Living-Learning Communities are a special opportunity to become engaged at UAlbany. They bring together new students, faculty, student leaders and advisors who create a unique experience that helps you become involved and engaged with the campus community.


What's included in your community?
  • First-year students take two or three courses together during the fall semester and one or two courses together during the spring semester
  • Weekly breakfast, lunch or dinner with a faculty mentor and community members
  • All World events (a minimum of two per semester)
  • Weekly co-curricular activities with World members, Community Assistants, World Ambassadors and sometimes faculty
  • Live daily life with people who share similar interests on the same residence hall floor*

*World of Commuter Engagement students have opportunities to interact and build community but are not in-residence

Who's involved in your community?
  • Faculty: Each community has a primary faculty mentor, and some have a secondary faculty mentor. The faculty mentor teaches a seminar course in the fall and shares a weekly meal with the community outside of the class during the fall semester.
  • Advisors: Each community has a dedicated advisor from the Academic Support Center who stays connected with the students until they declare a major.
  • Community Assistants: Community Assistants are seniors or graduate students (often alumni of L-LCs) with a background that matches the Living-Learning Community. They host weekly events and activities for the first-year students to connect with them socially and academically.
  • World Diplomats: World Diplomats are juniors who develop and lead engagement and community service opportunities for several Living-Learning Communities. They also administratively support Student Engagement events.
  • World Ambassadors: World Ambassadors are sophomores who participated in a Living-Learning Community the previous year. They connect with first-year students over the summer to answer new students' questions about life at UAlbany and assist the Community Assistant throughout the fall semester.
  • World Representatives: World Representatives are first-year students chosen by their Community Assistant and faculty member by early October to take on a leadership role and advise Student Engagement with ideas and suggestions. Also, they help plan the All World events that take place each spring: Worlds Gone Wild (the L-LC version of the Olympics) and the World Video Awards (the L-LC version of the Oscars).
  • First-Year Students: Students who live together in the residence halls* and learn together during their first year at UAlbany.

    *World of Commuter Engagement students have opportunities to interact and build community but are not in-residence

How do I apply?

You can apply for a Living-Learning Community when you register for Orientation in April or May. In the application, please tell us why you want to be a member of your chosen community and what you hope to gain from the experience.

Also, you must complete the housing application. You can request a roommate, but both students must be eligible for, apply to and be accepted to the same community for you to be placed together in an L-LC.  Students selecting the World of Commuter Engagement do not need to complete a housing application.

You will be notified by mid-June if you have been accepted into the Living-Learning Community. This allows you to work with your advisor in the summer Orientation session to plan your fall schedule which includes two to three classes linked to the Living-Learning Community.

If you have any questions about Living-Learning Communities, please contact us at [email protected].

Two students sit together on a sunny homecoming day


Special Interest Communities

World of Career Discovery

This community is for first-year students who want to explore different majors, minors and career options while learning practical internship, professional and job search strategies. Through coursework, guest lectures and networking, you can learn a variety of fields and move toward deciding on a major.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Career Discovery
  • Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Community Service

This community is for first-year students from any major with an interest in volunteer work and community engagement. You’ll develop a deeper understanding of the roots of service in America through a social justice lens while living with others who share a commitment to service. You'll also work with local not-for-profits and even be involved in the decision-making process to allocate community-based grants as part of your community service experience.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Community Service
  • Social Welfare 210: Social Welfare in the United States


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of East Asian Studies

This community is for first-year students interested in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language and culture. This community will help you understand the culture and background for these East Asian languages and connect you to faculty and other peers interested in this field. Also, the community includes co-curricular ways to practice your language skills and learn about these fascinating cultures outside the walls of the classroom.


  • Sponsor: East Asian Studies 
  • Eligibility: Open to all majors, on the condition that you're enrolled in a five-credit language course in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean 
  • Faculty Mentor: John Person 
  • Weekly Meal: 11:40 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. Wednesday
  • Academic Advisor: Lorna Hanson



  • Freshman Seminar: World of East Asian Studies
  • Language course in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Law, Ethics and Philosophy

This community is for first-year students who are interested in philosophy and the pre-law pathway. By participating in this L-LC, you can develop foundational skills to help you succeed before, during and after law school (e.g., rigorous training on clear analytical writing, critical thinking and engaging with various points of view).


  • Sponsor: Philosophy 
  • Eligibility: Open to all majors and recommended to students interested in pursuing law school
  • Faculty Mentors: Kristen Hessler
  • Weekly Meal: 5:35 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday
  • Academic Advisor: Chris Gebhardt



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Law, Ethics and Philosophy
  • Philosophy 114: Morals and Society


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Leadership

This community is for first-year students from any major who are interested in leadership and are dedicated to serving the greater good. You can explore the relational aspects of leadership and the concepts of self and community. Also, you’ll have an opportunity to advance your knowledge and gain leadership experiences through classes and co-curricular experiences and learn about the leadership minor at UAlbany.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Leadership
  • Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Performing Arts

The community is for students from all intended majors who are interested in acting, playwriting, musical theatre, art, literature or music. You will take classes with other students who are also interested in the collaborative process of the performing arts.


  • Sponsor: Music and Theatre 
  • Eligibility: Open to all majors 
  • Faculty Mentor: Angela Ledtke
  • Weekly Meal: 4:30 to 5:25 p.m. Thursday
  • Academic Advisor: Kendryn Samson



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Performing Arts
  • Theatre 107: Introduction to Dramatic Arts (for students who are not intended Theatre majors)
  • Theatre 135: Introduction to Technical Theatre (for students who are intended Theatre majors or minors)
  • Music 100: Introduction to Music (for students who are intended Music majors or minors)


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Social Behavior and Crime

This community is designed for first-year students of all majors who are interested in understanding various aspects of social behavior, including but not limited to criminal behavior. Guided by our expert faculty, students explore pressing social issues in an inclusive environment that fosters supportive discussions and advocacy. Join us in this transformative journey where understanding drives meaningful change.


  • Sponsor: Sociology
  • Eligibility: Open to all majors and recommended for students interested in Sociology or Criminal Justice 
  • Faculty Mentor: Brandon Gorman 
  • Weekly Meal: 11:40 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. Wednesday
  • Academic Advisor: John Martinez



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Social Behavior and Crime 
  • Sociology 283: Juvenile Delinquency


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry
World of Social Justice

This community is for incoming first-year students of any major with an interest in social justice. The community provides a community-oriented approach and space to explore and discuss societal issues from diverse perspectives. Also, you will learn how your passion for serving others can position you for success.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Social Justice
  • Sociology 115: Introduction to Sociology


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Writing

This community is for first-year students interested in becoming writers, poets and storytellers. UAlbany is a host campus for the New York State Writers Institute and home to several active writing groups, clubs, publications and events. First-year students will be introduced to faculty and peers who are passionate about writing and want to share that passion in a community of fellow writers.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Writing
  • English102Z: Introduction to Creative Writing


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of business student participate in living-learning community service day with yard-work
A student writes in a notebook during a living-learning community service day

Major-Specific Communities

World of Accounting

This community is for first-year students that intend to major in Accounting, Business and Actuarial and Mathematical Sciences to explore the possibility of a career in accounting. You will be introduced to the academic and social expectations of a career in accounting through co-curricular activities and interactions with the sponsor firm, PwC.

Supported through a generous donation from Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC).


  • Sponsor: Accounting 
  • Eligibility: Open to intended Accounting, Business or Actuarial and Mathematical Sciences majors. Direct Admits to the Massry School of Business are welcome to apply.
  • Lead Faculty: Mark Hughes 
  • Weekly Meal: Noon to 12:55 p.m. Tuesday
  • Academic Advisor: Christina Shea



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Accounting 
  • Economics 110: Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics 
  • BLAW 220: Business Law


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Biology

This community is for intended Biology and Human Biology majors who want to live and study with like-minded students and learn what it's like to be a biologist from professors and professionals in the field. Also, you will be able to explore careers in healthcare and laboratories.

Note: There are two sections of the World of Biology freshman seminar course but World of Biology students enroll in other linked courses together.


  • Sponsor: Biological Sciences 
  • Eligibility: Open to intended Biology and Human Biology majors and is recommended for students on the pre-health track 
  • Faculty Mentors: Gaby Fuchs and Pauline Carrico 
  • Weekly Meal: Noon to 12:55 p.m. Thursday
  • Academic Advisors: Veronica Mitchell and Sarah Gelfand 



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Biology 
  • Biology 130: General Biology: Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics 
  • Chemistry 115: General Chemistry I 


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Business

This community is for first-year students that intend to major in Business Administration, Financial Market Regulation or Business Economics. You will be introduced to the academic and social aspects of the field of business through co-curricular activities and interactions with the sponsor firm, EY.

Supported through a generous donation from EY (Ernst & Young).


  • Sponsor: Massry School of Business 
  • Eligibility: Open to intended Business Administration, Financial Market Regulation, or Business Economics majors. Direct Admits to the Massry School of Business are welcome to apply.
  • Faculty Mentor: Kevin Williams
  • Weekly Meal: Noon to 12:55 p.m. Thursday
  • Academic Advisor: Matt Ruiz



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Business
  • Economics 110: Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics
  • BLAW 220: Business Law


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Chemistry and Scientific Careers

This community is for first-year students with an interest in exploring science as a career. This option is wonderful for students interested in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, atmospheric science, or environmental science. As a member of this community, you will attend panels with upper class chemistry students and will tour our world-class RNA Institute and faculty laboratories.


  • Sponsor: Chemistry
  • Eligibility: Open to intended Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Atmospheric Science, and Environmental Science majors
  • Faculty Mentor: Alan Chen
  • Weekly Meal: 11:40 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. Monday
  • Academic Advisor: Shauntya Thompson



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Chemistry and Scientific Careers
  • Mathematics 112: Calculus I
  • Chemistry 155: General Chemistry I
  • Physics 140: Physics I: Mechanics
  • Physics 145: Physics Lab I


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Computer Science

This community is designed for first-year students with an interest in computer science. It introduces a variety of opportunities to develop the skills essential for successfully adjusting to college-level engineering work, specifically within the realm of computer science, while also facilitating connections with the wider campus community. Engage with fellow first-year computer science students and gain access to professional organizations on campus, such as the UAlbany Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W), and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Participate in engaging activities within a supportive community and learn about computer science as a field of study and as a career path.  Gain essential skills that will prepare you to take your place among the next generation of innovators who will devise solutions to problems of critical importance to society.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Computer Science
  • Computer Science 201: Introduction to Computer Science 
  • Mathematics 112: Calculus I


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry
World of Engineering

The community is for first-year students who have an interest in engineering or computer science. You will be introduced to a variety of opportunities to develop your skills, network with peers involved in the UAlbany Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch or Robotics Club, and learn about exciting research opportunities. You'll be engaged in a fun community while preparing to take your place among the next generation of innovators who will create solutions to problems of critical importance to society.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Engineering
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering 110: Introduction to Engineering
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering 201: Introduction to Computer Science 
  • Mathematics 112: Calculus I
  • Physics 140: Physics 1: Mechanics


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry
World of Future Technologies and Cybersecurity

This community helps you prepare for, protect against, respond to and recover from a growing array of natural and human-caused risks and threats in New York State and around the world. Network with professionals that keep New Yorkers safe while engaging in hands-on training and simulations and be part of research on emergency preparedness, homeland security and cybersecurity.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Future Technologies & Cybersecurity
  • Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity 101: Introduction to Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
  • Informatics 200: Information in the 21st Century


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Medicine and Public Health

This community is for first-year students that are interested in entering public health and related healthcare professions which allow them to help people and make meaningful contributions to society.

You'll be engaged in a fun community, all while preparing to take your place among the next generation of innovators who will create solutions to problems of critical importance to society.




  • Freshman Seminar: World of Medicine and Public Health
  • Biology 130: General Biology: Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics 
  • Chemistry 115: General Chemistry I


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Politics

This community is for first-year students interested in political science or public policy who want to learn from a faculty mentor who has worked as a negotiation trainer in a variety of academic, governmental and military settings. You may want to be involved in student government while at UAlbany or you’re interested in international affairs or current events in American politics. This community allows you and your peers interested in politics to become engaged inside and outside of the classroom.


  • Sponsor: Political Science 
  • Eligibility: Open to intended Public Policy and Political Science majors. The community may also be of interest to students studying History or Sociology
  • Faculty Mentor: Patricia Strach
  • Weekly Meal: 1:10 to 2:05 p.m. Monday
  • Academic Advisor: Marcelle Martens



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Politics
  • Political Science 102X: Comparative and International Politics


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

World of Psychology

This community is for first-year students who intend to major in psychology and want to meet and develop important relationships with psychology faculty. Explore the various career and graduate study options with psychology and learn about our research labs and opportunities to work with our best scholars.


  • Sponsor: Psychology 
  • Eligibility: Open to incoming first-year students who intend to major or minor in Psychology
  • Faculty Mentor: Sarah Domoff
  • Weekly Meal: 1:10 to 2:05 p.m. Wednesday
  • Academic Advisor: Olivia Mihalko



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Psychology
  • Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology
  • Psychology 270: Social Psychology (if students transfer in AP Psychology credit)


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry

Three standing UAlbany students and two seated outdoors on campus with fall foliage on nearby trees


World of Commuter Engagement

World of Commuter Engagement

This is a community for first-year students who are commuting to campus. Through coursework, guest lectures and co-curricular experiences, students in all majors will build networks with each other and learn how to make the most of UAlbany’s teaching, research and service opportunities as commuter students. Students also will explore how to leverage their local knowledge to become ambassadors to the Capital Region for their peers from across New York and beyond.


  • Sponsor: Student Engagement
  • Eligibility: Open to first-year commuter students of all intended majors 
  • Faculty Mentor:  Jordan Carleo-Evangelist
  • Weekly Meal: 4:30 – 5:25 p.m. Tuesday
  • Academic Advisor: Sukhpreet Grewal



  • Freshman Seminar: World of Commuter Engagement


  • Writing and Critical Inquiry
Living-Learning Communities Program