What is Leave for Approved Study or Degree in Absentia?
Leaves for approved study allow current students to complete coursework elsewhere for typically only one semester, apply that coursework to UAlbany degree requirements and then either return to or graduate from UAlbany.
Degree in absentia allows former students who have almost completed their UAlbany degree but cannot return to UAlbany to earn their degree by finishing any remaining requirements at another institution.
Either option requires prior approval from the Office of Academic Progression & Success. Contact the office at 518-442-3950 or UGEducation@albany.edu with any questions.
UAlbany also offers withdrawal, readmission and degree completion options.
Determine Your Eligibility
Eligibility for Leave for Approved Study
To be eligible for a leave for approved study, you must:
Be a current, matriculated (degree-seeking) undergraduate student
Have the approval of your academic advisor(s)
Be in good academic standing, meaning at least a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 overall and in your major and minor
Not be leaving UAlbany due to academic or disciplinary dismissal
Note: Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students must also have the EOP Director’s approval.
Eligibility for Degree in Absentia
To be eligible for a degree in absentia, you must:
Be a former, matriculated (degree-seeking) undergraduate student who has been away from UAlbany for at least one semester
Have the approval of your former academic advisor(s)
Have been in good academic standing, meaning at least a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 overall and in your major and minor, when you left UAlbany
Have not left UAlbany due to academic or disciplinary dismissal
Note: Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students must also have the EOP Director’s approval.
Pursue a Leave for Approved Study or Degree in Absentia
Step 1: Apply to the institution where you want to take courses
You must apply for non-degree admission from the institution where you want to take courses. (Non-degree admission is sometimes referred to as applying as a visiting student.)
For application instructions, please contact the institution to which you’re applying.
Step 2: Meet with your academic advisor(s)
Discuss your plans, degree requirements and proposed courses with your academic advisor(s). You must have their approval to move forward.
Note: Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students must also meet with their EOP Counselor and obtain the EOP Director’s approval.
Meeting with your advisor(s) will help you determine:
Whether you’re eligible for leave for approved study or degree in absentia
How course credits may transfer back to UAlbany and be applied to your degree requirements (Note: Final designations are made by the Office of Undergraduate Education.)
If you need to request a senior residence requirement waiver
Step 3: Request approval from the Office of Academic Progression & Success
You must complete the Leave for Approved Study / Degree in Absentia Form by the mid-point of the semester before the semester you intend to study at another institution.
(For example, if you intend to study at another institution in the spring semester, you must apply by the mid-point of the fall semester.)
Note: If your plans will affect your senior residence, you must also request a senior residence requirement waiver at the same time.
You’ll receive an email from the Office of Academic Progression & Success notifying whether your request has been approved.
We encourage you to have an alternative plan, in case your request is not approved:
Current students who are denied leave for approved study must register for classes, which we suggest you do while applying for a leave.
Former students who are denied a degree in absentia may apply for readmission at UAlbany instead. We encourage you to explore the University’s degree completion program.
Step 4: Prepare for your studies
Check for holds at UAlbany. And work with the institution where you’ll be studying to enroll as a non-degree (visiting) student and register for classes. Additionally:
Leave for Approved Study
If you registered for UAlbany classes before receiving approval, be sure to drop those classes by the Drop deadline to avoid financial liability.
If you’ll be returning to UAlbany, speak with your academic advisor(s) before you leave about how and when you will register for classes for the semester you return, and which courses you’ll select.
Degree in Absentia
You can maintain “in absentia” status for two years or until your proposed graduation date.
If you don’t make academic progress toward completing your degree (as evidenced by transcripts sent after each semester) and/or if you don’t request an extension before the two-year mark, you will be officially withdrawn from UAlbany.
To request an extension, please contact the Office of Academic Progression & Success at 518-442-3950 or UGEducation@albany.edu.
Fees apply to degrees completed in absentia. If you extend your graduation beyond the two-year mark, readmission fees apply.
Step 5: Send an Official Transcript to UAlbany
You must arrange to have a final, official transcript sent to the Registrar's Office at the end of each semester you spend at the other institution.
Physical transcripts can be sent to: University at Albany, Registrar’s Office, Campus Center B52, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222.
Electronic transcripts can be sent to registrar@albany.edu.
Our office will use these transcripts to update your UAlbany academic record. Note: Only course credits transfer, not grades.