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Nina Elderdort



Nina Aledort
NYS Office of Children and Family Services





Amore Alvarenga



Amore Alvarenga
New York City Law Department Family Court Division





Leigh Bates



Leigh Bates
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services





Gayle Beck



Gayle Beck
Athena Project, University of Memphis 





Daphnne Brown



Daphnne Brown
Families Together in NYS





Kelli Caseman



Kelli Casemen
Think Kids





Tanya Coke



Tanya Coke
Ford Foundation





Rebecca Colman



Rebecca Colman
NYS Office of Children and Family Services





Christy Crawford



Christy Crawford
New York City Department of Education





MMA Amara Ekeruche



MMA Amara Ekeruche
Center for the Study of Economies of Africa





Eddie Ellis




Eddie Ellis
Incarcerated Children's Advocacy Network




Eddie Fergus



Eddie Fergus
Temple University, College of Education, Urban Education and Policy





Alysha Gagnon



Alysha Gagnon
University at Albany, School of Criminal Justice





Stephen Goldmeier



Stephen Goldmeier
Indigent Defense Research Association





Audrey Hickert



Audrey Hickert
Southern Illinois University





David Hureau




David Hureau 
University at Albany, School of Criminal Justice




Megan Kurlycheck



Megan Kurlychek
Penn State University





Yo Jackson



Yo Jackson 
Penn State, Child Maltreatment Solutions Network





Allen Lipscomb



Allen Lipscomb
California State University Northridge





Jim Lynch



Jim Lynch
University of Maryland





Hon. Edwina Mendelson



Hon. Edwina Mendelson
Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Justice Initiatives





Dan Mistak



Dan Mistak
Community Oriented Correctional Health Services





Amanda Oren



Amanda Oren
Monroe County Law Department 





Greg Owens



Gregory Owens
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services





Rashaad Porter



Rashaad Porter
The Vera Institute of Justice 





Professor John A Powell



Professor John A. Powell
UC Berkeley, Director of Othering & Belonging Institute 





Josh Rovner


Josh Rovner
The Sentencing Project






Melissa Sickmund




Melissa Sickmund
National Center of Juvenile Justice




Michaela Soyer



Michaela Soyer
CUNY, Hunter College





Lynette Tannis



Lynette Tannis
Harvard Graduate School of Education






Paul Taylor



Paul Taylor
University of Colorado Denver 





Hon. Steven Teske



Hon. Steven Teske
Juvenile Court of Clayton County, GA





Dina Thompson



Dina Thompson
Erie County Restorative Justice Coalition





Laura Tinajero



Laura Tinajero
National Comadres Network, Building Healthy Communities (BHC)





Vivian Tseng



Vivian Tseng
William T. Grant Foundation





Michael Umpierre




Michael Umpierre
Georgetown University Director of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform




Corey Whichard



Corey Whichard
University at Albany, School of Criminal Justice





Chris Wildeman



Chris Wildeman
Cornell University 





Yamanda Wright




Yamanda Wright
RTI International; Youth, Violence Prevention, and Community Justice Division