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Current courses

In fall 2024 I am teaching AMAT 300 (Intro to Proofs) and AMAT 540A (Topology I).
(Note about AMAT 300: a corequisite for this is AMAT 298, a 1-credit course on "information literacy", that you need to enroll in too.)
More info to come.
Office hours (for both classes) are TBD.

Future courses

In spring 2025 I will be on sabbatical.

Some recent courses

In spring 2024 I taught AMAT 327 (Elementary Abstract Algebra) and AMAT 842 (Seminar in Topology).
The topic for AMAT 842 was "Infinite Simple Groups".

The syllabus for AMAT 327 is here.
The homework for AMAT 327 is here.

The syllabus for AMAT 842 is here.

In fall 2023 I taught AMAT 220 (Linear Algebra) and AMAT 300 (Introduction to Proofs, formerly called AMAT 299).

The syllabus for AMAT 220 is here.

The syllabus for AMAT 300 is here.
The homework for AMAT 300 is here.

In spring 2023 I taught AMAT 220 (Linear Algebra) and AMAT 640 (Combinatorial Group Theory).

The syllabus for AMAT 220 is here.

The syllabus for AMAT 640 is here.

A list of all past courses I've taught can be found in my CV, and past course materials are available upon request.