How We Support Student Success
In Undergraduate Education, Academic Progression & Success, and Degree Completion & Learning Assessment, we work together to support undergraduate students’ success at UAlbany.
Our teams provide guidance, navigation and other services that help students become informed, engaged scholars capable of achieving excellence in their academic, professional and personal lives.
We all work together closely but we also have our areas of expertise:
- Undergraduate Education manages undergraduate academic curriculum and policies, updates and publishes the academic bulletin and the Dean’s List, Honors Medallions, academic standing, manages the General Education program, administers academic waivers, substitutions, and appeals, creates and manages transfer articulations, transfer recommendations, Credit for Prior Learning, and credit preservation. Make an appointment.
- Academic Progression & Success manages undergraduate withdrawal and readmission, the Academic Recovery Program, peer mentoring and academic coaching, as well as leaves for approved studies, degrees in absentia and student-initiated interdisciplinary majors and minors.
Our teams are dedicated to fostering quality engagement between students and the campus resources they need to enhance their academic experience at UAlbany. Visit the Contact page to meet our staff.