Building Skills

Building Skills

When evaluating candidates employers look for strong communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills acquired in a variety of settings. It is important to develop these skills and learn how to articulate them.


Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are important in any situation and are applied in writing emails, giving presentations, making phone calls, participating in meetings, and more. If you lack fluency in English, take practical steps to improving your communication skills with the many campus resources.


Leadership Skills

Leadership encompasses multiple aspects which include making decisions with consensus, delegating tasks, influencing others, creating innovative solutions, and taking informed risks. Students who develop leadership skills are able to make a positive impact within their student organizations, classes, and community. Students can look into taking on an active role in student organizations, develop leadership and communication skills through MyInvolvement, or become a resident assistant, peer educator, and other mentor-type positions offered by various offices on campus.


Intercultural/Interpersonal Skills

Individuals with strong interpersonal skills contribute to a work environment of mutual trust and respect by building and maintaining positive working relationships with their colleagues. Interpersonal skills include offering assistance to colleagues, listening to others attentively, speaking tactfully, and resolving conflicts. Here are some practical ways to build your interpersonal skills: get actively involved in group projects, student organizations, and team building activities, develop friendships with students of different backgrounds and learn about other cultures.

Culture Crossing Guide: Learn about cross-cultural etiquette specific to each country


Academic Preparation

Choose a major or specialization that will provide you the skills needed for your intended career. Learn more about what you can do with your major. You may also visit the Department of Labor occupations handbook for more details.