University at Albany's 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is now available
A copy of the University at Albany's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is now available. This report, which includes campus crime and fire safety statistics, is prepared in compliance with the "Jean Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act" (formerly called and more commonly known as the "Campus Security Act") and can be accessed at 2022 Annual Security and Fire Report. This report contains recently updated information for calendar year 2021 and includes statistics for the previous two years as well.
This report outlines campus emergency and crime reporting procedures (including confidential and anonymous reporting procedures). Please also take a few minutes to look at the University's programs available through the University Police, Division of Student Affairs, Residential Life, Environmental Health and Safety, and Counseling and Psychological Services to enhance your own personal safety as well as the safety of the entire University community.
The University encourages every member of the campus community to report any emergency, threat to our community, or crime promptly to the University Police at 518-442-3131 or to another "Campus Security Authority." Campus Security Authorities are those University personnel, in addition to UPD, to whom you can report a campus crime or emergency in cases where a community member does not feel comfortable reporting a crime directly to UPD.
Note: All University at Albany employees, unless exempted as a confidential resource, must report any incident of sexual assault – including sexual harassment – to the Title IX Coordinator, located within the Office of Equity and Compliance, at 518-442-3800.
Additional financial assistance and institutional information, prepared in compliance with the federal "Student Right-to-Know Act," including information pertaining to "The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act" (FERPA) which governs access to student educational records, Student Financial Assistance and Athletic Program Participation, can be found at Right – To – Know Student Consumer Information Federal Student Disclosure Requirements.
A paper copy of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report and/or other "Right to Know" information may be obtained by contacting Amelia Barbadoro, the Clery Compliance Officer, at 518-442-3800 or by email at Any questions or concerns related to security matters may be directed to Chief Paul Burlingame of the University Police at
Thank you,
Paul Burlingame
Chief of University Police
Amelia Barbadoro
Director, Equity & Compliance
Clery Compliance Officer