Why endow a professorship at UAlbany?
The endowment of professorships, chairs, deans and related positions provide a means by which the University at Albany can retain and recruit, on a competitive basis, outstanding leaders, teachers, scholars, researchers, and creative and performing artists. Endowments are perpetual and provide donors the opportunity to support multiple generations of faculty and students, which make a lasting impact at UAlbany.
The following policies are applicable to such endowments.
Selection Criteria
Unless specified in the MOU, endowed positions will be administered through the Office of the Provost or designee. The Provost, in consultation with the Vice President for Advancement and the appropriate leadership, grants endowed chairs and professorships to those already on the faculty or during recruitment for new faculty as part of their offer. Appointment guidelines are provided by the Provost’s office. Appointments may be limited to a specific time range (i.e., 3-5 years.)
Use of the Endowment Income
Income made available to holders of endowed positions shall be used to support their teaching and research activities, in accordance with University at Albany and University at Albany Foundation policies; and according to a budget recommended annually by the position holder and approved by the appropriate Chair/Dean/or by the Provost, as part of any annual assessment and/or in the normal budgetary process.