About Award Setup

Upon receipt of a sponsor’s formal notification of award or fully executed agreement, the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) will begin the process of award setup. An account will be established in our Oracle system outlining pertinent award information including: 

  • Award, Project and Task Numbers 
  • Sponsor Name 
  • Project Title 
  • PI and Co-PIs 
  • Financial Credit Distribution 
  • Period of Performance 
  • Award Amount and Budget Detail 
  • Sponsor’s Terms and Conditions 
  • Programmatic Reporting Requirements 
  • Cost Sharing/Matching Information (if applicable) 

Once established, you’ll receive an email from [email protected] confirming the account has been established. That email will include a copy of the Award Abstract, which outlines the award/account information. 

Awards cannot be set up for projects that involve human participantscare and use of animalsbiohazardous materials and/or radioactive materials until all applicable compliance approvals are in place. 



Access Your Award

Account numbers are created using project-task-award numbers (xxxxxxx-x-xxxxx).

Once an account is established, the PI will receive an email notification from [email protected] with account information. 

The RF Report Center provides access to the following information on your Research Foundation accounts, including: 

  • Account balances 
  • Expenditure and encumbrance details 
  • Expenditure details for a specified period 
  • Purchase order information  
  • Salary and wage detail 
  • Award cash position 
  • Vendor payments 
  • Reports due 

To request access to the RF Report Center, please send a completed PI Dashboard Access Request Form to [email protected].  

You will receive an email when your access has been established that includes login instructions. The Research Foundation also offers online user help



Request an At-Risk Award 

An at-risk award is an account established to allow expenditures before the receipt of a sponsor’s formal notification of award or fully executed agreement. At-risk awards must be requested and approved before an at-risk account is created. 

You are eligible to request an at-risk award if all the following requirements are met: 

  • You have evidence of assurance from a sponsor that an award will be approved or a final agreement will be executed. 
  • The at-risk award dates fall within the sponsor’s anticipated award period. 
  • Expenditures will be in accordance with expected budget categories. 
  • Backstopping funds are available, committed and obligated by the campus (Note: This requirement must be confirmed by the Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration.)

Generally at-risk requests are approved for no more than 90 days. Any extension requires a new request form and an update from the sponsor regarding the status of the agreement.  

Additionally, all regulatory requirements must be satisfied before activity related to regulated areas of a project can begin. 

To request an at-risk account while awaiting the award document after formal notification by sponsor, send a completed Advanced Account At-risk Request Form to [email protected].



Find Deadlines for Technical Reports 

Due dates for technical reports vary depending on the sponsor’s reporting requirements. Those deadlines will be entered on your award when your account is established. 

Use your Award Abstract and the RF Report Center to find your deadlines. 

You’ll also receive automated email reminders at the beginning of each month for any past due reports and for any reports coming due in the next 90 days. 



Manage Web Content 

Some grants require published web content on albany.edu related to the research project. If this is a requirement of your grant, you’ll work with Web Services, a unit of the Office of Marketing and Communications, to develop that web content. 

Be prepared to answer these questions: 

  • What is the deadline for publishing this web content?  
  • What specific information does your grant require to be published online? 
  • Does the grant require any specific formatting, language, placement, etc.? 
  • How long does the web content need to be accessible online after the completion of your research project and/or after the award is completed? 
  • Do you have the raw information ready to share with Web Services? If not, how long will you need to collect and/or create that information? 
  • Where could this web content be housed? Is there an existing department, center, lab or other website where this web content could be added? 

To request new web content, please submit a Web Services ticket and answer the questions above while explaining your request. Please make requests with as much lead time as possible. 
