Digital and Computer Forensics References

The following resource is a compiled list of electronic references that relate to computer forensics in general, forensic tool validation, as well as basic and advanced forensic preview and analysis. These references will continue to be updated as computer forensics papers and documents become available. If you find any broken links or want to suggest any useful publications not already listed, please send an email to Damira Pon at [email protected].


Standard Operating Procedures Validation & Testing

The University at Albany, State University of New York has served as a non-biased and independent evaluator for digital forensic-related Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). The revised SOP's and associated validations are available by sending a request a to: Sanjay Goel at [email protected] or Damira Pon at [email protected]. In the request please specify:

  • Your agency name
  • The purpose for which you require the files (e.g. prosecution/enforcement of cases)
  • How you heard about this material
  • The SOP's / Validation documentation you seek. Files are available in the following categories:
    • ASR Data SMART for USB Preparation for Forensic Previews - USB SOP and USB Validation
    • Penguin Sleuth Kit (PSK) for Forensic Previews - PSK SOP and PSK Validation
    • ASR Data SMART for Forensic Previews - SMART SOP and SMART Validation

Creation of Standard Operating Procedures

Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE). (2004).


Validation and Testing of Tools


General Computer Forensics Investigation