EAP Lending Library
Stop by the EAP office to check out what's available in the library or make an appointment to browse during your lunch or break time. EAP library materials can be sent through campus mail. We request that employees return materials within one to two month's time.
The EAP library has books on the following topics:
- Addiction
- Creativity
- Disease
- Elder Care Issues
- Financial
- Fitness
- Grief & Loss
- Healing Arts
- Health
- Inspirational
- Lifestyles
- Management Topics
- Mental Health
- Nutrition
- Parenting
- Pregnancy
- Relationships
- Retirement
- Self Improvement
- Stress Management
The EAP library has CDs and DVDs on the following topics:
- Exercise
- Health and Well-Being
- Management and Work-Related Topics
- Personal Growth Topics
- Stress Reduction
An Office Wellness Idea: Create your own "brown bag event" with your colleagues. In addition to taking out a DVD for use at home, directors, managers, supervisors and staff members are welcome to sign out materials from the media library to view together during lunchtime.
View a list of CD's and DVD's currently available.
If there is topic that you are interested in that is not listed, please contact the EAP Coordinator to offer your suggestion.