Frequently Asked Questions
about giving to the University at Albany.
about giving to the University at Albany.
Why support UAlbany?
UAlbany is much more than an education – it represents a lifelong connection. Your gift is an investment in today’s students, faculty and programs.
Even though UAlbany is a public university, less than 16% of our operating budget comes from state support – which is not much more than what many private colleges receive from the state. And just like private schools, UAlbany relies on the generosity of alumni, parents, faculty and friends to provide our students with the finest educational experience available.
What is the UAlbany Fund?
UAlbany is a dynamic place, and annual giving provides support for challenges that must be met and opportunities that must be seized immediately. UAlbany Fund gifts promote student life, enhance academics, and provide critical financial support to students with need.
Everyone connected with UAlbany – alumni, friends, parents, faculty and staff – are asked to support the University with a gift to the UAlbany Fund. Simply put, every gift – every year – makes UAlbany stronger.
Can I designate where my gift goes?
Absolutely! You can make a general donation or decide where you want your gift to go – an academic program, interest, scholarship, endowment – any element of University life.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes, all UAlbany Fund gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Can I safely make a pledge or gift online?
Online gifts are immediate and safe! The University has a secure online giving form.
Is it possible to give stock to UAlbany?
Gifts of stock are a very popular giving option. Please see the instructions below under "Gift Planning FAQs" for details.
Can I make a gift in honor of someone?
You can make a gift in memory or in honor of a relative, student, teacher or friend.
How are donors recognized?
Gifts to the UAlbany Fund are promptly acknowledged and receipted though our Donor Relations office. In addition to listings in our giving societies, donors receive special news updates and invitations to University events.
How can I update my information?
If you have updates to your name, address, employment, or any other information you would like to share, please contact University Advancement at
How do I transfer stock to The University at Albany Foundation?
If you wish to transfer stock that has been held for more than a year and which has appreciated in value, The Foundation can sell the stock and you will avoid tax on the gain. If your stock has been held for more than a year but it has decreased in value, it may be more advantageous for you to sell the stock and make a cash gift to The Foundation.
Learn more about giving gifts of stock and securities.
We recommend that you speak with a member of The University at Albany Foundation staff before transferring stock to The Foundation.
Are gifts of securities or property tax deductible?
If appreciated securities or other property are given, the charitable tax deduction is based on the market value, not the cost basis. While the value is determined by the giver, UAlbany’s Donor Relations office will be pleased to acknowledge gifts through appropriate IRS forms.