PhD, Sociology and Demography, Pennsylvania State University, 1997
MA, Sociology and Demography, Pennsylvania State University, 1994
BA, Sociology and Statistics, State University of New York Buffalo, 1992
Recent Research Projects
- Housing Tenure and Residential Segregation – This study is the first to examine the segregation of minority homeowners and renters from whites. Analyses reveal that the segregation of black renters relative to whites is significantly lower than the segregation of black owners from whites, contrary to the notion that homeownership represents an endpoint in the residential assimilation process (published in Demography August 2013, v50).
- An Estimate of Housing Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples – This is the first, national U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) study to examine housing discrimination against same-sex couples in the private rental market (June 2013). https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2284243
- Residential Attainment and Health – My research team and I are engaged in ongoing research examining the residential attainment of households that have children with asthma and those with disabled persons of all ages.
Research Interests
- Urban Sociology
- Immigration
- Housing