United States. This talk will provide an overview of the decommissioning and removal process, including federal policy and regulatory hurdles, costs, and lessons-learned. Sovereign Indian Tribes can play an important role as partners in achieving mutual resource management and restoration goals.
The ASRC/DAES Joint Colloquium Series
The colloquium series hosts visiting scientists and allows them to share their research or work with the department. The events are typically held on Mondays at 11:30 a.m.
Spring 2023 DAES/ASRC Joint Colloquium Schedule
For more information about each speaker, click in the link associated with the speaker's name.
January 30
Wake Smith, Lecturer, Yale University
Local Host: Fangqun Yu, Virtual
February 6
Russ Schumacher, Professor, Colorado State University
Local Host: Jeremiah Piersante, In person
February 13
Tammy Weckwerth, Senior Scientist, NCAR
Local Host: June Wang, In person
February 27
Juliane Mai, Research Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Local Host: Craig Ferguson, Virtual
March 6
Ogochukwu Enekwizu, Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Local Host: Jie Zhang, In person
March 27
Bob Bornstein, Professor, San José State University
Local Host: Jorge, González-Cruz, Virtual
April 3
Burkely Gallo, Research Scientist, CIWRO/SPC
Local Host: Kristen Carbosiero, In person
April 10
Alex Gonzalez, Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Local Host: Brian Tang, In person
April 17
Richard Rotunno
Senior Scientist, NCAR
Local Host: Lance Bosart, In person
April 24
Jose Fuentes, Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Local Host: David Fitzjarrald, In person
Fall 2023/Spring 2024 series
Contact Information
- Bruno Ribeiro ([email protected]) and Jie Zhang ([email protected])
All Events
- The ASRC/DAES Joint Colloquium Series
- NYS Mesonet Forum
- Ray Falconer Natural History Lecture Series
- Friday Colloquium Series
- NYS Mesonet Annual Symposium