Apply To Be A 2025 Women & Public Policy Fellow

2025 Fellowship on Women & Public Policy

The 2025 Fellowship on Women & Public Policy is now open for applications! The Fellowship on Women & Public Policy is a program of the Women’s Leadership Academy (WLA) at the Center for Women in Government & Civil Society, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, University at Albany. The focal point of Women’s Leadership Academy is to fortify and fill the pipelines of women’s leadership and to inform public policy of the unique experiences of women. 

Program Overview

The Fellowship is a premiere, intensive leadership development, skill building, and educational program designed to encourage highly qualified graduate students to pursue careers in public policy. Fellows are selected on a competitive basis and participate in the program from early January through the end of June. Academic coursework in public policy, leadership, and advocacy; policy field experiences; workshops; conferences; and community service opportunities provide fellows with the knowledge and skills needed to become policy and social change agents. The Fellowship program prepares the next generation of public policy leaders, by instilling knowledge and nurturing skills that empower them to become effective advocates and change agents.

Fellows are full-time graduate students who must enroll in a 9-credit hours of Fellowship specific coursework. They also must complete field work and professional development activities. Participants receive a $13,500 stipend to cover living expenses and receive tuition assistance for Fellowship specific coursework. 

The Fellowship on Women & Public Policy is open to students from all graduate programs or certificate programs. Fellows must have completed twelve graduate credits at an accredited college or university. Fellows must have a minimum of three years of prior work experience to be eligible for the Fellowship. All applicants should have a demonstrated interest and experience in developing leadership skills.

Application Materials:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Candidate recruitment will end when all seats are filled. Applications and all supporting documents must be submitted to the Center for Women in Government and Civil Society.

The following supporting documents are required of all applicants:

  1. An official transcript from each college or university you have attended.
  2. A current résumé that includes information about your paid work and voluntary activity.
  3. Contact Information of five (5) references (Two academic and three professional).
  4. Two writing samples (these can be professional or academic writing samples, but they should demonstrate your critical thinking and writing skills).

Once your file is complete, we will contact you to schedule an interview with the selection committee.

Submit all application material electronically to [email protected]. For questions pertaining to the Fellowship, please contact us at 518-442-5127 or visit us at

Click here to download an application.