Job and Internship Search

Job and Internship Search

The process of searching for jobs or internships in the U.S. may differ considerably from what you are used to in your home country. Learn more about search strategies and tools below, from resumes and networking to interviewing (some of the resources below are complements of other university career centers). 


Resume and Cover Letters

The US style for job application documents is different from the styles of many other countries. For instance, resumes do not contain photos, age or marital status. Resumes tend to be shorter than a typical C.V. (Curriculum Vitae) while cover letters are focused on the specifics of how you qualify for a specific position. Review the resources below:


Tips for On-Campus Employment

F-1 and J-1 students are eligible for on-campus employment. Please see the ISSS website to make sure that you meet the authorization conditions for on-campus employment prior to applying for a position. If you are unsure of your work eligibility, please check with the ISSS office. Visit the UAlbany Office of Career and Professional Development Job/Internship webpage and click on On-Campus Employment in the right hand menu. You may also find jobs listed in MyUAlbany under “Campus Life” (see the lower left corner of this page).

You may also visit on-campus employers directly and ask about the application process. Consider the following about on-campus jobs:

  • International students are eligible for most student assistant hourly positions but not federally funded work study positions
  • Sample on-campus employers include the UAlbany Libraries, Sodexo dining services, Residential Life, and Recreation & Wellness. Some job possibilities include campus tutor, resident assistant, athletic department parking attendant, orientation assistant or admissions tour guide
  • Timeline for applying: Apply well in advance and follow up periodically with the prospective employer to check on position availability and to further express your interest.


Tips for Off-Campus Employment

F-1 and J-1 international students are eligible for off-campus employment only with written authorization through ISSS. Paid and unpaid internships opportunities are an option for F-1 visa students after completing one academic year; these internships require Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization.

Another option for off-campus employment may be Optional Practical Training (OPT), depending on the circumstances. Please visit ISSS’ employment webpages for more details. Off-campus internships and employment are opportunities to develop job-related skills and experiences that will help you be more competitive for full-time positions after graduation. More information about internship opportunities can be found through the Office of Career and Professional Development Internship webpages.

  • Learn about job industries and open positions. Many employers will post and recruit for internship opportunities several semesters in advance, depending on the industry. Start learning about your specific industry early. Tools for learning about internship/job opportunities, information about industries/companies, and portals for job application:
  • Job search strategies
  • For your (prospective) employer – Hiring International Students: Employers Guide 
    Below are some tips taken from the UC San Diego Career Services Center
    • Protect Yourself! The great majority of employers are honest, but for those employers who are not, be aware of these security tips:
    • Never pay a recruiter or an employer for a job
    • Never supply bank account, social security number or credit card information
    • Never meet a potential employer at their home, meet at a public coffee shop or at a lunch restaurant
    • If the job sounds too good to be true, it probably is (examples, “no experience necessary” “ earn money fast”)
    • When you are in doubt, ask a career counselor or Google the company name with the word “scam.”
    • If you suspect a fraudulent job posting or employer, please email ISSS fore help
    • For additional resources, you can access the Federal Trade Commission  website to learn more about fraudulent job postings or how to file a complaint with your local consumer protection agency.
    • View the FBI’s Public Service Announcement on Employment Scams.


Tips for Employment After Program Completion

Allow adequate time for your job search. You should begin the process of securing a full-time job in your very first semester and continue to take steps into the final semester prior. In addition to applying to jobs online, there are several resources you can take advantage of to help you throughout your job search:


Interview Strategies

Consider the following tips when preparing for an interview:

  • During the interview, you will be expected to verbally communicate your interest in the position, your qualifications, explain related examples of your work and show your personality.
  • Don't apologize for your accent. Make strides to improve your English skills if you are a non-native speaker but practice your interviewing skills to build your confidence.
  • Emphasize positive aspects of your international background. Certain employers are seeking to expand to global markets. Your cultural background may be an asset to these employers.
  • Practice, record and get feedback on your interview in advance

For suggestions and resources on interviewing, visit the following sites:


Accepting a Job Offer

  • Evaluating an Offer – carefully consider your job offer and inquire about the timeline for making a decision. Set a time to meet with the Office of Career and Professional Development to review your offer. Address any concerns with the employer and any accommodations prior making the decision. Once you accept an offer, decline other job offers as it is a conflict of interest to continue pursuing additional offers once you have accepted an offer.


Other Helpful Resources