Some students have medical needs, including physical and/or psychological conditions, that necessitate they be released from their UAlbany housing contract and/or the University’s on-campus residency requirement.
If you are in this situation, you may request the University grant you a housing release from your contract and/or exemption from the residency requirement.
Note: Requesting accommodation for on-campus housing is a separate process. Students who need housing accommodation must have their needs documented by Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS). That documentation must be renewed each year before the Special Interest Housing Sign-up period.
All medical requests for housing release and/or exemption are reviewed and decided upon by Student Health Services (SHS), Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) and/or Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS).
Medical requests must be accompanied by documentation of the student’s diagnosed condition. Submitting documentation is not a guarantee your request will be granted. Housing releases and exemptions for medical reasons are rare and must rise to the level of medical necessity.
Determinations are final and cannot be appealed. However, you may submit additional or updated documentation for further review.
Medical requests must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the semester. This will allow for enough time for the appropriate professionals to review your documentation and request any additional documentation, if necessary. However, if a student’s medical circumstances change after that deadline, they may submit a request for release and/or exemption at any time.
To request housing release and/or exemption for medical reasons, please follow these instructions:
Step 1: Gather your documentation.
Documentation that does not meet the below criteria will not be considered:
- The documentation must be prepared by the provider treating that condition. (For example: If you’re seeking a housing release and/or exemption for a psychological condition and you’re receiving treatment for that condition from a therapist, then the documentation should be prepared by that therapist.)
- The documentation must be related to the student’s health condition, not anyone else’s.
- Students who are currently living on campus must provide documentation that shows a change in health status that necessitates housing release and/or exemption.
- The documentation must include a typed letter, on letterhead, from the student’s treating physician, psychologist, therapist or other licensed provider. The letter must include:
- Confirmation of your diagnosis, its severity and why it necessitates that you live off campus. Please have your provider delineate the specific housing accommodations that are required and/or prohibit you from living on campus.
- Your current treatment.
- The length of time this provider has treated you for this condition.
- How a housing release and/or exemption would specifically benefit you, including an explanation of how any required housing accommodations impact your condition and ability to function as a student.
Step 2: Send your documentation to the appropriate office.
Send your documentation to the correct office:
Do not send any documentation to Residential Life.
Step 3: Complete the Housing Release Form.
Note: If you live in Empire Commons, you will be billed a $400 License Termination Fee.