Ursula Lauper
Clinical Assistant Professor
College of Integrated Health Sciences
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
MPH Colorado School of Public Health, Biostatistics 2013
MA University of Colorado Boulder, Cultural Anthropology 1995
BA Smith College, Comparative Literature 1989

Ursula Lauper is Chief of the Water Systems Control and Analysis section within the NYSDOH Bureau of Water Supply Protection. She oversees the implementation of 10 NYCRR Part 4, Protection Against Legionella and leads a variety of research and programmatic activities on Legionella and private wells.
Areas of Research Expertise:
- Environmental health
- Waterborne illness and outbreak investigation
- Legionella
- Private wells
- Climate change and health
- Built environment
- Society-environment-health
- Systems thinking in public health
Committee or Policy Work:
- American Public Health Association: Environmental Section Councilor, Annual Meeting Program Planning Co-Chair
- ASHRAE SPEC 514 Work Group
Learn more:
- Approaches to Legionella Policy, Investigation and Control: Perspectives from around the country
- Creating a Comprehensive Data Set of Private Wells and Well Vulnerability in New York
Undergraduate Teaching:
- SPH 342 How US Health Care Works: Myths and Realities
- SPH 341z Promoting Healthy People and Communities
Please note: While I regularly support students, HR policies at NYSDOH and Health Research, Inc. prevent me from appointing students to paid positions outside of an openly competitive hiring process. Please check HRI for open student positions at NYSDOH.