Section I: Introduction
This License is extended to full-time registered students for a space in the University Residence Halls or Apartments. It is binding for the full academic year, which includes both Fall and Spring semesters. For those who choose to live in the Residence Halls, the license consists of Room & Board and is available only on a combined basis except for those who reside in the University Apartments.
A. Residence Halls — Introduction
The license is extended to individual students for a space in an on-campus room for the period of 9 a.m. Monday, August 19, 2024, to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025.
In addition, if you have received approval for early arrival before the August opening or extended housing after May closing, you agree to be bound by the same terms and conditions contained within this license.
All students are required to make a check-in appointment for Fall 2024. Instructions about this process, including specific move-in dates, will be sent to the student's UAlbany email address. Visit the Move-in page for more information.
Students may not occupy rooms during times when the residence halls are closed, except as noted in Section V.
B. University Apartments — Introduction
The License is binding for the full academic year, which includes both Fall and Spring semesters (does not include the Summer).
The Apartments License is extended to individual students for a space in University Apartments (Empire Commons, Freedom Apartments or Liberty Terrace) for the following period: 9 a.m. Thursday, August 22, 2024, to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025.
Graduates must check out by 6 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025, for University Apartments (Empire, Liberty, and Freedom).
Termination of License
During Winter Intersession (December and January only): If residents are approved to terminate their license, they should refer to Section XIV of this license agreement.
If your release is approved, there is a $400 license termination fee for release from Empire Commons. This fee is waived if a student is approved by the University for Study abroad or a University-sponsored internship not in the local area.
The Department of Residential Life (DRL) and University Apartments do not guarantee license termination approval.
C. All Resident Students — Introduction
The expectation of students living in residence at the University at Albany is that they will conduct themselves in a manner that both respects and contributes to the cultivation of an inviting, intellectual, and inclusive living environment.
Students must abide by the policies and regulations set forth in the Terms and Conditions of the University Residence Halls & Apartments License, as well as by the University’s Community Rights & Responsibilities.
Please see Section IX of this License for further details.
D. The On-Campus Residence Requirements
All students with an admission classification of freshmen and sophomore as recorded on the Integrated Administrative System must live in on-campus residence facilities for their first two years at the University. Transfer students are not exempt from this requirement.
Additional exemptions for the following reasons will be reviewed upon receipt of a formal application requesting a release from housing, accompanied by official, third-party documentation. The housing release application is available on the Housing Release webpage.
The following reasons will be considered:
Student is married
Student is 21 years of age or over
Student is a veteran
Student/dependent lives with parent/guardian at their permanent address within 50-mile radius of the Albany campus
Medical reason (see Section VII, B)
Any student who is not exempt from the on-campus residency requirement will be billed the full housing charge at their current occupancy rate of 16-weeks from the time they leave housing to the remainder of the semester, as well as their full meal plan (board) charge in relation to their housing assignment if they choose to leave and walk-out of their contract without the appropriate approval.
Students are advised that their License is binding for the duration stipulated herein.
Withdrawals from residence for any reason, resulting in the breach of this license agreement, will result in financial penalties incurred by the student. Students should familiarize themselves with Section XIII (Payments) and Section XIV (Refunds and Billing Adjustments) of this License.
Section XV of this agreement outlines the appropriate procedures for applying for releases from residence, and the circumstances under which students may be granted such releases. Penalties may still apply for breach of this license in any way.
Section II: Eligibility
The offer of on-campus housing accommodations is extended to registered, matriculated students. Preference for residence in University housing will be given to full-time degree candidates; however, part-time status does not terminate this agreement.
Only registered students who have completed a Housing Application, acknowledged receipt of the Terms and Conditions of the Housing License, completed a Room/Apartment Condition Form, completed a Key Receipt Form, and been assigned to a space are permitted to reside in the University at Albany residence halls or apartments.
Non-matriculated, continuing studies, and General Studies students will be considered for housing only if space is available and only after all traditional matriculated University at Albany students have been housed, and with approval from the Director of Residential Life. Consideration should be requested by emailing Residential Life at
Persons not registered for courses at the University at Albany are not permitted to live on campus.
If a student is under 18 years of age by the first day of classes in their first semester, they must have parental authorization indicating understanding of, and agreement with, the terms and conditions of the License. Students under the age of 17 at the time they enroll are not considered for on-campus housing.
Section III: Room Assignments
A. Residence Halls — Room Assignments
All eligible students may apply to reside in University Residence Halls; however, the University is not required to house all students.
The University reserves the right to increase the occupancy of a room beyond design capacity at a reduced room rate for all students in that room, and to change the occupancy of an increased room to normal at any time. Increased occupancy rooms may include bunk beds.
The assigned students select beds, on a first come, first served basis during check-in.
Students are prohibited from occupying more than one space within a suite, including but not limited to, moving the beds together, using more than one closet, dresser, and/or desk, preventing another student from moving into the space, etc. Failure to act in accordance with this policy will result in University disciplinary action.
Room & Board Rate Adjustments
The University reserves the right to adjust room and board rates at any time if warranted by State budget conditions, unforeseen cost increases, or occupancy losses.
Room rates are subject to approval by the State University of New York System Administration.
B. University Apartments — Room Assignments
Only University at Albany students who are juniors, seniors, graduate students, or 21 years of age may apply to reside in University Apartments. Class status is based on the 2024-2025 academic year. Students with a class status of sophomore are eligible to reside at Freedom Apartments on a space available basis. Sophomores cannot reside on Empire Commons or Liberty Terrace.
C. Gender-Inclusive Housing
Recognizing that single-gender housing may not be appropriate or comfortable for all students, Residential Life offers a limited number of rooms as Gender-Inclusive Housing in both the residence halls and apartments on a space available basis.
Students signing up for these areas will be permitted to have roommates and suitemates from across the gender spectrum. Gender-Inclusive Housing will allow for an environment where student housing is not restricted by traditional limitations presented by our current system based on the gender binary.
We believe that it is important that our housing policies evolve to meet all students' needs and to create an inclusive, welcoming environment.
Continuing students may elect Gender Inclusive Housing during Housing Sign-up. New students entering the University should contact the Department of Residential Life at 518-442-5875 or
D. New Students
Freshmen, Transfer, and Readmitted students will have the opportunity to provide limited preferences on the Housing Application Form.
Stated preferences will be honored where possible but are not guaranteed. New student housing assignments are made based on the date of receipt of the completed Housing Application Form and Housing Deposit.
E. Room Changes
Based on availability, request for room changes may be honored as soon as rooms become available for both the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.
Students may not occupy two spaces concurrently. Therefore, you must check out completely from your old space prior to moving into your newly assigned room. For all room changes at the end of the Fall semester, students must check out of their current location prior to departing for intersession. If you are granted a room change and do not check out prior to intersession, you will forfeit your new assignment. If your new assignment is available (e.g., has been assessed, cleaned, etc.), you may move into the new location before intersession; otherwise, you will need to bring all your belongings home and/or store them during the intersession.
The University reserves the right to change room assignments for health, safety, repair services, vacancy consolidation, disciplinary sanctions, unresolved issues in compatibility of roommates, or other reasons at the discretion of the DRL.
Residential Life may require residents to participate in a mediation meeting to resolve any issues in compatibility with roommates, suite-mates and apartment-mates.
Section IV: Arrival Procedures
Students may not occupy or deliver items to their rooms or apartments prior to the official opening date of the Residence Halls and University Apartments, i.e., Monday, August 19, 2024, for the Fall semester, and Sunday, January 19, 2025, for the Spring semester.
Students whose presence on campus is required by an office, department, or organization to assist with the opening of the University may be granted permission to arrive early. Requests for early arrival of a student who has responsibilities as it relates to the opening of the University must be made in writing to the DRL by the appropriate office, department, or organization.
Upon arrival, all students must report to their assigned living area and check in at their Quad Information Center or respective University Apartments Office.
A. Fall Semester Check-in
Students entering the University Residence Halls and Apartments for the Fall 2024 semester must make an appointment to check in during regular business hours (9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) on Monday, August 19, 2024, to Sunday, August 25, 2024.
Rooms will be held for assigned students only through Monday, August 26, 2024, unless prior arrangements are made with the DRL. Students who have not checked in by that time may have their rooms reassigned to other students.
After Check-in, all residential students must go online to complete their Electronic Room Condition Report (ERCR) on the Housing Portal to document any room/suite damage within 72 hours to avoid any damage-related charges.
B. Spring Semester Check-in
Continuing and newly admitted students entering the residence halls or Apartments for the Spring 2025 may check in and/or return between the hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, January 19, 2025, through Sunday, January 26, 2025.
Rooms will be held for assigned students only through Monday, January 27, 2025, unless prior arrangements are made with the DRL. Students who have not checked in by that time may have their rooms reassigned to other students.
Note: "Early arrivals" will not be accommodated for the Spring.
C. Summer School Check-in (University Apartments only)
Students who lived on University Apartments the immediate prior Spring semester or who will live on University Apartments during the upcoming Fall semester may live on Empire Commons until the end of Summer School housing.
The Summer School sessions are from May 27, 2024, to August 9, 2024. Note that housing for Summer School ends on Friday, August 2, 2024. University Apartment Summer School residents must check out within 24 hours of their last Summer School final exam or by 4 p.m. Friday, August 2, 2024 (whichever is sooner).
Students will be required to fill out a summer school application and provide documentation that they are registered for the session(s) for which they are requesting housing.
Students who are approved to reside on Empire Commons during a Summer session(s) may check in at the Empire Commons Community Building one day prior to the start of their registered Summer session.
All room fees will be added to the student’s University account. Meal plans are not required for any student residing on the University Apartments during a Summer session(s).
Section V: Vacation Periods
A. Residence Halls — Vacation Periods
Recess periods for the 2024-2025 academic year are Thanksgiving, Winter Intersession, and Spring Recess.
Residents must complete a recess housing application to stay. If you do not apply, your UAlbany ID card will be deactivated, and you will not have access to your Residence Hall, suite or bedroom for the duration of the break.
For Thanksgiving, the residence halls will close at 11 a.m. Wednesday, November 27, 2024, and will re-open at 11 a.m. Sunday, December 1, 2024.
For Winter Intersession, the residence halls close at 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 18, 2024, and will re-open at 11 a.m. Sunday, January 19, 2025.
For Spring Recess, residence halls will close at 6 p.m. Friday, March 14, 2025, and will re-open 11 a.m. Sunday, March 23, 2025, any student who has a University class on Saturday, March 22, 2025, can make special arrangements with Residential Life.
Students will not be able to gain access to their rooms during recess periods. Students must vacate, except for students residing in approved Recess Housing residence halls.
When the University begins a recess, all students must vacate their rooms no later than 24 hours after their last class or examination. Students may leave their personal items in their rooms at their own risk.
Students with legitimate reasons may request to stay in the residence hall(s) designated for recess housing use. They may do so through filing a Recess Housing Application, which will be advertised via the DRL’s website and available on the quads.
Students will be notified of the status of this application's status and specific procedures for remaining over break. Mail will not be forwarded during vacation periods. Dining options are very limited during any recess period.
B. University Apartments — Vacation Periods
Empire Commons, Liberty Terrace, and Freedom Apartments: These areas remain open during semester breaks, as well as during the Winter Intersession.
Students approved for release after completion of the Fall 2024 semester are ineligible for Intersession Housing and must follow the checkout deadline listed in Section VI.
All rules and regulations stated in the Community Rights & Responsibilities and the Residence Halls & Apartments License will remain in effect. During most breaks, all offices and wellness centers will be closed or have limited hours. However, Residential Life staff will be available in the event of an emergency.
Section VI: Check-out
A. Residence Halls — Check-out
Students approved for release from the Residence Halls must do so by 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Students who fail to check out by 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 18, 2024, will incur weekly charges.
Residence Halls close to all students at 11 a.m. Thursday, May 15, 2025, except for those students approved for participation in Commencement. Students must check out of their room within 24-hours of their last exam. See Section C below for more information. Graduates must check out by 6 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025.
Any students withdrawing from the University must officially check-out within 48 hours. See Section C below for more information.
B. University Apartments — Check-out
Students approved for release from University Apartments after completion of the Fall 2024 semester must do so by 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
University Apartments close for all students — including those graduating — at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025. Students must check-out of their apartment within 24 hours of their last exam. See Section C below for more information.
University Apartments Summer residents must check-out within 24 hours of their last summer school final exam or by 4 p.m. Friday, August 2, 2024, whichever is sooner.
Students with a Fall 2024 housing assignment and whose Summer Session classes go until August 9, 2024, will be moved to their Fall 2024 housing assignment.
Any students withdrawing from the University must officially check-out within 48 hours. See Section C below for more information.
C. All Resident Students — Check-out
When leaving residence permanently, or changing rooms at any time of the year, all students must complete the following procedures for their room to be considered vacated:
- Remove all personal belongings.
- Remove all trash and unwanted materials and leave the room/suite clean.
- Return all issued residence keys and complete appropriate forms.
- Complete forwarding address information.
Once a student officially checks out of their room (i.e., returns issued keys and completes all necessary paperwork), they confirm that all personal items of worth have been removed, thereby releasing the University from all liability for damage or loss of any personal items left behind. (This may also include an incomplete check out in which students do not return their keys and leave the University without notifying the DRL).
Failure to comply with the above procedures may result in a student being charged a room damage/cleaning fee. Failure to return keys may result in key replacement fees. Keys must be returned the same day the student is leaving their housing assignment. If keys are not returned after three days (72 hours) upon leaving residence, a key replacement fee will be charged to the student.
Keys must be returned in person by the residents. Keys cannot be returned by mail or any other delivery service.
Section VII: Medical Accommodations
If a student feels they have a medical condition, which warrants a single room or a change in their housing situation, the request is forwarded to the Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS). Please email
The decision to grant such a request is based on the medical necessity of the student's diagnosed condition.
For a fair decision to be reached, based on true medical need, the student will need to provide DAISS with a typed letter from the student's treating physician, which includes:
- The diagnosis
- Current treatment
- Length of treatment of the condition by the physician providing the letter
- The anticipated benefit of housing change, highlighting aspects of the current housing which prevents these benefits
- Specific aspects of the requested housing deemed necessary to avoid medical complications related to the diagnosed condition
Section VIII: Board (Meal Plan) Requirements
A. Living Accommodations
Traditional Residence Halls
Students living in traditional residence halls (i.e., Colonial, Dutch, Indigenous and State Quads) are required to have a meal plan.
A designated meal plan is automatically assigned to students based on class year. Meal plan requirements and options can be viewed on the UAlbany Dining website's meal plan webpage.
Students are responsible for understanding and abiding by meal plan terms and conditions.
A traditional residence hall student may change their automatically assigned meal plan (as allowed per class year) through the tenth business day of the semester via the UAlbany ID Portal. The deadline for Fall 2024 is Monday, September 9, 2024. The deadline for Spring 2025 is Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
University Apartments
Students residing in the University Apartments are not required to purchase a meal plan but can add a voluntary meal plan at any time during the academic year. Meal plan options and details are available online on the UAlbany Dining website's meal plan webpage.
University Apartment students may only change or cancel their chosen meal plans through the tenth business day of the semester via the UAlbany ID Portal. The deadline for Fall 2024 is Monday, September 9, 2024. The deadline for Spring 2025 is Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
A fall voluntary meal plan will not be automatically reassigned for the spring term. University Apartment students must select a meal plan of their choice each semester via the UAlbany ID Portal. Select a spring plan between January 1 and 30, 2024.
University student opting to have a meal plan are responsible for understanding and abiding by meal plan terms and conditions.
B. Meal Plan Activation
Fall 2024 meal plans start on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at dinner time. First-year students who move in on Monday, August 19, 2024, will be provided with a meal plan accommodation starting at dinner time at no additional cost.
The Spring 2025 meal plan begins on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at dinner time.
Students moving in before the scheduled date will not have access to any part of their meal plan and can add Munch Money or Podium for on-campus purchases until meal plans are activated (cash/credit cards also accepted on campus).
After meal plans are activated, but when resident dining rooms are closed, the meal plans declining balance tender (i.e., Discount Dollars) and other declining balance tenders (i.e., Munch Money and Podium) can be used at campus retail locations, when available.
Resident and retail dining hours of operation may change during University vacations, holidays or emergency situations. Please check the University Auxiliary Services (UAS) website and UAlbany Dining website for the most up-to-date information on meal plan activation dates/times and hours of operation.
Meal plan and other campus fund deposits/balances can be made/checked on the UAlbany ID Portal.
C. Food Allergy and Special Diet Accommodations
Nutrition resources and accommodation are available for students with food allergies, medical/psychological conditions, or special dietary preferences.
Students with special needs must continue to meet all meal plan requirements and terms and conditions, based on their living accommodations and class year.
More information can be found on the UAlbany Dining website's Nutrition page.
Section IX: Rules & Regulations
The following rules and regulations apply to all University Residence Halls and Apartments. In addition, University rules and expectations included in Community Rights & Responsibilities, not reproduced here, also apply.
Failure to act in accordance with these rules, regulations and expectations may result in University disciplinary action and/or in civil criminal action and/or financial liability. Possession or use of prohibited items may result in their removal, facilitated by University officials. Residents of suites/apartments where a health/safety hazard exists shall be required to remove the hazard immediately.
Endangerment or Disruptive Conduct
Endangerment or Disruptive Conduct is defined as acting to create or contribute to dangerous or unsafe environments anywhere on or off campus; as reckless or intentional acts which endanger, or put at risk, the welfare of oneself or others; or as threatening conduct which is unreasonable in the area, time, or manner in which it occurs.
This behavior includes, but is not limited to, a suicide threat (verbally and/or in writing, including social media), plans or preparation for suicide, or deliberately causing serious injury to self.
Students residing in the residence halls or University Apartments who display suicidal behavior will be required to participate in CAPS-Connect, a joint program of the University Counseling and Psychological Services Center (CAPS) and the DRL.
Refusal to participate or work towards the successful completion of CAPS-Connect may result in deactivation of a student’s UAlbany ID card, conduct referral, administrative move, or removal from residence.
Camera Devices
Cameras may not be installed in Private Areas of the Campus. Private Areas are identified as areas including residence hall/apartment rooms, bathrooms, shower areas, living room, common areas within the suite/apartment, locker and changing rooms, and areas where a reasonable person might change clothing. Read the University Security Camera policy.
A. Residence Halls and University Apartments Regulations
1. Respect for Individuals and Groups
Individuals are expected to maintain respect for individual and group rights and responsibilities as stated in this License and in the University’s Community Rights & Responsibilities.
2. Alcohol
All bulk containers are strictly prohibited. Individuals are expected to abide by all state laws and University policies governing the use of alcohol. Please refer to the University’s Community Rights & Responsibilities for detailed policy.
Alcohol is strictly prohibited on Indigenous and State Quads, regardless of residents’ age. Alcohol containers — including empty liquor bottles, wine bottles and/or beer cans — are prohibited. Empty alcohol containers cannot be used as decoration as well. In addition to the above statement, residents found with items used for binge drinking (e.g., beer/water pong tables, funnels, kegs, etc.) will be required to carry said item(s) to their respective Quad Information Center or University Apartments Office. The item(s) will remain in the property of Residential Life staff until the end of the academic year or until a time when the owner can permanently remove the item(s) from campus. At the end of each academic year (24 hours after closing), all such items will be disposed of if the owner does not collect them.
Note: Residents found in violation of the Residence Halls and Apartments License for alcohol will be charged with the student code of conduct No. 17: Alcohol, outlined in the Community Rights & Responsibilities.
3. Host Responsibility for Guests
Hosts are defined as residential occupants (residential students assigned to the bedroom, suite or apartment) or individuals who have otherwise assisted in organizing an event shall be considered a host unless it can be shown that they were not present and played no part in organizing, hosting, promoting, or advertising the event.
Guests are defined below (No. 4).
Hosts assume responsibility for the behavior and activities of their guest(s). Guests are subject to the same rules, regulations, and expectations as their host, and hosts must inform guests of those rules, regulations, and expectations in advance.
The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action against the host where violations of University regulations have occurred and to require the immediate departure of any guest at any time.
Residents are not allowed to host parties or events in their bedroom, suite, or apartment at any time. Gatherings of any size that are disruptive to the community or are a health hazard will be dispersed.
Hosts who violate these rules may be referred through the student conduct process and may receive a sanction up to and including removal from residence, campus restrictions, disciplinary suspension, or disciplinary dismissal.
4. Overnight Guest / Visitation Policy
A Non-residential guest is defined as an individual that is not currently assigned to on-campus housing on a Quad or Apartment Complex. A Residential guest is an individual assigned to on-campus housing on a Quad or Apartment Complex.
Residential Occupant is defined above (No. 3).
Only two Non-residential or Residential guests per residential occupant are allowed in any bedroom, suite, or apartment. For example, a suite/apartment with four residential occupants may have a maximum of eight guests, totaling no more than twelve people (including guests and residents), in the suite/apartment at any time. All guests whether Residential or Non-residential must abide by all University policies and regulations.
Overnight guests are permitted. Overnight hours are defined as midnight to 6 a.m. daily. Overnight Non-residential or Residential guests may be housed for no more than 72 hours in a 30-day span provided that the host registers the Non-residential or Residential guest(s) with the Quad Information Center/University Apartments Offices before 11 p.m. the night of their stay, as well as with your roommates and /or apartment-mates.
Note: Overnight guests are not permitted during Thanksgiving Break, Winter Intersession and Spring Break.
Non-Residential and/or Residential Guests are not transferable between hosts. For example, in an apartment/suite with four residents, Resident A can only host two Non-residential and/or Residential guests and cannot use the host privileges of the three other residents to host additional guests.
- A host must always remain with their Non-residential and/or Residential guest(s) at all times.
- Non-residential and/or Residential guests who observe that a bedroom, suite, or apartment is over the limit must leave immediately.
- Overnight guests are permitted, which includes Non-residential or Residential guest(s), except during recess breaks. Overnight guests are not permitted during Thanksgiving Break, Winter Intersession and Spring Break.
- To ensure compliance with the guest limit, a guest must be explicitly invited by a host. Meaning, a guest cannot bring additional guests with them.
- Non-Residential or Residential guests may be directed to vacate the residence halls or apartment complex at any time for failure to abide by Residence Life or campus policies and procedures.
- Overnight Non-residential or Residential guest(s) must be registered Overnight Guest Form before 11 p.m. the night of their stay, as well as with your roommates and /or apartment-mates. If not, your Non-residential or Residential guest(s) cannot stay. The host and Residential guest(s) will be subject to review under the Student Code of Conduct if Residential guest(s) is not registered.
- Cohabitation is not permitted and is defined as a person (housing resident or non-resident) staying in an apartment or residential suite to which they are not assigned for more than 72 hours consecutively (whether overnight or during the day), or other patterned behavior that is intended to allow an individual to stay beyond 72 hours within a 30-day span. Non-registered guests can also be considered as an instance of cohabitation. The DRL may ask anyone to leave if it infringes on the rights of any other residents or creates a disruption to the community. In those instances, the host will be subject to review under the Student Code of Conduct.
5. Quiet Hours and Courtesy Hours
Residence Halls
Formal Quiet Hours are Sunday through Thursday from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., and Friday through Saturday from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
During the final examination period, beginning the night of Reading Day and extending daily through the last examination, formal quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day. Formal Quiet Hours are defined as a time during which all sound must be contained within a room/suite.
Courtesy Hours exist 24 hours every day, are therefore always in effect, and are defined as a time in which general consideration for others is maintained.
University Apartments
Residents of University Apartments (Empire Commons, Freedom Apartments, and Liberty Terrace) and their guests are required to be respectful of their neighbors and keep noise to a minimum.
Noise must be confined within the parameters of residents’ apartments. Residents and guests must also keep all noise to a minimum in building hallways and outside on the grounds.
Neither residents nor their guests may play loud music or have loud gatherings in any apartment or on the grounds of University Apartments. Residents and their guests must abide by this policy at all times.
6. Fire Safety
All residents must evacuate the building when a fire alarm sounds. Failure to cooperate or to evacuate during a fire alarm; causing of a false fire alarm; inappropriate behavior which results in the activation of a fire alarm; interfering with the proper functioning of a fire alarm system; and tampering with, damaging, or removing fire hoses, extinguishers, exit lights, heat/smoke detectors, extinguisher boxes or alarm covers, or any other fire safety apparatus are strictly prohibited.
The use of any open-flamed devices, such as candles, sterno products, incense, Hookahs and all smoking paraphernalia are prohibited.
Lamps with heat-producing lights — including, but not limited to, kerosene, grow, heating, lava and salt lamps — and lamps with non-USB power outlets are prohibited. Lamps must use a compact fluorescent (CFL) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs.
Extension cords — including, but not limited to, non-surge-protected / non-over-current plug adapters — are prohibited.
All non-Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved electrical items are prohibited. Power taps need to have surge protection and over-current protection, be UL compliant and have a reset button or switch to be compliant.
Hot plates, broiler ovens, grills, flat top cookers, non-single brew coffee makers, toaster ovens, deep fryers, air fryers, waffle irons, panini presses, crockpots, Instant pots, pressure cookers, standalone microwaves, pop-up toasters and 3D printers are also prohibited.
The following are also prohibited: natural trees and wreaths; hay or straw paneling, wallpaper or similar coverings; open-element, electric or liquid-fueled space heaters (including, but not limited to, electric, kerosene, propane and gas space heaters and heated blankets); and hazardous trash accumulation.
Any electric lithium ion or lead acid battery powered recreational mobility devices — including but not limited to hoverboards, bikes, scooters and skateboards — may not be used or stored in residential living areas. This does not include wheelchairs, mobility aids and other power-driven mobility devices.
Note: See Section IX.A.9 (Appliances) for permitted appliances in the Residence Halls and University Apartments.
7. Dangerous Objects
The possession or use of fireworks, sparkler devices, explosives, dangerous chemicals, flammable liquids, charcoal lighter fluid (or any kind of lighter fluid), natural trees and wreaths, items which constitute a fire hazard, firearms (including gun powder) or other weapons, ammunition, knives, chukka sticks, and other dangerous objects or chemicals is prohibited.
Use and storage of helium, butane and propane tanks in rooms, suites and lounges is prohibited.
8. Kitchen Use / Cooking
Residence Halls
Cooking is permitted only in residence hall kitchenette areas. Minimal snack preparation is permitted in student rooms (see No. 9 below).
Any open-flame cooking equipment, including charcoal barbecue grills and hibachis, is prohibited from the quadrangle grounds.
University Apartments
Cooking is permitted in University Apartments. Students may only cook indoors in the apartment kitchen. The use of cooking appliances is prohibited in student bedrooms and apartment common areas other than the kitchen.
Students may cook outside within the common areas on the grounds of University Apartments. The use of charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices shall not be operated within 30 feet of the buildings.
Residents are responsible for themselves and their guests in ensuring that any outside gathering results in an expeditious and complete cleanup of the area. It is imperative that individuals take every safety precaution when disposing of used charcoal. Once the charcoal is finished being used, allow it to sit in the grill for at least 24 hours before placing it in the dumpster.
Individuals using outdoor space must refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages outdoors, regardless of age.
All cooking in the kitchen must be attended to. Any student who causes a fire or triggers a fire alarm through negligent use of kitchen facilities will be referred for disciplinary action.
Students are responsible for maintaining and cleaning their assigned kitchen and appliances to assure a safe cooking area. Students who neglect cleaning the kitchen area causing a risk of fire, pests, or any other danger to the community will be referred for disciplinary action. Students are financially responsible for any related damages resulting from negligence while cooking or using the kitchen.
9. Appliances
Residence Halls
Air conditioners, ceiling fans, microwave ovens (except for approved MicroFridges), and all other cooking appliances that have an open element or flame are prohibited. Air conditioners are not supplied by the University and students are not permitted to bring their own air conditioner.
For snack preparation, the following appliances — UL approved only — are permitted: closed element popcorn poppers, thermostatically controlled hot pots and rice cookers, and percolators/coffeemakers.
Prohibited items include: hot plates, broiler ovens, grills, flat top cookers, non-single brew coffee makers, toaster ovens, deep fryers, air fryers, waffle irons, panini presses, crockpots, Instant pots, pressure cookers, standalone microwaves and pop-up toasters.
University Apartments
Students are expected to use appliances furnished in their apartment in the appropriate manner. The student takes responsibility for the appliances’ use and functioning during their stay.
Misuse, damage and/or injury caused by the student are the student's sole responsibility. The student will incur appropriate maintenance and upkeep charges due to damages caused by misuse or negligence.
The following small kitchen appliances are permitted for use in kitchens: blenders, juicers, food processors, hand and stand mixers, food dehydrators, ice cream makers, single brew coffee makers, toasters, toaster ovens, electric water kettles, crockpots, rice cookers, air fryers, instant pots, bread makers, waffle irons, and panini presses.
Hot plates, charcoal barbecue grills, hibachis and deep fryers are not permitted inside the apartment.
Empire Commons and Liberty Terrace apartments are equipped with microwaves. Freedom Apartments residents may possess one microwave in the kitchen; however, Freedom Apartments are not equipped with one.
Air conditioners are not supplied by the University and students are not permitted to bring their own air conditioner.
10. Refrigerators
Residence Halls
Mini Refrigerators: Students are permitted to have a refrigerator in their room/suite.
The refrigerator may be student-provided, in which case it must be in good working condition, have a capacity of 6 cubic feet or less, have electrical requirements and use rated at 110 volts, be 1.75 amperes or below, and be UL approved. Or it may be a leased unit meeting the same requirements.
Facilities Management and the Department of Residential Life are not responsible for the disposal of students’ refrigerators. Refrigerators should return home with the student or be brought to a certified recycling center for proper disposal. No more than one refrigerator may be plugged into a single outlet at a time.
Microwave: The only microwave allowed in the residence hall rooms is via the current approved vendor for a refrigerator/microwave/freezer combination.
Visit our Services & Amenities page for more information on MicroFridges.
University Apartments
All apartments come equipped with a full-size refrigerator.
11. Electronic Equipment
Radio-transmitting/receiving equipment are prohibited. Sub-woofers and amplification equipment are prohibited. Student-provided wireless access points and networking routers are strictly prohibited in all University residence.
Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by all University Information Technology policies, including Connecting Devices to the University Network and Responsible Use of Information Technology.
For all applicable University IT policies, visit the Information Technology Services (ITS) website.
12. Pets
Pets, other than tropical fish in a 5 gallon or less tank, are prohibited. Qualified service animals and emotional support animals must be registered and approved by the Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS).
13. Upholstered Furniture
All upholstered furniture must comply with 2020 Fire Code of NYS Section 805.4. Upholstered furniture intended for use in residence halls shall conform to this section and NFPA 261 or NFPA 260. These products shall also have specified heat release rates when tested under ASTM E 1537. Upholstered furniture shall be labeled confirming compliance with this section.
New York State Fire regulations specifically prohibit furniture that does not meet the flammability requirements of California Technical Bulletin 133 (CAL 133). This is a very high standard to meet to ensure fire safety in large, institutional environments; cushioned or upholstered furniture available at most retail stores will not meet the standard. Any cushioned or upholstered furniture that is not labeled CAL 133 is prohibited. Furniture with USB/electrical outlets is prohibited.
14. Room Decorations
Wall decorations may not exceed 10% of a wall's total surface area.
Combustible materials such as posters, pictures, etc., shall be limited to 10% of available wall space in each room. No combustible material shall be allowed on ceilings or on the inside of any door. Fabrics, including sheets, fishnet, tapestry and fabric flags, used as decorations are prohibited. Ceiling decorations of all types are prohibited. LED light strips are not allowed on the walls or ceiling. Wall paneling, wallpaper, foam/noise acoustic wall coverings or similar coverings are not permitted. Curtains must comply with NFPA 701) and NFPA 289, and upholstered furniture must comply with NFPA 261 and NFPA 260 as well as ASTM E1537 or CAL 133.
15. Windows
Throwing or hanging anything out windows is prohibited.
University Apartments
Students are not permitted to utilize apartment windows as entrances or exits to their apartment, except in cases of emergency.
Use of apartment windows to move personal belongings into or out of the apartment is prohibited.
16. Ceilings
Ceilings may not be disturbed in any way. This means you may not attach any items (such as stickers, nails, hooks, bottle caps, etc.) to the ceiling or bounce balls off them. The ceilings in some Residence Hall rooms contain a low percentage of chrysotile asbestos.
17. Screens
Removal of existing window screens is prohibited.
18. Recreation / Other Activity
Residence Halls
Recreational activity within the courtyard of the Quadrangles is governed by the DRL. Activities potentially injurious to individuals, facilities or grounds are prohibited in common areas, including lounges and hallways.
University Apartments
Recreational activity within and around Empire Commons, Freedom Apartments and Liberty Terrace are governed by the Department of Residential Life, University Apartments, and the prescribed guidelines regarding use of the Empire Commons Community Building or Liberty Terrace Community Area.
Activities that could be injurious or disruptive to individuals, facilities or grounds are prohibited in common areas, including hallways, stairwells, and grounds.
Reservation Requests are required for all use of common space for formal and informal activities within and around Empire Commons, Liberty Terrace, and Freedom Apartments. Requests must be submitted via EMS for approval two weeks prior to the date of the proposed event and/or activity. Charges may apply.
Failure to comply with this regulation may result in disciplinary sanctions. Additionally, failure to follow the posted rules and regulations or verbal directives of Residential Life staff may result in disciplinary sanctions and/or revocation of one’s gym privileges.
19. Solicitations
Residence Halls
Solicitations and sales by residents and others are limited to those activities authorized by the designated campus authority and are limited to those approved by the DRL.
Use of a Mail Services mailbox is strictly for personal use only, not for business purposes.
Door to door sales or “dorm storming” are strictly prohibited, with the exception of those activities approved by the DRL.
University Apartments
Solicitations and sales by residents and others are prohibited within apartment buildings.
Solicitations within the Empire Commons Community Building are limited to those approved by the University Apartments.
Use of a Mail Services mailbox is strictly for personal use only, not for business purposes.
20. Subletting / Renting
Students shall not assign or sublet this License to any part of the premises. Subletting includes short-term or temporary rental arrangements including, but not limited to, those offered through peer-to-peer accommodation services, such as Airbnb, Craigslist or Couchsurfing. Assigning, or subletting may result in discipline and/or License revocation without compensation.
21. Tunnel Area
Entering quad tunnel areas is prohibited, unless specific permission is granted by the DRL.
22. Vehicles
Storage of motorcycles or mopeds in buildings is prohibited. Any motorized (electric Lithium Ion or lead acid battery-powered or motor-propelled) devices — including, but not limited to, hoverboards, skateboards, scooters, bikes and Segways — are prohibited in the buildings. This does not include wheelchairs, mobility aids and other power-driven mobility devices.
23. Smoking and Tobacco
The University prohibits Smoking and the use of Tobacco Products on University Property. This means you may not smoke or use tobacco products anywhere on any University campus. This includes smoking of any kind, including tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vaporizers, hookahs, drugs, etc.
Read the University’s Tobacco- and Smoke-free Campus Policy.
Statement on Medical Cannabis
While prescribed use of cannabis for medical purposes has been authorized in several states, the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, a Federal law, still classifies cannabis as an illegal substance and requires that schools prohibit it on campus. Therefore, in compliance with Federal law, the University at Albany does not permit possession, use, or distribution of cannabis in any form, for any purpose, on campus.
Residential students with a prescription should be advised to speak with their health care professional to discuss alternatives. Student Health Services will not approve any request for an accommodation to possess or use cannabis.
24. Building Entrances
Propping open any building access/entrance door is strictly prohibited.
25. Trash / Recycling
Students must remove trash anytime the trash/recycle bin are full or not less than once after every meal; whichever is greater. Trash must be disposed of in designated trash room. Please contact your Quad Office or Apartment Complex Office for trash disposal locations.
Students are required to utilize the recycling and garbage bins issued to their room, suite or apartment for recyclable materials. Students will be billed for lost, stolen or damaged bins.
26. Cinderblocks / Bricks
Cinderblocks or bricks of any composition are prohibited in all University Residence Halls and Apartments.
27. Halogen Lamps
Halogen lamps/bulbs are prohibited in all University Residence Halls and Apartments for health and safety purposes.
28. Lofting / Bunking of Beds
Lofting or bunking of beds must be completed by submitting a repair request to the Quad Information Center.
Any bed with the above configuration must be done by Facilities staff and are required to have a safety rail installed. Not all University beds will be able to be lofted or bunked. Only University-supplied loft configurations are acceptable.
Waterbeds are prohibited.
29. Personal Property Disposal
The DRL is not responsible for the disposal of student personal property, including appliances, electronics, furniture, clothing, books or any other personal effects. See Section XII for more information.
30. Abandoned Personal Property
Abandoned personal property is defined as any personal property that is left behind in the residential halls/apartments or on campus grounds after a student is no longer actively enrolled in classes at the University at Albany. This includes but is not limited to, students who have graduated, withdrawn, been academically dismissed, have been served with a disciplinary suspension or dismissal, or otherwise been notified that they have been released from housing.
The University is not responsible for storing or ensuring the protection of personal property. The University will make reasonable good faith efforts to contact the student should property (excluding trash) be abandoned in the residence halls.
The student will have 30 days from the date of notice to respond and arrange for removal of abandoned property. If a student fails to respond after 30 days to the abandoned property notice, the University reserves the right to dispose of the abandoned property, and the student may be charged for any costs associated with the collection, storage and/or disposal of the abandoned property.
31. Assigned Keys
a. Residents must keep their keys and UAlbany ID with them at all times. In instances where a resident does not have their key and/or ID and needs access to their bedroom, suite, apartment, or building, residents must request Residential Life staff unlock the door during designated lock-out times. Lock-out times are posted in all residential buildings and/or the Quad Office.
b. Residents must notify Residential Life immediately of any lost or damaged keys. Residential Life will bill students for lost and/or damage keys in accordance with Section X, E. Residents who have three (3) or more lockouts within a semester may be billed for a lock change or receive a conduct referral.
c. Residents are assigned bedroom, suite, apartment, mailbox, and/or cubby key associated with the space to which they are assigned. Residents may not re-issue any of these keys to any other person for any temporary or long-term purpose. In addition, residents cannot exchange keys without an approved room change from DRL.
32. Empire Commons and Liberty Terrace Bathroom Assignments
Students living on Liberty Terrace and Empire Commons have a bathroom assigned to them based on their bedroom number.
Empire Commons 4-Bedroom 2-Bathroom Apartments: Residents in rooms 1 and 2 are assigned to and share the bathroom in the hallway of their rooms, known as “Bathroom 1.” Residents in rooms 3 and 4 are assigned to and share the bathroom in the hallway of their rooms, known as “Bathroom 2.”
Empire Commons 4-Bedroom 4-Bathroom Apartments: Residents are assigned to the bathroom that is inside of their room.
Liberty Terrace Apartments: Residents in rooms 1 and 2 are assigned to and share the bathroom closest to room 1, known as “Bathroom 1.” Residents in rooms 3 and 4 are assigned to and share the bathroom closest to room 4, known as “Bathroom 2.” Residents are not permitted to use a bathroom to which they are not assigned. In the event of a facilities emergency, Residential Life may temporarily reassign a student(s) to a different bathroom in the apartment.
B. Alcohol and Controlled Substances at the University
For information about the campus policy governing the use of alcohol, please refer to the University’s Community Rights & Responsibilities and the University’s Alcohol and Controlled Substances Policy.
C. Campus Policy Governing Use of Alcohol in Residence Halls
All University at Albany students who live in residence and their visitors/guests are subject to New York State Law and the University at Albany’s policy regarding possession and consumption of alcohol, as well as specific policies governing the Residence Halls.
Please note that individuals disciplinarily suspended or dismissed from the University forfeit tuition and fees as well as room and board charges for the semester in which the disciplinary action occurred. Such individuals shall not receive academic credit for the semester in which the suspension or dismissal occurred.
Residents found in violation of the Residence Halls and Apartments License for alcohol will be charged with the student code of conduct # 17. Alcohol outlined in the Community Rights & Responsibilities.
1. Definition of Residence Hall / University Apartment Areas
Residence Halls are defined as the quadrangles and the University Apartment complexes, including outdoor areas.
The boundaries of Indigenous, State, Colonial and Dutch Quadrangles are defined by the first paved roadway or sidewalk adjacent to the quadrangle. Indigenous and Dutch Quadrangles include the playing fields adjacent to the west and east respectively with regard to the application of this policy.
The boundaries of Alumni Quadrangle are defined by the exterior city sidewalks surrounding the quad.
The boundaries of Freedom Apartments are defined by the entrance road to the complex from Tricentennial Drive.
The boundaries of Empire Commons are defined by the University roadways surrounding the complex.
The boundaries of Liberty Terrace are defined by adjacent paved walkway, sidewalk, roadway or parking lot to the complex.
2. Alcohol Policy in Freshmen-designated Residence Halls
Alcoholic beverages are never permitted in freshman residence halls. This includes all residential buildings on Indigenous Quad and the designated freshman buildings on State Quad.
Visitors or guests of students residing in these areas are not permitted to possess or consume alcohol in these areas, regardless of whether they are of legal drinking age. These areas are designated as alcohol free.
Alcohol containers — including empty liquor bottles, wine bottles and/or beer cans — are prohibited. Empty alcohol containers cannot be used as decoration as well.
3. Alcohol Policy for Students Under 21 Years of Age Living in Non-freshmen Areas
A person under 21 years of age may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages at any time on the University at Albany campus.
No possession or consumption of alcohol is permitted by any student or guest in private residence rooms where all the assigned residents are under 21 years of age.
Visitors or guests of students under 21 years of age are not permitted to possess or consume alcohol in the suite or bedroom of an underage student, regardless of whether the visitors or guests are of legal drinking age.
Alcohol containers — including empty liquor bottles, wine bottles and/or beer cans — are prohibited. Empty alcohol containers cannot be used as decoration as well.
4. Alcohol Policy for Students Over 21 Years of Age Living in Non-freshmen Areas
The following regulations regarding alcohol use apply to students and visitors/guests in the non-freshmen areas who are 21 years of age or older:
No individual student may possess more than twelve 12-ounce bottles/cans of beer (or the equivalent) or more than one liter of hard liquor or wine at a time in their assigned residence room/apartment.
Guests or visitors are prohibited from bringing alcohol for consumption or distribution into any residence hall room/apartment.
Binge drinking — defined as consuming five or more drinks on one occasion for men, or four or more drinks on one occasion for women — is strictly prohibited.
Individuals of legal drinking age may not provide alcohol to underage roommates, suitemates, visitors or guests.
Drinking games — for example, beer pong — and other activities that promote the irresponsible use of alcohol are prohibited. This includes the use of alcohol paraphernalia such as funnels and ice luges.
Kegs and beer balls — whether empty or full, tapped or untapped — are prohibited. Spiked punch and Jell-O shots containing alcohol, regardless of alcohol content, are also prohibited.
Behavior that encourages or contributes to excessive alcohol consumption by another student is prohibited.
Carrying open containers of alcoholic beverages or consuming them in any public area of the campus is prohibited. This includes movement between residence hall rooms or apartments with an alcoholic beverage.
Students who are above the age of 21 and living with underage students must keep alcohol on their side of the room; the alcohol cannot be visible to the underage roommate(s).
5. Compliance with Requests for Proof of Age
Compliance with all requests by University officials — including Residential Life staff and/or University Police — for proof of 21-year-old status is required. If there is reasonable suspicion that alcohol might be in squeeze bottles, cups or other such containers, University staff reserve the right to approach students and hold individuals accountable under the provisions of this policy.
The possession, consumption and storage of alcohol is prohibited in all public areas, including lounges, hallways, stairwells, common bathrooms and outdoor areas.
Driving on University property while under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited and will result in arrest, loss of driving privileges on campus, and possible suspension or expulsion from the University.
6. Incident-Sanction Protocol for Alcohol & Other Drug Violations
The sanctions specified in the University’s Community Rights & Responsibilities are the minimal expectations applied by staff in most student conduct cases involving alcohol and other drugs.
The University’s response is not restricted to those sanctions listed in the protocol. Students are advised that illegal possession and/or use of alcohol and other drugs are strictly prohibited at the University.
Section X: Responsibility for Room Use
Each resident must complete and sign an Electronic Room or Apartment Condition Report provided by the residence hall staff within 72 hours of occupying any room, including room changes.
A link to this form will be provided at the time of check-in or room change and is the basis for assessment of any damage and/or loss attributable to the resident at the termination of occupancy. Failure to electronically complete the form results in the student’s assumption of financial responsibility for any damage evident in the room.
Where two or more students occupy the same room or suite and where determination of specific responsibility for the damages or losses has not occurred, an assessment will be made against both or all equally.
Charges will reflect actual cost as determined by Facilities Management for any billing. A list of items most commonly billed and the associated cost is available upon request. If payment is not made, a hold will be placed on the student’s University records.
A. Assessment of Room Damage Charges
Students responsible for damage or losses will be billed by the DRL for cost of repair and/or replacement of University property (both labor and material).
B. Common Area Damage Assessment
An attempt will be made to identify students responsible for loss or damage. Failure to identify responsible individuals will result in an equal assessment to all students associated with the common area.
C. Furniture Removal
Furniture must be left in the rooms or lounges to which it has been assigned. Students who move furniture from assigned areas will be billed for the return of the furniture to its assigned area. Where furniture has been moved into a room or suite, all residents of the area will be equally billed for its removal.
D. Alterations
The student shall make no alterations to their bedroom, shared living space, or building in which they reside. This includes, but is not limited to, altering living space for recreational purposes, painting, and removal/disconnection/installation of fixtures, furniture, equipment, or appliances (where applicable) situated therein without the express written consent of the University.
University Apartments
On Empire Commons and Liberty Terrace, it is imperative that students not disconnect and/or rearrange the furniture in their bedroom. Students who violate this policy will be billed accordingly.
E. Lost Keys
If a student loses a key issued by the DRL, it may only be replaced by reporting the loss to the DRL. In such cases, the student will be billed for the cost of re-keying the door.
Once a resident has signed a Lock Change/Key Request Form, they will be billed automatically. If keys are found after the form is signed, the resident is still subject to being billed for lost keys and/or lock change.
Keys returned by students at check-out which are not the same keys issued by the DRL will also necessitate the re-keying of the door with assessment of charges to the student responsible.
All keys remain the property of the University. Duplication is strictly prohibited. Students found with duplicated keys will incur the cost of a lock change and may be disciplinarily referred.
Keys cannot be returned by mail or any other delivery service.
Section XI: Maintenance and Condition of Facility
All residents have a responsibility to help in maintaining the cleanliness of their living environment and will be expected to clean up after themselves in suites and rooms as well as in lounges and other public areas.
Regular maintenance and/or painting by University personnel and/or contractors may be scheduled in rooms, suites, and common areas while facilities are occupied. When possible, advance notice will be given.
A. Inspections
The University reserves the right to inspect rooms for health, safety, security and maintenance purposes.
In all cases where the health, safety, or welfare of a person(s) may be in danger or in cases where University property or services are jeopardized, DRL staff may enter a suite or room immediately and without notice.
Announced safety inspections will occur during each semester. Any violations cited must be remedied immediately. Residential Life staff will ensure compliance.
Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action and/or restitution. In addition, the University reserves the right to search with consent; search incidental to arrest; and to search by warrant.
B. Maintenance and Repair Work
Maintenance and repair work in student rooms/suites may be scheduled to occur during the semester and/or recesses. Advance notice will be given to residents, except in the case of emergency repairs. Facilities Management reserves the right to enter any student dwelling for purposes of inspection, maintenance (including pest control) or repair work.
Residents who identify a needed repair in their room or apartment must submit a work request to their Apartment Complex or Quad Information Center. University personnel will report to the suite or apartment and attempt to contact any resident(s) present. If students do not answer the door, University personnel will enter the apartment and/or room(s) to address the work request.
C. Room and Suite Painting
Students are prohibited from painting rooms and/or suites. Rooms and suites are painted regularly. Where room conditions warrant, students may request a work order for painting through the DRL.
Section XII: Personal Property Losses, Confiscation and Claims
The University is not responsible for any objects determined to be missing, lost or stolen from an area where confiscated property is placed for any amount of time. Students are urged to register their possessions under their family’s homeowner's insurance, or through the individual purchase of renter’s insurance. Students are urged to report any thefts to the University Police Department immediately.
Student occupants are urged to provide for the security of their belongings by locking their rooms and by carrying personal property insurance. Mail Services is not responsible for any unclaimed property or packages. Any small claim issues can be emailed to
The University shall not be liable for damages to student personal property caused by the acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of the State acting within either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, pandemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, federal immigration restrictions, federal and/or state travel restrictions, or any other unforeseeable causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the University.
A. Confiscation
University Police and Residence Life staff are authorized to confiscate illegal or prohibited items, substances and related paraphernalia.
University Police will dispose of illegal materials.
Residence Life will process other confiscated items.
B. Items Confiscated by Residential Life
Confiscated items that are not illegal will be registered by the Residential Life staff member responsible for the confiscation. The staff member will record the following relevant information in their duty log as soon as possible:
A brief description of the object (such as type, shape and color)
The date and time it was confiscated
The location where the object was confiscated
Once logged, the object should be bagged, if possible, and tagged. Any tagging method is acceptable.
The tag should be affixed to or written upon the closed bag or the item itself. The tag should also bear the reporting staff member’s name and the date.
The object will then be deposited in the confiscated property area for disposal.
C. Reclaiming Items Confiscated during Fire Safety Inspections
Confiscated items must be properly reclaimed and removed by a student occupant when they are leaving for scheduled Residence Hall/Apartment closing or University breaks. Confiscated objects will not be returned unless the object is immediately removed from the Residence Hall/Apartment Complex.
The student occupant must reclaim their property before the next scheduled closing of the Residence Hall/Apartment Complex. If an object is not reclaimed before the next scheduled closing of the Residence Hall/Apartment Complex or University break, it will be considered “overdue” and subject to disposal.
Staff are authorized to dispose of unclaimed confiscated items at their discretion.
To reclaim a confiscated object, a student occupant must perform the following actions:
Provide the Residence Hall Director/Apartment Coordinator with a valid UAlbany ID card or establish date of birth through another government issued identity card (such as a driver’s license, health insurance card, birth certificate or citizenship card)
Complete and sign a property claim record — a voluntary statement form can be used with a description of the transaction
The Residence Hall Director/Apartment Coordinator will:
Sign and retain a copy of the property claim record
Remove and retain the tag from the object, if available
Release the object to the claimant
Attach the tag to the staff copy of the property claim record
Section XIII: Payments
A. Fall Semester Room Deposits
In order for continuing students to be eligible for a refund of the Housing Deposit, cancellation of the room request must be made in writing and received in the Department of Residential Life by Friday, April 5, 2024.
If the cancellation of the room request is received after Friday, April 5, 2024, but before Monday, July 29, 2024, students will not be charged per week for the room, but the $125 housing deposit will be forfeited.
B. Spring Semester Room Deposits
To secure a room assignment for Spring 2025 semester, continuing students requesting to move on campus must pay the Housing Deposit fee of $125.00.
In order to be eligible for a refund of the Housing Deposit, cancellation of the room request must be made in writing and received in the DRL within 30 days of the receipt of the payment of the Deposit, but not later than Friday, January 10, 2025.
C. Room and Board Billing
Charges are billed by the Office of Student Accounts and are due and payable prior to occupancy. Students are expected to pay in full or provide evidence of financial assistance to Student Accounts by the payment deadline.
Students who do not satisfy their financial obligations for room and board charges are subject to removal from residence halls or apartment complexes, and/or revocation of their meal plan privileges.
Section XIV: Refunds and Billing Adjustments
Occupancy of University Residence Halls and Apartments is defined as acceptance of keys and/or moving into the room.
For residents continuing from Fall to Spring semesters, occupancy is defined as failure to obtain approval for release via the Housing Release Application and/or failure to remove all possessions from the room and return all keys prior to Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
Adjustments for room and board charges are based on the date personal effects are removed from the hall and keys have been returned to the DRL. Please note that releases from Empire Commons are subject to a $400 license termination fee.
Adjustments of room and board charges are granted in accordance with the following:
Section XV of this agreement outlines the appropriate procedures for applying for releases from residence, and the circumstances under which students may be granted such releases. Penalties may still apply for breach of this license in any way.
Any student who is not exempt from the on-campus residency requirement will be billed the full housing charge at their current occupancy rate of 16-weeks from the time they leave housing to the remainder of the semester, as well as their full meal plan (board) charge in relation to their housing assignment if they choose to leave and walk-out of their contract without the appropriate approval.
A. Room
After a student has occupied a room, no adjustment is available for the balance of that semester, unless the student officially withdraws from the University due to circumstances beyond their control or unless a written request for release from the Residence License due to circumstances beyond their control is approved by the DRL. Written third party documentation must be submitted to substantiate reasons beyond a student’s control.
In approved cases, room charge adjustments are prorated weekly. If a student withdraws from housing after Week 8, charges for housing for the remainder of the term will not be refunded.
B. Meal Plan
Fall 2024 meal plans start on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at dinner time. First-year students who move in on Monday, August 19, 2024, will be provided with a meal plan accommodation starting at dinner time at no additional cost.
The Spring 2025 meal plan at dinner time on Sunday, January 19, 2025.
After a student has occupied a room, no adjustment is available for the balance of that semester, unless the student officially withdraws from the University due to circumstances beyond their control or unless a written request for release from the Residence License due to circumstances beyond their control is approved by the DRL. Written third party documentation must be submitted to substantiate reasons beyond a student’s control.
In approved cases, meal plan charge adjustments are prorated on a weekly basis. If a student withdraws from housing after week 8, charges for meal plans for the remainder of the term will not be refunded.
A meal plan refund will not be granted if a student is released from the University due to disciplinary action or suspension regardless of the number of weeks into the semester.
Meal plans are subject to New York State tax laws, and therefore refunds may only be granted per the criteria detailed herein, and only through the first eight (8) weeks of the semester in which the plan was purchased.
The meal plan refund calculation is based on a weekly proration, regardless of plan usage, effective the first day meal plans officially begin for the semester. Meal plan refunds are processed automatically to a student’s account after their release from the Residence License has been confirmed by the DRL.
1. Full Refund
You may receive a full refund of your meal plan charges only if you fail to occupy your room at the beginning of the semester and have officially been released from housing.
For residents continuing from Fall to Spring semesters, occupancy is defined as failure to obtain approval for release via the Housing Release Application and/or failure to remove all possessions from the room and return all keys prior to Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
Adjustments for room and board charges are based on the date personal effects are removed from the hall and keys have been returned to the DRL.
2. Partial (Pro-Rated) or No Refund (Before/After 8 Weeks)
Traditional Residence Hall Students
Students residing in a traditional residence hall will receive a meal plan refund when they are officially released from their Residence Hall License and officially checked out of their room, through the eighth week of the semester.
The meal plan refund calculation is based on the week in which the Department of Residential Life approves a student’s Housing Release Application and the student is officially checked out of their room, or the last week a student used their meal plan; whichever week is later.
Please note that if a student is officially leaving the University, they must first complete the undergraduate withdrawal process or the graduate withdrawal process before they fill out the Housing Release Application.
If a student receives approval from the DRL to move from traditional housing to either a University Apartments complex or commuter arrangement during the first eight weeks of the semester, the student’s meal plan will be automatically terminated upon change in housing status and refunded on the prorated basis described above unless the student has notified the ID Card Office in person that they wish to retain their meal plan.
A student released from a traditional residence hall after the eighth week of the semester does not qualify for a meal plan refund and their tax-free meal plan (including meal swipes and/or declining Discount Dollars balance) will be removed from their ID card automatically and forfeited. The only rare exception is if a student is officially released from housing due to special circumstances (see No. 3 below).
University Apartment Students
Students residing in a University Apartment are not eligible for a meal plan refund unless they are officially withdrawn from the University and officially released from their residence license and officially checked out of their apartment.
The meal plan refund is based on the week in which the Department of Residential Life approves a student’s housing release application and the student is officially checked out of their apartment or the last week a student used his/her meal plan; whichever week is later.
Please note that if a student is officially leaving the University, they must first complete the undergraduate withdrawal process or the graduate withdrawal process before they fill out the Housing Release Application. Students that are approved for a release are subject to the $400.00 License Termination fee.
When a student officially withdraws from the University during the first eight weeks of the semester, their meal plan will be removed from their ID card automatically and refunded on a prorated basis.
A student released from a University Apartment after the eighth week of the semester does not qualify for a meal plan refund and their tax-free meal plan (including meal swipes and/or declining Discount Dollars balance) will be removed from their ID card automatically and forfeited. The only rare exception is if a student is officially released from housing due to special circumstances (see No. 3 below).
3. Officially Released from Housing for Special Circumstances
A student that is officially released from housing under special circumstances could receive a meal plan refund after eight weeks. For more information, visit the UAlbany Dining website.
C. Change in Occupancy
In the Residence Halls, students assigned to increased occupancy (one person more than design capacity for a room) are initially billed at the standard double rate. Adjustments to bills for increased occupancy will occur mid semester.
If there is a change in occupancy which affects the room rate (i.e., increased occupancy rate to normal occupancy rate or normal occupancy rate to increased occupancy rate), then changes in room rates become effective the following week.
When campus-wide occupancy permits all students to be placed in normal occupancy (i.e., below 100% campus-wide), all students will be charged at the normal occupancy rate, even if students have elected to remain in increased occupancy.
D. Academic Dismissals
Students that have been academically dismissed must follow these procedures:
Fall Dismissal
A student dismissed following the Fall semester must notify the DRL immediately following receipt of the official letter of academic dismissal.
The student must make arrangements with the DRL to formally check out of their Fall room assignment a week prior to Spring semester opening day. Checking out on or after move-in day for the spring semester will result in room charges.
Students appealing the academic dismissal must notify the DRL or they will lose their Spring housing assignment.
Spring Dismissal
A student dismissed after the Spring semester must notify the DRL in writing within 30 days of receipt of the official letter of academic dismissal, to qualify for a refund of deposit for the Fall semester.
Students appealing the academic dismissal must notify the DRL of their intent or they will lose their fall assignment.
E. Disciplinary Referrals / Actions
A student, either dismissed or suspended from the University, or administratively removed for disciplinary reasons by the Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment, Office of Community Standards, or DRL, is subject to financial penalties for prematurely breaking this License, and will be required to pay such penalties at the time of their removal from University Residence Halls and Apartments. Any student who has been suspended from the University and readmitted is prohibited from living on campus.
F. COVID-19 Addendum to Refund and Billing Adjustment
Students who vacate campus housing due to contracting or being exposed to COVID-19 are not eligible for any proration or adjustments to their room charges.
Section XV: Release from Residence License for Room and Board
License Release Requests submitted on or after the first day that University Residence Halls and Apartments open for the semester will be considered by the DRL. Specific guidelines for securing approval of a License Release Request are applied.
These guidelines include documented withdrawal from the University, or changes in financial situation, marital status, or medical conditions, all of which must be beyond the control of the student with proper documentation.
When a student is officially released from the Residence Hall License, s/he must vacate the room within 24 hours and complete checkout procedures outlined in Section VI of this license. A student will be charged for their room and board until their check-out is completed and in approved cases, meal plan charge adjustments are prorated on a weekly basis as per the details in Section XIV, B.
If a student withdraws from housing after week eight, charges for meal plans for the remainder of the term will not be refunded as indicated in Section XIV.
Failure to check into University Residence Halls and Apartments, reside in the assigned room, accept a meal plan, eat meals, or pay room and board charges does not release a student from the obligations of this License.
Except for those students released from the License or officially withdrawn from the University, students who fail to move into their assigned room will be billed one-semester room charge, and for their meal plan where applicable in relation to their housing assignment.
This applies to students with an admission classification of freshmen and sophomore, who are required to live in on-campus residence facilities for their first two years at the University. Transfer students are not exempt from this requirement.
Students who have occupied a room and then move out without being officially released from this License will be billed a full semester charge, effective the date of the unauthorized release.
A. Renewal
This agreement does not automatically renew upon expiration on the term designated. The University may accept or deny any such renewal request at its sole discretion. In addition, if you have received approval for early arrival before the August opening or extended housing after May closing, you are agreeing to be bound by the same terms and conditions contained within this license.
Section XVI: Residential Life Fitness Center Release and Informed Consent (Empire Commons & Liberty Terrace)
In consideration of the University at Albany’s acceptance of a student’s presence as an on-campus residential student and of being permitted to participate in recreational, athletic, and fitness activities, including the use of Residential Life facilities and equipment, associated with such participation, students hereby represent and agree as follows:
A. A student’s status as a member is not part of the academic curriculum or job requirement of the University and are completely voluntary on my part.
B. Physical activity, by its very nature, carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The University at Albany has facilities for activities such as weightlifting, running, aerobic activities, group exercise classes and sporting activities. Some of these involve strenuous exertions of strength using various muscle groups, some involve quick movements involving speed and change of motion.
C. There are risks and hazards, both minor and serious, associated with participation in Residential Life fitness center activities, including but not limited to: cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, muscle strains, pulls or tears, other bodily injuries, heat prostration, blindness, deafness, drowning, heart attacks, temporary or permanent disabilities, paralysis, and even, death.
D. Residential Life fitness center activities require a minimum level of fitness for safe participation. Students also understand that Residential Life advises that participants in fitness center activities have a physical examination to determine their fitness for participation.
E. Knowing the dangers, hazards and risks associated with Residential Life fitness center activities, and with sufficient knowledge of my physical condition and limitations, if any, students voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness and/or injury to one’s person or property in any way associated with participation in fitness center activities or otherwise in connection with a student’s status as an on-campus residential student. To the fullest extent permitted by law, students hereby release, waive, and forever discharge, and agree not to sue and to indemnify and hold harmless, the State of New York, the University at Albany, Residential Life, Empire Commons Student Housing Corp and their officers, agents, employees and volunteers from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands and causes of action of any kind or nature, either in law or in equity which arise or may hereafter arise from my participation in the activities, classes, observations, and use of facilities, premises and/or equipment of Residential Life, University at Albany. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University shall remain liable for damages found to have arisen directly from the negligence of the University, its officers or employees acting within the scope of their employment, as provided by law.
F. Students will abide by all rules and regulations applicable to participation in fitness center activities.
G. Relative to student participation in Residential Life fitness center activities, students hereby grant the University at Albany, State University of New York, its officers, employees, agents and assigns the following irrevocable rights:
the right to create recordings of a student’s image, appearance, likeness, sound and/or voice, including, but not limited to video and photographs (hereinafter collectively known as "Recordings") and use the Recordings in their original or edited form, at its sole discretion, in connection with its activities or for any other lawful educational, promotional or commercial purposes, including, but not limited to course instruction, and academic conferences and workshops;
the right to use, produce, reproduce, publish, exhibit, distribute, perform, broadcast and transmit the Recordings individually or in conjunction with other images, appearances, likenesses, sounds, voices or printed matter in the production of brochures, motion pictures, television tape, sound recordings, photographs, films, CD-ROMs, DVDs, digital files and any other media now existing or as may be developed hereafter, including but not limited to YouTube and other similar internet broadcasts and websites, and further the right to the use of a student’s name and biographical material in connection with any such Recordings;
the right to sell, license or assign the Recordings for use, production, reproduction publication, exhibition, distribution, performance, broadcast and transmission to any other person or entity; and
the right to copyright, in its own name, the Recordings or any works that contain the Recordings.
Students waive the right to inspect or approve the Recordings or any finished materials or work that incorporate or contain the Recordings. Students understand and agree that no student will receive compensation, now or in the future, in connection with the use of the Recordings and that the University exclusively owns all rights to the Recordings.
Students release and forever discharge the University at Albany, the State University of New York their officers, agents, employees, and assigns, from any and all claims, demand, rights, and causes of action of whatever kind that may arise from the use of the Recordings as provided herein, including, but not limited to all claims for libel and invasion of privacy.
These terms and conditions are a binding agreement.
By agreeing to the terms and conditions of the University Residence Halls and Apartments License, a student certifies being 18 years of age or older, having read the previous paragraphs and knowing, appreciating, and fully understanding the release and informed consent form, and agreeing to it voluntarily with full knowledge of its significance.
Department of Residential Life
State Quadrangle U-Lounge
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222-0001
Phone: 518-442-5875
Fax: 518-442-5835
University Apartments
Empire Commons Community Building
Albany, NY 12222-0001
Phone: 518-956-6250
Fax: 518-956-6251