Richard Lachmann
Professor Emeritus
Department of Sociology

1983 PhD, Harvard University
1979 MA, Harvard University
1977 BA, Princeton University
Comparative/Historical Sociology and Political Sociology
Recent Research Projects
- The Decline of Dominant Powers: Early Modern Europe and the Contemporary United States -- This project examines the factors that cause the loss of economic and geo-political dominance by hegemonic powers, both historically and in the present-day United States. I am focusing on (1) the sources of state fiscal crises, (2) how decline effects the extent of political democracy, and (3) how geo-political and economic policies are made in dominant and declining states.
- Media Depictions of War Casualties - Americans in the Vietnam and Iraq Wars, Israelis in the 1967 Six Day and 2006 Lebanon Wars, and Russians in the Afghan and Second Chechen Wars.
Research Interests
- Comparative/Historical Sociology
- Cultural Sociology
- Economic Sociology
- Political Sociology
- Social Networks
- Development/World Systems