A white plaster statue of the Greek goddess of knowledge, Minerva. A white plaster statue of the Greek goddess of knowledge, Minerva.

Shared Governance

What is shared governance?

The shared governance structure at the University at Albany includes the faculty, professional staff, students, the University Council and the SUNY Board of Trustees. The University is committed to a strong and productive partnership among these key constituencies.

Shared governance is the set of principles and practices through which these stakeholders, where appropriate, participate in the process of informed decision and policy making whose impact is advancing the mission of the institution.

This shared responsibility depends on the good faith consultation, among stakeholders, prior to and open communication throughout the decision making process.

A purple and yellow infographic showing that the main entities in UAlbany's shared governance structure, which are the University Administration, University Senate, University Council, Student Association and Graduate Student Association.

The result being a shared responsibility for the identification and pursuit of an aligned set of strategic initiatives.

Shared governance does not mean that all decisions are made by consensus or that all ideas have merit and will be implemented. Rather, shared governance promotes an environment that fosters opportunity for stakeholders to engage in the process and to be heard.

The main entities in UAlbany's shared governance structure are:


Consultation & Responsibility

University Administration


  • Creation, renaming, reorganization, dissolution of
    academic units or programs
  • Strategic Planning
  • Development and management of resources
  • University Budget
  • Policies and standards of speech and assembly
  • Appointment, promotion & continuing appointment
    of teaching faculty

Consults with Senate on:

  • Educational Programs & Curriculum
  • Policies and standards regarding:
    • Assessment of student work
    • Admissions of students into programs
    • Graduation requirements
    • Conduct of research and teaching
  • Policies for investigating grievances

University Senate


  • Educational Programs & Curriculum
  • Policies and standards regarding:
    • Assessment of student work
    • Admissions of students into programs
    • Graduation requirements
    • Conduct of research and teaching
  • Policies for investigating grievances
  • Appointment, promotion & continuing appointment
    of teaching faculty

Consults with Administration on:

  • Creation, renaming, reorganization, dissolution of
    academic units or programs
  • Strategic Planning
  • Development and management of resources
  • University Budget
  • Policies and standards of speech and assembly

Contact Information

Contact the University Senate at [email protected]. Contact Senate Chair Alexander Dawson at [email protected].