Higher Education Experts

Dr. Robert Bangert-Drowns
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Vincent O'Leary Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Computers in education, Student motivation in learning , Improving student learning
Dr. M. Dolores Cimini headshot wearing purple blazer
Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research, Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education, Psychological Services Center
Director & Senior Research Scientist
Areas of expertise: Psychology, Mental health issues, Suicide prevention, Alcohol and other drug misuse prevention in college students, Collegiate recovery programs, Peer counseling and peer education, College student hotlines, Peer theater programs, Diversity, Inclusion, Social justice, Disability issues
Peter Shea
School of Education, Department of Educational Theory & Practice
Areas of expertise: Higher Education, Online learning , K-12 education
Bruce Svare
Department of Psychology
Areas of expertise: Steroid abuse among athletes, Early specialization and professionalization of young athletes, Overemphasis on winning, Material rewards, Academic corruption in high schools and colleges, Increasing of performance enhancing drugs, Declining sportsmanship, Violence exhibited by athletes, coaches, parents, and fans, Media coverage of young athletes, Sports gambling, Title IX, Increasing abandonment of intramural, recreational, and fitness-based needs of kids, Rising obesity, Increasing incidents of sports injury
Dr. Melanie Wilcox smiling outside in colorful jacket
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education, Psychological Services Center
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Psychology, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Addiction, Trauma, Social justice, Diversity, Racism, LGBTQ+ community, Social class, Health disparities, Higher Education, College students, Student debt, Food insecurity, Housing insecurity