Resources & Support Services

Urgent Mental Health Concerns

In a life-threatening emergency, call the University Police Department (UPD) by dialing 911 on a campus phone or 518-442-3131 on a cell phone any time for immediate assistance. 

Students can call Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at 518-442-5800 any time to speak with a mental health professional. 

Anyone can call the Capital District Psychiatric Center Crisis Unit and Mobile Crisis Team at 518-549-6500 any time to speak with a mental health professional. 


Sexual Violence Advocacy

On-campus confidential resources are also available to students and employees.

Advocacy Services for Students, Employees & Members of the Public

The Albany County Crime Victims and Sexual Violence Center (CVSVC) supports victims/survivors of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking and interpersonal violence. 

Note: This is a confidential resource, which means they will not contact University officials or law enforcement without your explicit permission (except for in extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency).

Advocates are available to listen, answer your questions, help you decide how to proceed and/or accompany you to the hospital. Call 518-447-7716 to reach the CVSVC 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline.

Additional resources and services are available from the New York State Office of Victim Services.

Advocacy Services for Students

The Office of Health Promotion offers advocacy services to students who have experienced trauma. They can help you: 

  • Process experiences of violence and harm in a supportive but non-clinical manner 

  • Weigh options and outcomes of possible action steps 

  • Create a safety plan and arrange accommodations  

  • Meet with campus administrators and communicate with professors 

  • Navigate other available resources 

Note: This is a confidential resource, which means they will not contact University officials or law enforcement without your explicit permission (except for in extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency).

Visit the Sexual Violence Support & Advocacy page for other support services.

Advocacy Services for Employees

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides UAlbany faculty, staff, Research Foundation employees, GSEU members, retirees, spouses and immediate family members with free, confidential assistance from a qualified professional who can listen, be supportive and recommend someone who can help.

The EAP Coordinator is available to assist employees who have experienced sexual misconduct and can be reached at 518-442-5483 or [email protected].

Note: This is a non-confidential resource, which means the staff will contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator or law enforcement as necessary, in accordance with UAlbany policy and applicable law.

Resources for Accused Individuals

Individuals accused of policy violations are entitled to due process, including a fair, impartial investigation and adjudication, as well as a presumption that they are “not responsible” until a finding of responsibility is made.

You can bring an Advisor of Choice to accompany you through the Title IX process. The University will appoint an Advisor upon request.

Additionally, the University's Sexual Violence Response Policy includes the Student Bill of Rights, which outlines the rights afforded to all students reporting sexual violence and all students accused of sexual violence.

On-campus Resources 

Confidential resources are available for both students and employees. A confidential resource will not share your information without your explicit permission (except for in extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency).  

Non-confidential resources for individuals accused of sexual misconduct include: 

Supporting Victims/Survivors

If you have recently learned about another person’s experience with sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, there are ways to help:

  • Listen. Don’t judge. Offer comfort.
  • Let the victim/survivor determine the parameters of their disclosure. Do not probe for details.
  • Remember that experiences of this nature take from a person their sense of individual power and control. As such, be mindful to allow them to be in control in the aftermath of their victimization.
  • Avoid unsolicited physical contact.
  • Encourage, but do not insist, that the victim/survivor seek out support services and medical attention. Offer to assist them in connecting with these resources.
  • Know and be clear and upfront about your ability to maintain confidentiality or your obligation to report.
  • Reinforce the message that the victim/survivor is not at fault.

University employees should review the Mandatory Reporting page to understand their responsibilities.


Additional Resources

Confidential Resources for Students & Employees

Other On-campus Resources for Students 

Student Association’s Student Legal Services

Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program

Collegiate Recovery Program

Academic Advising

Other On-campus Resources for Employees 

Union representation

Human Resources, Office of Employee Relations

External Resources 

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) 

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York 

Therapy for Black Girls

The Legal Project

New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

Equinox Domestic Violence Services & Hotline

In Our Own Voices

24/7 Helplines: