Student working on a mathematics formula at a chalkboard Student working on a mathematics formula at a chalkboard

Mathematics & Statistics

Mathematics is a fundamental discipline, bringing order to the world around us.


The areas of research in the Mathematics & Statistics department encompass a wide breath of topics in modern mathematics and statistics, both in the theoretical world and the applied. Research fields include algebra, analysis, data science, probability, statistics, and topology, with many researchers placing an emphasis on applications, such as machine learning and topological data analysis. 

The research done in the department is internationally recognized, and researchers from around the world come to speak in our weekly seminars and colloquia. Many of our faculty members are supported by prestigious external research grants, for example from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Simons Foundation.

Two students writing mathematical formulas on a glass board
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Department of Mathematics & Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences
Hudson 103

1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
United States