Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Please take advantage of the wide range of academic resources available to you as a student.  If you have questions, concerns, or need help, please speak to an ISSS advisor.

  • English Proficiency and Language Help: Before being admitted to the University international students must provide proof of their English language proficiency.  However, it is not uncommon for students to face challenges as they adjust to an English speaking classroom and culture.  These resources provide additional assistance for writing, speaking and reading in English.
  • Undergraduate Tutoring: find information about peer tutoring, online tutoring, and departmental tutoring services offered through Academic Advising.
  • Faculty Office Hours: faculty at the University are required to have weekly office hours.  Usually these are listed on your course syllabus.  This is a great time to meet with faculty to ask questions you have about the course and review course material.
  • CARSS (Center for Achievement, Retention, and Student Success):  This office provides undergraduate and graduate students assistance with a number of STEM courses, including: organic chemistry, biochemistry, medical chemistry, forensic chemistry, and sub-disciplines of these areas. Read schedules and information.
  • University Library Workshops: The University Libraries offers a series of workshops each semester to  help with research, writing, and citation. Students can also meet with librarians to learn more about research and writing aides. Subject librarians can provide research help for your field of study.
  • The Writing Center: The writing center provides one-on-one tutoring, typically as a 60 minute appointment. Tutors will primarily focus on issues regarding organization, structure, and the writing process, rather than grammar and mechanics.
  • Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab): Purdue, a research University in the mid-western United States, has put together a wide range of online resources and tips for student writers. This includes general writing tips, such as grammar and mechanics; tips for international student writers originating from outside North America; and common citation styles (including extensive examples).
  • Grammarly: You can use the basic service of this online tool for free. It functions like a spell checker and will check your writing for grammatical mistakes, word choice, and plagiarism.
  • You can use Advising Service's GPA Calculator to predict your GPA.

Did You Know? Joining a club or organization, especially as a leader, is another way to be academically successfully at the University. By joining a club or organization you will meet your peers and understand both campus and yourself better. Consider joining Cultural Connections with ISSS, explore international related clubs and organizations, search MyInvolvement based on your areas of interest, or join a sports team or group exercise class.


Are you experiencing stress or anxiety about classes?

Mental health and wellness are a vital part of your success personally and as a student. If you or a friend are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health difficulties it is important to ask for help. The University is committed to providing confidential and discrete services to students in need of help.

In the United States, visiting a counselor, therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist is widely accepted if a person is dealing with a mental health issue. The University provides free and confidential counseling services to registered students. For more information, visit Counseling and Psychological Services. An ISSS advisor is also happy to help a student set up an appointment. 

If you do not want to schedule a 1-on-1 appointment with a therapist, CAPS also provides group programming, including Let's Talk. If you would prefer peer assistance, the Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program provides a student-staffed and professionally supervised hotline, wellness coaching program, and ambassador service.

If you are in need or navigating personal or health-related issues, Student CARE Services is also available to help. Additionally, if you are concerned about a friend or peer, you can file a report with Student CARE Services.