Mary Kay Skrabalak

Mary Kay Skrabalak

Senior Academic Advisor & EOP Counselor
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)


University Library, Room 94E (LI 94E)
Mary Kay Skrabalak

Mary Kay Skrabalak is a proud University at Albany and EOP alum. She has been a part of the EOP family for many years, first as an instructor for the University-wide freshman year experience course as well as the EOP summer English class, and now as an EOP counselor and senior academic advisor. Mary Kay is committed to the student experience and passionate about providing support and guidance for EOP students as they bring their goal of a college degree to fruition. She works with students to create an educational plan that highlights their interests and abilities while taking advantage of the many opportunities UAlbany has to offer.

Mary Kay Skrabalak earned a bachelor's in English, master's in English education and master's in reading from UAlbany. She has been recognized by the University in many ways: In 2015, she was given a certificate of appreciation for her outstanding contribution to the Division of Enrollment Management. In 2019- 2020, Mary Kay received the President's Excellence Award for Professional Service and, in 2020-2021, was honored with the SUNY Chancellor Award for Excellence in Professional Service.