Eric R. Hardiman

Eric R. Hardiman

Associate Professor
College of Integrated Health Sciences
School of Social Welfare


Richardson 213

PhD (2001) University of California, Berkeley

MSW (1993) University of Georgia, Athens

BA (1990) College of William & Mary

Eric R. Hardiman

Eric Hardiman is Associate Professor and MSW Program Director. His scholarly interests focus on the design and delivery of mental health interventions, Veterans, and mutual aid/peer support technologies. He has studied peer support across several populations and settings (psychiatric disability, homelessness, communities dealing with large-scale disasters, urban violence, and Veterans). In 2013, Dr. Hardiman was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He has also conducted research related to peer support in disaster settings, both in New York City (following 9/11/01) and in Indonesia (following the Southeast Asian tsunami of late 2004). He is currently Principal Investigator for the New York State Office of Mental Health's Dean's Consortium Project on Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health. Finally, he is the Faculty Advisor for the University at Albany's student-run radio station, WCDB, and co-hosts "The Social Workers" talk show/podcast.