Global Learning & Engagement at UAlbany
The Center for International Education and Global Strategy (CIEGS) supports global learning and engagement throughout the University and the world. As you peruse our website, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or ideas for collaboration.
Several of CIEGS' units have their own websites. Explore them here:
Our Mission
To support the preparation of all graduates to become globally competent, support the pursuit and advancement of global knowledge and to engender a campus culture that values global learning and engagement.
Our Vision
University at Albany, SUNY, will be a pre-eminent model of broad and deep engagement with comprehensive internationalization both within the SUNY system and among public research universities, nationally and internationally.
Our Values
The following values undergird our global commitments.
All students should have multiple, intentional and substantive encounters with global perspectives.
All UAlbany graduates should have the skills, knowledge and disposition to contribute to a sustainable, peaceful, restorative and prosperous world.
All faculty should be equipped with global skills and insights to prepare all students to achieve global objectives.
Faculty should be rewarded for meaningful engagement with global teaching and research.
In addition to our identity as a public research institution, the University should embrace an identity of being a global institution.
UAlbany should serve as a catalyst for global discovery and change.
UAlbany should cultivate and nurture partnerships with appropriate institutions and organizations globally.