A group of medical personnel at a conference table.

Master of Public Health / Medical Doctorate in
Public Health / Medical Doctorate Albany Medical College

Program of Study


Core Courses

  • Professional Practice in Public Health
  • Principles and Methods of Epidemiology I
  • Principles of Statistical Inferences I
  • Principles of Public Health
  • Introduction to Environmental Health
  • Health Care Organization, Delivery and Financing
  • Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health

Quantitative Requirement

3 credits determined by the department.


You are expected to complete a minimum of nine (9) credits of Internship. Up to six (6) credits will be waived based upon Albany Medical College clerkship.

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact cihsadmissions@albany.edu.

Concentration Courses and Electives
Biomedical Sciences

Study the molecular basis of disease and implications for public health programs. Master laboratory methods and apply your biomedical sciences knowledge to detect, treat, and prevent genetic and infectious human diseases.

Sample course topics: Clinical Immunology Technology; Bioecology of Vector-Borne Disease; Virology; Microbial Pathogens; Neuroanatomy and Nervous System Disorders; Cancer Biology; Mammalian Molecular Genetics

Sample job titles: Biomedical Research Scientist, Strategic Public Health Planning Consultant, Strategic Health Partner Development Manager

Sample employers: Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Providge Consulting, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources


Gain expertise in statistical analysis of public health data, develop skills in problem definition and variable determination, learn when and how to use data in public health studies.

Sample courses: Principles of Statistical Inference; Computer Programming for Data Management and Analysis in Public Health; Methods of Data Analysis I and II; Applied Statistics

Environmental Health

Deepen your knowledge of two relevant scientific fields (choose from chemistry, toxicology, and environmental and occupational health) and learn how to assess environmental quality and solve environmental health problems. Gain lab skills, collect and analyze environmental data, and conduct dose-response and risk assessments.

Sample course topics: Environmental Chemistry; Toxicology; Risk Assessment; Geographic Information Systems and Public Health; Water Quality and Public Health; Global Environmental Health Policy; Industrial Hygiene; Environment and Cancer; Atmospheric Environment and Human Welfare

Sample job titles: Safety Engineer, Environmental Health Associate, Research Scientist, Public Health Preparedness Coordinator, Project Coordinator

Sample employers: Global Foundries, NYSDOH Bureau of Toxic Substance Assessment, New York State Department of Health, NYS Energy Research and Development, Schenectady County Public Health Services


Prepare for a career in epidemiology by learning about practices such as surveillance, etiology, and prevention and intervention program evaluation. Gain experience collecting, interpreting, and managing epidemiologic data; selecting study populations; and reporting the results of epidemiological research.

Sample course topics: Principles and Methods of Epidemiology; Communicable Diseases; HIV Transmission and AIDS; Diabetes; Cardiovascular Disease; Psychiatric Illness; Hospital-Acquired Infections; Public Health Informatics

Sample job titles: Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiologist, Field Epidemiology Training Program Manager, Health Services Researcher, Data Manager, Director of Quality Improvement, Strategic Initiatives Manager, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, Community Health Program Manager

Sample employers: State Health Departments (Virginia, Texas, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Wyoming and more), Adirondack Rural Health Network, American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets

Health Policy and Management

Manage public health programs and lead organizations by motivating stakeholders and communicating effectively as a director, mentor, facilitator, and broker. Learn how to develop health policies, manage change, and monitor and evaluate program effectiveness and quality.

Sample course topics: Health Policy Analysis; Health Organization Management; Strategy and Leadership; Financial Management of Health Care Institutions; Program Evaluation; Childhood Obesity; Maternal and Child Health; Health Law; Long-Term Care Administration; Health and Human Rights

Sample job titles: Managed Care Policy Analyst, Director of Quality Assurance, Regional Health Services Administrator, Patient Safety and Risk Management Analyst, Director of Public Policy, Community Health Program Manager, Performance Management Coordinator, Government Affairs Coordinator

Sample employers: Southeast Georgia Health Systems, MVP Health Care, Capital District Physicians Health Plan, American Red Cross, Adirondack Medical Center, NYS Association on Independent Living, New York State Department of Health (various units)

Social Behavior and Community Health

Explore the ways population health is affected by individuals, groups, and culture. Learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic public health interventions and design and improve community health programs to reduce the prevalence of risk behaviors and improve health service delivery.

Sample course topics: Community-Based Public Health; Program Development in Health Promotion; program Evaluation; Research Design; Social and Behavioral Aspects of Chronic Illness; Poverty, Behavioral Health, and Health Policy

Sample job titles: Director of Education, Wellness Manager, Healthy Schools Program Evaluation and Reporting Director, Outreach and Care coordinator, Health Insurance Navigator, LGBT Youth Specialist, Substance Abuse and Tobacco Prevention Specialist

Sample employers: National Institute for Health Care Management, American Cancer Society, Health Federation of Philadelphia, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Fidelis Care New York, Long Island Minority AIDS Coalition, NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council

Admission Requirements


Summer: March 1
Fall: March 1 

MD/MPH Application

How to Apply

To be considered for admission into the MD/MPH, applicants must be admitted first to medical school at Albany Medical College. Albany Medical College is in the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).      

AMCAS Admissions

Applicants must then apply separately to the College of Integrated Health Sciences for admission into the MPH program.

Application Requirements 

  • Must be an accepted or enrolled medical student at Albany Medical College
  • Must hold a bachelor’s degree from a college or university of recognized standing
  • Official MCAT scores
  • One semester of social sciences 
  • College level calculus
  • One year of biology and one year of chemistry

International Requirements

  • International students must submit a minimum TOEFL score of 98, IELTS score of 7.0, or Duolingo score of 125. We will only accept official scores sent by the testing institution.
  • For electronic IELTS score results reporting, provide the following information to your test center:
    University at Albany (SUNY)
    1400 Washington Avenue
    Albany, NY 12222
  • The TOEFL or IELTS is not required for international students who have completed at least four semesters of full-time study within a four-year time frame from time of application, and maintained at least a B average at a college or university in the United States or a country from an approved list.  For questions regarding English Language Proficiency waivers, please email Soha Acosta at szacosta@albany.edu.
  • International students must request a transcript evaluation from World Education Services (WES). The WES evaluation must be sent directly to the University at Albany.

Required Application Materials

  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
  • Copy of MCAT scores
  • Statement of purpose describing your reasons for pursuing the MD/MPH and your interest in the specified concentration
  • CV/Resume
  • Three letters of recommendation, submitted directly by the reviewer 
    • A minimum of two letters must be from academic faculty
    • At least one letter must be from a university faculty member in the major field of study
    • Applicants who have been out of school for five or more years may submit professional references
    • Letters must be signed and on institutional/organizational letterhead

For application specific questions, contact us at cihsadmissions@albany.edu or 518-402-0361.

Special Notes

Please note: This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.  If applicants have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.