Katherine Trent
PhD, Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
MA, Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
BA, Sociology, St. Mary's University

Social Demography, Sociology of Families
Recent Research Projects
Family and Health Consequences of Imbalanced Sex Ratios in India – This project uses data from the India Human Development Survey, the National Family and Health Survey, and several India censuses to examine the impact of community sex ratio imbalances on health and family-related behaviors.
Adult Sibling Relationships -- This research uses data from the National Survey of Families and Households to examine patterns of contact, closeness, and help given and received among adult siblings. The project also examines the effects of having siblings on other aspects of adult lives.
Sex Ratios and Family Life in China – This research project uses data from the Chinese Health and Family Life Survey and several China censuses to examine the impact of imbalanced sex ratios on family life in China.
Research Interests
- Social Demography
- Sociology of Families
- Fertility and Reproduction
- Children and Youth
- Population Health