College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Dean of College of Integrated Health Sciences
Areas of expertise: Environmental exposures, Health disparities, Child development, Birth outcomes, Birth defects, Communitiy-engaged research, PFAS

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Maternal and child health, Childhood obesity prevention, Adolescent health and wellness, Community-engaged research

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Areas of expertise: Human health effects of environmental contaminants, including metals and organic compounds

Department of Chemistry, The RNA Institute
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Molecular biophysics and computational chemistry, Biomolecular computer simulations, RNA folding , Structural biology, RNA-drug interactions

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Research Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Drug discovery, Genomics, Gene-expression, Microarrays, Flow cytometry, Enzymology, High throughput technologies

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Environmental heterogeneous chemistry, Surface chemistry

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Health economics, Health policy, Health system, Vulnerable populations, Medical technology, Aging, End-of-life care, Palliative care

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Geographic information systems and spatial analysis, Industrial food animal production, Climate, land use change, and health, Hair and nail biomarkers of trace element exposures, The food environment

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Professor, Department Chair
Areas of expertise: Community-based participatory research, Health disparities, Low-income communities, Women's health and family health

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Clinical Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Global health, Social Behavior Change Communications, Social Marketing, Strategic Communications, Program Development and Evaluation, Program Management, Strategic Planning, Process Improvement, Facilitation, Management and Leadership Coaching, and Mentoring

College of Integrated Health Sciences, School of Social Welfare
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Adverse childhood experiences and ACE consequences, including substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, Restorative Integral Support, including Healthy Environments and Relationships That Support, meditation interventions, and emerging practices, Service Outcomes Action Research, Post-Trauma Wellness, Intergenerational and lifespan perspectives, Aging

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Chair & Professor
Areas of expertise: Climate change, extreme weather, and air pollution on human health, Disaster epidemiology and public health (WTC 9/11 disaster, Hurricane Sandy, power outages, school environmental factors and children’s health, attendance and performance, Environmental exposures and childhood asthma

Provost's Office, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Interim Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development; Professor
Areas of expertise: Health communication, Health literacy, Health disparities, Mass media, Social media, Media campaigns, Health information seeking

Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, Department of Public Administration & Policy, College of Integrated Health Sciences
Areas of expertise: Public health policy, HIV/AIDS, Resource allocation

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Research Assistant Professor
Areas of expertise: Health workforce planning and monitoring, Health workforce diversity, Workforce shortages and maldistributions, Oral health workforce research, Scope of practice, Workforce strategies to expand access to care

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Cancer Research Center
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Genetic epidemiology, Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Cancer Genetic Susceptibility, Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genes, DNA Repair Genes, Role of Cancer Genes in Fetal and Placental Development, Gene-Environment Interactions, Family-Based and Genome-Wide Linkage and Association Studies

Department of Biological Sciences, The RNA Institute
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Liver disease, Hepatitis C, RNA therapies, Virus-host interactions, Translational control, replication and assembly of RNA viruses

Department of Anthropology, College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Distinguished Professor
Areas of expertise: Anthropology, Minority health disparities, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Childhood development, Environmental health, Risk factors

Department of Biological Sciences, The RNA Institute
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Molecular and cellular biology of transcription and signal transduction, Aptamer-mediated multi-pathway control in living organisms, Forward engineering approach to drug discovery and development

Department of History
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Environmental history, Twentieth-century US history, History of consumer culture and politics, History of technology, History of public health, Agriculture and rural life

Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Climate change and variability, Impacts of climate on the environment and human health, Paleoclimate of the last 1,000 to 1,000,000 years

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Mental Health, Depression , Post-traumatic stress disorder, Suicide, Substance use, Violence, Trauma exposure , Adverse childhood experiences, Disasters, Social determinants of health, Health disparities, Epidemiologic methods, Complex systems approaches, Agent-based modeling

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Drug addiction, Binge eating disorder, Obesity, Psychiatric and medical outcomes, Psychosocial stress and health, Laboratory behavioral model, Epidemiology

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Center for the Elimination of Minority Health Disparities (CEMHD), Department of Africana, Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies
Associate Professor; Director of CEMHD
Areas of expertise: Epidemiology of aging, Physical activity, Cognitive function, Disability, Sedentary behavior, Individual and communities social determinants of health

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Financing and access to care, Health reform, Medical outcomes, Provider payment

Department of Economics
Areas of expertise: Public economics , Health economics, Applied microeconomics, Charitable giving, Volunteering, Non-profit sector, Public Health, Alcohol, tobacco, and substance use control policies

College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Long-term care, Aging, Comparative effectiveness research, Sensor technology and work related injury prevention, Policy impact on dementia care, International health policy comparison