MS and PhD Graduate Programs
To receive full consideration for fall admission and financial support, prospective students should submit their applications by January 15, but the review of applications will continue until all positions are filled. The deadline for admission without support is July 15.
In exceptional cases students may be admitted for the spring semester; please contact the department before November 15 to inquire about availability of this option. Applicants are strongly encouraged to adhere to these guidelines to receive full consideration.
MS Fully Online Option
Coming Fall 2025!
Combined BS-MS Program
Qualified undergraduates may apply for admission to the MS program and, if accepted, simultaneously work toward completion of the requirements for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. See the undergraduate bulletin for details.
Requirements for Admission
In addition to the general University requirements, applicants are expected to have an undergraduate degree in physics or in a closely related field. Applicants from other areas may be considered in exceptional cases.
Although the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), both general and physics subject tests, are not required for full consideration, applicants are strongly encouraged to take them and submit their scores.
Prospective students should specify their career goals and research interests in the Statement of Purpose. This will not be interpreted as a strict commitment on the part of the student to the particular field of study and research. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted directly to the Graduate School.
Applications should be made directly to the Graduate Admissions Office at this university. The university requires a $75 application fee. For more information, or to begin the step-by-step application process, visit the Graduate School's Apply to a Degree or Certificate Program webpage.
All international applicants are required to submit evidence of English language proficiency in the form of a minimum score on an English proficiency exam. This may be waived for students who have attended a college or university in the United States or another approved country (typically one in which English is the dominant language). Details of these requirements and the waiver process may be found at the Graduate School’s website.
Graduate Funding
Nearly all full-time PhD students receive financial support as Teaching or Research Assistants or through various outside fellowships. Funding is generally not available for part time or Masters students.
For help or more information about our program, you can contact the Physics Department:
University at Albany
Physics Department
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
Telephone: 1-518-442-4501
Fax: 1-518-442-5260