Buu Tran

Dr. Tran is a Research Scientist in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences (DEHS) of the Wadsworth Center at the New York State Department of Health. He supervises the liquid chromatography laboratory and is currently responsible for the organic chemistry section of the DEHS’s Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) program. His primary work focuses on the analysis of unknown chemicals in foods, including toxic compounds and terrorist chemical agents, to identify threats to the US food supply and provide national surveillance of food security, preventing large-scale contamination or emergency. Another area of research interest is establishing and validating physical-chemistry methods for sample extraction, substance isolation and structural identification by analytical techniques such as gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, infrared, ultraviolet and nuclear magnetic resonance.
Research Interests
- Specialist in Analytical Chemistry. Extensive experience in GC, LC, UPLC, MS techniques including Triple Quadrupole (MS-MS), Ion Trap mass spectrometry. Specialist in identification of unknown organics using various analytical instrumentation and spectroscopy including NMR, FTIR, UV-VIS, MS.
- Responsible for the Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) - Chemistry section in DEHS to identify unknown toxic chemicals and terrorist chemical agents to ensure an efficient response to food emergencies against a large-scale terrorist act in foods.
- Method development and validation for toxic organic compounds in foods, drinking water, and the environment.
Learn more about Dr. Tran's work