• A student smiles brightly at the camera, standing in a building painted with handprints on a study abroad trip. A student smiles brightly at the camera, standing in a building painted with handprints on a study abroad trip.

    Center for Global Health

    at the University at Albany

  • A group of students stand outside a blue building during a trip abroad. A group of students stand outside a blue building during a trip abroad.

    Global Health Studies

    Graduate Certificate


  • A group of children gathered together joyfully smile at the camera. A group of children gathered together joyfully smile at the camera.

    A Pioneer Partnership

    with the Peace Corps


  • A group of students and faculty sit on a traveling cart in the rainforest. They are smiling at the camera. A group of students and faculty sit on a traveling cart in the rainforest. They are smiling at the camera.

    Support Global Experiences

    for public health students


The Center for Global Health proactively engages with a wide range of partners around the world to create educational programs, collaborative research initiatives, and health promotion interventions to help solve today’s most critical global health problems.

We work in close collaboration with our College of Integrated Health Sciences faculty, partner organizations based here in the Capital Region, including the New York State Department of Health, and global partners from around the world to create meaningful learning experiences and to fund innovative collaborative research opportunities and program interventions focused on key global health challenges. The Center also plays a vital role in helping the School’s numerous international students as they integrate into life here at the university and into their new communities.


A Commitment to Good Health

Promoting and ensuring good health is vital not just to the growth and stability of individuals and their families. Good health is also vital to the economic growth and social stability of nations and the world as a whole.

At the Center for Global Health, we believe that working collaboratively across borders and cultures to address today’s global health challenges is an imperative of our time.

A small group of students stand next to a statue outside a glass building on a sunny day.


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News and Events
Center for Global Health
John Justino
Room 212

1 University Place
Rensselaer, NY 12144
United States