Social Media Use and Accounts
Policy Purpose
Responsible Office
Responsible Executive
Policy History
- Date of Permanent Approval:
Policy Statement
The University at Albany recognizes the value of social media as a vital tool for communication, marketing, and engagement and welcomes reader comments and engagement with social media content. This policy is intended to foster a thoughtful, responsible use of Institutional and Official University Social Media Channels. Therefore, it provides specific stipulations for UAlbany content creators to ensure the University’s brand identity, integrity and reputation are protected as well as to ensure individuals posting commentary maintain professionalism in the workplace for all Employees and Students.
Persons Affected
Employee is any faculty or staff member employed by the University at Albany. This includes permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time, hourly, provisional or any other person who is on the payroll of the University in any capacity.
Institutional Channel(s) is a social media account created by the Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM).
Official Content Contributors are any Employees or Students who University units have picked to serve as managers of Institutional Channels or Official University Social Media Channels.
Official University Social Media Channel(s) are University-affiliated and University-managed institutionally owned social media accounts created outside of OCM, which are approved in accordance with this policy and deemed in compliance with brand and accessibility standards as well as contributing to the mission of the institution.
Student(s) is defined as anyone registered for courses, either full time or part time, online or on Campus, pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional studies either in a degree program or in non-degree status or auditing classes.
University is the University at Albany, State University of New York.
- General Rules for Official University Social Media Channels
- All requests to create a new Official University Social Media Channel need to be reviewed and approved by the Responsible University Official. Contact OCM at to request an Official University Social Media Channel.
- All Official University Social Media Channels must use the approved profile picture/avatar, username, bio and cover photo as outlined in the University’s Brand and Marketing Guidelines & Visual Identity Standards. Contact OCM at to request the items required.
- All Official University Social Media Channels must be managed by at least one full-time Employee who acts as account administrator.
- The social media account password must never be identical to the password used as University log in (NetID) credentials.
- To protect Official University Social Media Channels from unauthorized access, unique passwords must be used. Passwords should be selected in accordance with the University’s Complex Password Rules.
- Dual factor authentication must be utilized when available.
- University Social Media Channel passwords must be accessible by at least two full-time Employees, including the department head as well as OCM, in the event that the Employee who is responsible for the account departs the University.
- The University reserves the right to institute additional measures to enhance account security of University Official Social Media Channels and Institutional Social Media Channels as it deems appropriate, and such measures must be implemented.
- To protect the University’s brand identity, use of UAlbany’s name, logos and/or trademarks must be approved in advance by the Office of Marketing Services. Contact OCM at to request approval. Approval may be granted for use multiple times if specified in the request.
- Any social media account that in the determination of the Responsible University Official appears to be created by a University at Albany administrative or academic unit but has not received the necessary prior approval (see B.1) will have to either become an Official University Social Media Channel or be permanently removed.
General Rules for Official Content Contributors to Institutional Channels and Official University Social Media Channels
- Official Content Contributors are acting on behalf of the University on Institutional and Official University Social Media Channels and therefore must adhere to the following provisions:
- Comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, University and SUNY policy, and social media service terms and conditions.
- Never use the Institutional or Official University Social Media Channel to engage in political activities or express political opinions.
- Never post information that is confidential, proprietary, or a violation of individual privacy by law, rule, or regulation, including, but not limited to, information about the University, its Employees and Students, legal matters, litigation, or any parties to litigation.
- Never use the University’s name or likeness to promote products or causes not affiliated with the University.
- Never write personal communications in a manner that could reasonably be interpreted as an official communication from the University.
- Ensure that all content on Official University Social Media Channels and Institutional Channels is accessible to people with disabilities in compliance with SUNY’s Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy.
- Content on Official University Social Media Channels and Institutional Channels that does not comply with SUNY’s EIT policy will need to be removed or amended.
- The University’s Institutional Channels will not share or engage with social media accounts that do not follow SUNY’s EIT policy.
- Official Content Contributors are acting on behalf of the University on Institutional and Official University Social Media Channels and therefore must adhere to the following provisions:
- General Rules for posting commentary in response to official University content on an Institutional Channel or Official University Social Media Channel
- The University asks that individuals who elect to post commentary do so in a way that is relevant and respectful to our online community.
- The Office of Communications and Marketing regularly reviews commentary posted to Institutional Channels and Official University Social Media Channels for compliance with the stipulations listed in section C.3 of this policy.
- The University reserves the right to remove commentary from its Institutional Channels and Official University Social Media Channels for any of the following reasons at any time:
- Commentary that does not comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and social media service terms and conditions.
- Commentary that discloses information that is considered confidential, proprietary, or a violation of individual privacy by law, rule, or regulation.
- Commentary that violates copyright or trademark laws.
- Commentary that advertises or promotes commercial products, services, entities, or individuals.
- Commentary that is duplicative, identical commentary whether posted by the same user or multiple users.
- By submitting commentary to any of the University's Institutional or Official University Social Media Channels, users understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public and further dissemination is not under the control of the University. The University may use commentary for internal and external promotional purposes.