A Message from the Dean

As of July 2023, I am honored to serve as the dean of the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy.
I believe that universities have a dual mission: to teach and to discover in the service of helping societies solve these pressing challenges. Rockefeller College seeks to achieve this mission by providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to be effective participants and leaders in political and policy processes while also producing new research that helps citizens and institutions govern societies more efficiently and effectively. Our goal is to help create freer, fairer, more sustainable, more inclusive, and more bountiful outcomes for everyone.
Faculty are the cornerstone of our efforts to realize this mission. Our award-winning researchers conduct vital studies on important questions in criminal justice, political science, and public policy, helping us both to understand the world of public affairs better and to propose solutions for urgent problems. The faculty’s broad knowledge and expertise attract outstanding students from the undergraduate level through doctoral studies, including certificate training. Their work generates ideas that promote and sustain positive social change.
Students provide the inspiration and the hope for a better future. We aim to give students the expertise and knowledge they need to shape their passion, enthusiasm, and talent into the directed purpose and capacity they will need to change our communities and our world for the better.
To help students make this transformation, Rockefeller College has invested deeply in partnerships with organizations in the public, nonprofit, and corporate sectors to provide internships and career experiences. These life-altering experiences help to integrate ideas, knowledge, and skills into professional practices and habits of mind that make our students successful on day one of their career. Our alumni networks in Albany, New York City, Washington, and around the country and world are a critical component in ensuring our students’ successes.
I am excited about what the College has accomplished and about where we will go together. As a public institution, we operate in a special space. We provide a rich selection of opportunities to students who have historically used them to transform their personal futures. Many have also gone on to careers in public affairs and related fields with the sense that they can and should make the world a better place. Whether you are a prospective student thinking about a degree, an alum seeking to pay it forward, or an interested citizen of the world, please let us know how we can get you involved in the exciting things happening at Rockefeller College!
Julie Novkov, Dean
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy
Julie Novkov
Dean, Professor, and Collins Fellow
Milne 102 | jnovkov@albany.edu
Zakhar Berkovich
Director of Undergraduate Student Services
Humanities B-16 | zberkovich@albany.edu I 518-442-3113
Christina Cardona
Coordinator of Internships and Career Programming
Milne 121B I ccardona@albany.edu I 518-591-8738
Casey Crandall
Director of Development
Milne 119A | ccrandall@albany.edu
Carolyn DeLuise
Administrative Assistant
Milne 102 | cdeluise@albany.edu | 518-442-5244
Ashley Dwyer
Director of Career Services & Employer Relations
Milne 105A | 518-442-5253 | adwyer@albany.edu
Janine Gestwick
Contact Office Assistant
Humanities B-16 | jgestwick@albany.edu | 518-442-3112
Sheena Loughlin
Director of Student Affairs
Milne 107 | sloughlin2@albany.edu | 518-442-3248
Joan Marso
Undergraduate Internship and Career Coordinator
Humanities B-16 | jmarso@albany.edu | 518-442-3112
Barbara Mathews
Assistant to the Dean and Chairs
Milne 115 | bmathews@albany.edu | 518-591-8767
Amber Metz
Administrative Assistant
Milne 106 | ametz@albany.edu
Jaclyn Napoleon
Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions
Milne 110 | jnapoleon@albany.edu | 518-442-5247
Joan Nellhaus
Assistant Dean
Milne 121C | jnellhaus@albany.edu | 518-442-5426
Renee Wallingford
Assistant Dean
Milne 122B | rwallingford@albany.edu | 518-442-5246
Dyana Warnock
Director of Graduate Student Services
Milne 108 | dwarnock@albany.edu | 518-442-5249

The Board is comprised of distinguished Rockefeller College alumni and friends who have demonstrated a commitment to the College and the University.
Learn more about members of the advisory board here.
Vincent J. Abramo, BA ’67
Construction Safety & Occupational Health Manager, Overseas Buildings Operations
U.S. Department of State
Angela Albertus, BA ’88
Program Director, Juvenile Justice
National District Attorneys Association (NDAA)
Joe Bonilla, BA ’11
Managing Partner, Senior Media Director
and Co-Founder, Relentless Awareness
Donald E. Boyce, III, BS ’06, MPA ’08
Regulatory Relations, Fannie Mae
Lola Brabham, BA ’96, MPA ’00
President, Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU)
Peter W. Brusoe, BA ’03, MA ’04
Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science, SUNY Delhi
David Buck
Principal, Government and Public Services,
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Michael T. Cassidy, BA ’08, MPA ’10
Partner, Brown & Weinraub, PLLC
Gerard Citera, BA ’77
Senior Policy Adviser, Division of Trading and Markets,
Securities and Exchange Commission
Jonathan Doh, MA ’86
Associate Dean of Research and Herbert G. Rammrath Endowed Chair in International Business, Villanova University, School of Business
Deborah Eichhorn, MA ’88
Senior Level Telework Special Assistant,
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Brian Fessler, BA ’06, MPA ’07
Director of Governmental Relations,
New York State School Boards Association
Rose Gallagher, BA ’15, MPA ’16
Director, Government Affairs and Policy,
Travere Therapeutics
Heather Hart, BA ’11
Director, Capital Introduction Division, Wells Fargo Corporate & Investment Banking
Rochelle Haynes, BA ’02
Managing Director, What Works Cities-Bloomberg Philanthropies
Frank Jazzo, BS ’80
Member, Fletcher,
Heald & Hildreth, PLC (retired)
Lawrence J. Korb, PhD ’69
Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress (retired)
Tanya Meisenholder, PhD ’13
Director of Gender Equity,
The Policing Project, NYU School of Law
Cara Pace, BA ’93
Chief Executive Officer,
United Hospice of Rockland
Cecelia F. Pelkey, MPA ’95
Advisory Board Co-Chair,
Director of Government Affairs, Capitol City Group, Ltd.
Attorney, Harrington & Vitale, Ltd.
John D. Porcari, MPA ’85
Managing Partner, 3P Enterprises,
President, Axilion Smart Mobility
Operating Partner, Corsair Infrastructure Partners
Libby Post, BA ’82, MA ’84
President, Communication Services
Catherine Provost, BA ’05
Director of Constituent Services,
U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen
Nic Rangel, BA ’06, MPA ’11
Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York (LASNNY)
Thomas Roach, BA ’83
Mayor, White Plains, NY
Gregory Serio, BA ’83
Managing Director, Park Strategies, LLC
Haven Sheehan-Hutchinson, BA ‘18
Investigation and Compliance Specialist, Bureau of Industry and Security
Gary Striar, MPA ’79
Advisory Board Co-Chair,
Regional Chief Executive Officer American Red Cross, Eastern New York Region (retired)
Alicia Tambe, BA ’11
Head of International Organizations for Connectivity & Inclusion, Meta
Michael Tobman, BA ’95
Principal, Tobman Strategies LLC
Barbara VanEpps, MPA ’92
Executive Director, New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials
Please visit our resources page for links to resources of particular use to the faculty, staff, and current students of Rockefeller College.
Rockefeller College Quick Facts
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy is recognized globally as a college that empowers students, leaders, and communities to develop innovative solutions to issues of leading importance through interdisciplinary, engaged scholarship and lifelong learning programs that advance the common good in a diverse, complicated world.
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy – an interdisciplinary and diverse community – equips students, leaders, and the broader public with the knowledge, skills, and tools required to craft innovative, inclusive solutions to pressing civic and social issues.
The following values inform our daily work:
- Civil Engagement: Encouraging and advancing free and open expression and discourse.
- Exploration: Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in seeking out new ideas and opportunities.
- Integrity and Inclusion: Fostering a humane and diverse community of belonging and mutual respect for everyone.
- Openness: Developing and sustaining an integrated culture of curiosity and excellence in research, teaching, and learning across disciplines.
- Public Good: Improving outcomes and lives through community and global engagement.
- Student Centered: Prioritizing the student experience in everything we do.
A Brief History of the Rockefeller College
The Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy originated in 1947 as the Albany Graduate Program in Public Administration, a joint program of New York University and Syracuse University.
The new graduate program provided the rapidly expanding post-WWII state government of Governor Thomas E. Dewey with academic training in public administration. The State University of New York began to subsidize the training program in 1950, and in 1962 the State University of New York formally took over the program and renamed it the Graduate School of Public Affairs (GSPA). The new school offered MA and PhD programs in public administration and political science, and an MA in public affairs. An MPA was quickly added.
The school affiliated with the State University of New York at Albany (SUNYA) in September 1966. As part of SUNYA, the Graduate School took over the University’s Department of Political Science, adding undergraduate programs, and in 1981 created a Department of Public Administration and Policy.
In 1982, Rockefeller College was created, consisting of the GSPA, the School of Social Welfare, and the School of Criminal Justice. In 2000, the College was separated into different schools with GSPA becoming the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, named to honor the contributions of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller who served from 1959-1973. In the spring of 2020, the School of Criminal Justice was once again brought under the Rockefeller College umbrella, joining the Department of Public Administration and Policy and the Department of Political Science.
Today, Rockefeller College offers undergraduate, masters and doctoral level degree programs. Students are able to benefit from academic and experiential learning opportunities in the Capital Region and beyond to develop a strong foundation for careers in the public, nonprofit and private sectors as well as careers in teaching and research.
The Centers and Institutes that are part of Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy conduct state-of-the-art research and policy analysis, improve the knowledge and skills of employees in public and nonprofit agencies through professional development, and work with government at all levels in the United States and abroad to strengthen democracy and promote effective governing.
- Criminal Justice
- Political Science
- Public Administration and Policy
Please visit our program pages for a full listing of available academic programs.
Fall: February 1 (Priority Funding Deadline), July 1 (Regular Deadline)
Spring: December 1
Graduate Certificate
Fall: August 1
Spring: December 15
PhD (Fall Only)
Political Science: January 15
Public Administration: January 1
Questions? Contact rockadmissions@albany.edu
Rockefeller College is proud to offer the most affordable tuition among its peers. Whether you already qualify for in-state tuition or are an out-of-state student who will get in-state tuition the following year, Rockefeller College has the best tuition value among all top 25 public affairs schools.
Please visit the Office of Student Accounts for more information on cost of attendance.
- 56 full-time faculty members
Fall 2022
Bachelor’s | 772 |
Master’s | 317 |
Doctoral | 103 |
Graduate Certificate | 13 |
Non-Degree | 4 |
Total | 1,209 |
Our MPA program graduation rate is approximately 85%. The program is designed to be completed in two years of full time study. The majority of our students complete the degree within two years. The University allows students to switch between full-time and part-time study at any time, as long as their degree is completed within six years; this allows students the flexibility to pursue relevant internship and employment opportunities. For a detailed breakdown of program completion rates, based on our most recent NASPAA self-study (SSY) report, please see here:
Initially Enrolled | Graduated within 2 years | Graduated within 3 years | Graduated within 4 years | Total Students Graduated and Persisting to Graduation | |
Total Number of Students in the SSY 2017-18 Cohort | 46 | 23 | 35 | 39 | 39 |
Total Number of Students in the SSY 2018-19 Cohort | 57 | 41 | 48 | 49 | 50 |