PhD, Political Science, the Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York
MA, Political Science, Hunter College
BA, Hofstra University
Specialization: Public Management & Political Economy
Jeffrey D. Straussman holds a PhD in Political Science from the Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York, an MA in Political Science from Hunter College and a BA from Hofstra University. Professor Straussman is a Fellow in the National Academy of Public Administration. He has published widely in the areas of public finance and budgeting, and administrative reform in transitional countries and his work appears in a variety of professional journals such as Public Budgeting & Finance, Administration & Society, Public Administration and Development and Public Administration Review. His books include: The Limits of Technocratic Politics, Public Management Strategies and Public Administration, (second edition). In 1992 Straussman was a Fulbright Scholar at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences where he taught public management and policy analysis and assisted Hungarian faculty in the development of a public affairs department. He has returned to Hungary many times since 1992. Straussman’s international teaching and consulting on subjects including managing for performance, leadership, public budgeting and public affairs education in general-- particularly in developing and transitional countries--has also taken him to Macedonia, Israel, Venezuela, The Czech Republic, the Peoples’ Republic of China, Bulgaria, Brazil, Portugal, Malaysia, India and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. His interest in the political economy of transition has produced several publications including articles translated into Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian.
Professor Straussman served as Dean of Rockefeller College from 2005 to 2011.