Your Safety Is Our Priority

August 29, 2024

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Dear Great Dane:

In the beginning of each academic year, we share information with students on how to remain safe while on and off campus. The past week reminds us of our collective commitment to a safe campus. Please be mindful of who is around you and we encourage you to report suspicious people or activity to UPD immediately. With your support, we can all help keep our community safe.   

Personal safety tips include:  

  • Help keep our buildings secure: Access to Residence Halls and other locations on campus have access controls in place to keep out unauthorized people. Be aware of people waiting for someone to open a door so they can gain access to places they should not be.  
  • Walk in groups: When possible, walk in groups of three or more. Data shows that being with a group of people is safer than traveling alone.While walking, especially off-campus, do your best to stay in well-lit areas and be mindful of who is around you. If you notice someone following you, move to an area with more people and call for help.  
  • See something, say something: Be sure to carry your cell phone with you and don’t hesitate to call 911 if you see something that doesn’t look or feel right.  

We highly recommend you download the Guardian Safety App through your Apple or Android app store to report suspicious activity to UPD via text. Take advantage of its safety timer feature for peace of mind while walking on or off campus. This app is a valuable tool that connects you to UPD quickly to report suspicious activity or in an emergency.  

Dial 911 in the event of an emergency off campus. If you need our help on campus, contact UPD at(518) 442-3131 or 911 from any campus phone. 

Visit the UPD websiteand be sure to follow us on  Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more tips on how to stay safe!   

Have a safe and successful semester, 

Paul C. Burlingame 
Chief of Police  

1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222