Richard Cole

MA, State University of New York at New Paltz, NY
The Advanced Light Microscopy and Image Analysis (ALM&IA) Core is a resource for investigators within the Wadsworth Center as well as those from outside institutions who require advanced light microscopy (LM) and/or image analysis as part of their research programs.
Examples of these techniques are: 6D-wide field fluorescence microscopy, deconvolution, long-term imaging (transmitted and/or fluorescent) in a near homeostatic environment, and fluorescent recovery after photo bleaching (FRAP). There are also two state-of-the-art confocal microscopes (Leica SP5) in the core for imaging thicker samples. The facility supplies equipment, technical expertise and consumable supplies for various LM studies. Core personnel work along side investigators who may lack the technical expertise needed to develop imaging strategies and image analysis protocols needed to solve their research questions.
My research interests are in developing imaging/analysis solution to solve biological questions. In the past, I designed and built a combined laser microsurgery optical trapping workstation that allowed investigators to ablate part of or entire organelles within a living cell. Another imaging technology that I am developing is confocal multi-photon intra-vital imaging. The need to image in in-vivo is obvious. By using ultra-short (0.000000000001 second) laser pulses it is possible to image very deep, up to 0.5 mm with very little damage to the cells in the tissue. This technique is extremely powerful and we are currently studying microvessel angiogenesis in skin.