Admitted Students

Congratulations on your admission to UAlbany’s Educational Opportunity Program! 

A student wearing a purple UAlbany sweatshirt smiles and poses for a photo on campus, with the Podium arches visible behind him


Getting Started 

Please review the important tasks listed in the Welcome portal to prepare for your first year at UAlbany. You’ll need to provide proof of certain vaccinations, register for housing, upload an ID photo, etc. 

EOP students do not need to pay a deposit fee. You only need to accept or decline your offer of admission. 


EOP Pre-college Summer Program for Incoming First-year Students 

All incoming freshmen EOP students must attend our five-week, residential summer program that begins in July and ends in early August. 

The mandatory EOP Pre-college Summer Program orientates students to life at UAlbany and helps them prepare for their academic studies. This program is free, with tuition, fees, room, board and books covered for the entire five weeks. 

You’ll participate in: 

  • Pre-college classes in writing, reading and mathematics
  • Workshops on study skills and other good academic habits
  • Individual and group advising sessions
  • Career awareness workshops
  • Community service opportunities

Registration for fall classes takes place during the third week of the summer program. 

Our summer instructional staff includes University lecturers who exclusively teach EOP students during the academic year. Each new student will also meet one-on-one with their dedicated EOP counselor, building an advising relationship that will last through the student’s undergraduate career at UAlbany. 

You’ll find this year’s summer program dates and a suggested packing list in the Welcome portal

Note: Completion of the five-week pre-college summer program is required to secure your freshman admission. 


EOP Orientation for Incoming Transfer Students 

All incoming transfer EOP students must attend a one-day EOP Transfer Orientation that includes meeting with their dedicated EOP counselor and registering for semester courses. The orientation also includes meeting with a Financial Aid staff member to review your financial aid award and a meeting with an Undergraduate Admissions staff member to review any credits eligible to be transferred.

The EOP Transfer Orientation is free for all incoming EOP transfer students. Attendance is required. 

Please check the Welcome portal for EOP Transfer Orientation dates.