Support Services & Involvement Opportunities
EOP students are some of UAlbany’s most active students. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of all the services and opportunities available to you.
Each EOP student will be assigned their own EOP Counselor, who will advise them throughout the student’s undergraduate career at UAlbany. Our counselors can also assist students prepare for and apply to graduate school.
The EOP Tutoring office is located inside the EOP offices (University Library, Room 97D). Tutoring is available from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday.
If a tutor is available, we provide free one-on-one tutors to EOP students in any course and free study groups for EOP students enrolled in some of UAlbany’s most popular first-year courses.
Please email eop@albany.edu with any questions related to EOP tutoring.
EOP students can also take advantage of the tutoring and academic support services offered to all UAlbany students.
Computer Lab
EOP students can use the internet and print for a nominal fee inside EOP Computer Lab. Students must show their UAlbany ID card and sign in to use the lab.
The Computer Lab is located inside the EOP offices (University Library, Room 94M). The lab is available from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday.
Writing & Math Lab
EOP students also have access to a walk-in Writing & Math Lab. Come down to the lab for help with writing or math related questions.
The Writing & Math Lab is located inside the EOP offices (University Library, Room 94). The lab is available from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday.
Study Skills Workshops
We offer one-hour study skills workshops every Wednesday during the semester. EOP students can attend as many workshops as they want and do not need to register in advance.
We also offer periodic online study skills workshops, which are also free and open to all EOP students.
Program administrators email the workshop schedule to all EOP students at the beginning of each semester.
We have developed semester and weekly planners that help our students manage their time. We encourage all EOP students to use these planners to keep track of their exams, presentations, appointments, work schedules, study hours, and other important dates and deadlines.
To request a planner, please email eop@albany.edu.
Current EOP students can sign up to be mentored by UAlbany faculty or staff members, EOP alumni or other students.
We match mentors and mentees based on students’ career, academic and personal interests. Once matched, mentoring partners determine together how often they’ll meet.
UAlbany employees, EOP alumni and anyone else interested in being a mentor should email eop@albany.edu to get started.
Current Students: If you’d like to be matched with a mentor, please email eop@albany.edu and provide the following information:
Your academic advisor’s name
Your academic and career interests
Your hobbies
What you’re looking for in a mentor
Academic Recovery Program
EOP’s Academic Recovery Program helps motivate students to raise and then maintain their GPAs. In this program:
Students with GPAs between 0.0 and 1.99 are placed on Academic Recovery.
Students with GPAs between 2.0 and 2.25 are placed in Academic Jeopardy.
Students in the Academic Recovery Program undergo an intensive and productive program, participating in study hours, study skills workshops and weekly one-on-one meetings with their counselors.
Financial Aid
Continuing EOP students must file the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) by January 1 of each academic year. FAFSA opens in October every year.
Get started by reviewing these financial aid application instructions for current undergraduate students.
If you have questions or concerns about financial aid, please contact the Offices of Financial Aid and Student Accounts at SFS@albany.edu or 518-442-3202. You can also visit UAlbany's Student Financial Services website for more information.
Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society
EOP students are eligible to join the Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society (XAE). This Greek letter honor society was created to:
Acknowledge the continuing successes of students in academic development programs
Recognize that students who share similar experiences can serve as role models for others
Promote continued high academic standards
Foster communication and networking between programs, students and alumni
Support funding for academic development programs
EOP Student Administrative Council
The EOP Student Administrative Council (ESAC) allows EOP students at UAlbany to share their perspective with the University community.
Our members are student leaders who strive for change and to be heard. We represent all EOP students and work to improve our campus community.
Email eop@albany.edu to learn more or to join.