Nursing: Completion Part-Time BS, Four-Year Plan

School of Public Health, School of Public Health

Only available to transfer students with an earned Nursing AAS or AS degree.

Read about the BS in Nursing program.

Year One

Year One: Fall
  • HNSG 311 (4)
  • HSPH 201 (3)
Year One: Spring
  • HNSG 312 (3)
  • Humanities
Year One: Summer
  • The Arts

Year Two

Year Two: Fall
  • AMAT 108 (3) Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
  • Upper Level Public Health Elective (3)
Year Two: Spring
  • HNSG 314 (3)
  • HSPH 231 (3) prereq=AMAT 108
Year Two: Summer
  • Diversity Gen Ed DEISJ

Year Three

Year Three: Fall
  • HNSG 411 (4) prereqs=AMAT 108, HSPH 231, HNSG 311, 312, 314
  • HSPH 342 (3)
Year Three: Spring
  • HNSG 412 (3)
  • Free Elective
Year Three: Summer
  • U.S. History and Civic Engagement

Year Four

Year Four: Fall
  • Languages Other Than English
  • World History and International Perspectives - Upper Level
Year Four: Spring
  • HNSG 414 (4) prerequisites: HNSG 311, 314, 411
  • HNSG 415 (3) prerequisites: HNSG 311, 314, 411


General Education Requirements, for students matriculating Fall 2023 and after

  • MS Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
  • WCI Writing and Critical Inquiry
  • AR Arts 
  • HU Humanities
  • NS Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning
  • SS Social Sciences
  • US U.S. History and Civic Engagement
  • IP World History and International Perspectives 
  • FL Foreign Language (one semester of collegiate study, or the equivalent, of a foreign language)
  • DEISJ Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice

Credit bearing Professional Development Options

  • RSSW 290, 291 and 390 – Community Service
  • Research within major
  • University internship
  • Departmental Internship
  • Community Engaged Coursework
  • Study Abroad
  • Tutoring opportunities

This is a suggested course sequence.