Carlos E. Jimenez-Gomez

Carlos E. Jimenez-Gomez is internationally recognized for his expertise in public organizations’ modernization based on information and technology adoption, field where he works as consultant. As practitioner, he has almost 30 years working in the public sector. He has worked for governments and international organizations in different countries in Latin-America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Among other, he has worked in projects addressed to achieve full paperless digital courts, e-government platforms, or he has co-authored strategic and policy documents such as the Ibero-American e-Government Interoperability Framework, document signed by 21 countries in the XX Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government.
He has tried to keep connected with the academia, bridging practice and theory. He has been distinguished lecturer and member of different academic committees, universities, scientific organizations and associations. His consulting and research interests include digital government, interoperability, smart cities, open justice or data science.
Jimenez-Gomez holds a MSc. in Data Science (master thesis on predictive analysis of open data), a research MA. in Information & Knowledge Society (master thesis on e-justice interoperability), and a BEng. in Computer Science, having also professional certifications on Information Systems Management, and Law & Technology.
He is currently member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society, as well as IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society liaison and associate member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology. Previously, he was Vice-Dean of the Official Professional Association of Technical Computer Engineers of Catalonia, Spain.
Selected Publications
• Gasco M. & Jimenez C.E., (2018). Information and Technology in Open Justice. Social Science Computer Review.
• Jimenez, C.E. (2017). Hacia el Estado abierto: justicia abierta en América Latina y el Caribe (Towards the Open State: Open Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean). In Naser, A.; Ramírez-Alujas, Á.; Rosales, D. (Eds). Desde el gobierno abierto al Estado abierto en América Latina y el Caribe (United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL).
• Jimenez, C.E. (2017). Open Judiciary Worldwide: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt. In Jimenez, C.E. & Gasco, M. (eds.). Achieving Open Justice through Citizen Participation and Transparency. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
• Jimenez, C.E. & Gasco, M. (eds.) (2017). Achieving Open Justice through Citizen Participation and Transparency. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
• Jimenez, C.E. (2014). Justicia abierta: Transparencia y Proximidad de la Justicia en el Actual Contexto de Open Government (Open Justice: Transparency and Closeness of the Justice in the Current Context of Open Government. Barcelona: Centre for Legal Studies and Specialized Training (CEJFE). Department of Justice of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.
• Jimenez, C.E., Solanas, A., Falcone, F. (2014). e-Government Interoperability: Linking Open & Smart Government. Computer, 47(10).
• Jiménez, C. E., Falcone, F., Solanas, A., Puyosa, H., Zoughbi, S., & González, F. (2015). Smart Government: Opportunities and Challenges in Smart Cities Development. In Ć. Dolićanin, E. Kajan, D. Randjelović, & B. Stojanović (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Democratic Strategies and Citizen-Centered E-Government Services (pp. 1-19). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
• Jimenez, C.E. (2013). Impacto de la Nueva Ley 18/2011 Reguladora del Uso de las TIC en la Administración de Justicia (Impact of the New Act 18/2011 Regulating the ICT Use in the Administration of Justice). Centre for Legal Studies and Specialized Training (CEJFE). Department of Justice of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain.
• Jimenez, C.E., Criado, I., Gascó, M. (2011). Technological e-government interoperability. An analysis of Ibero-American countries. IEEE Latin American Transactions, 9(7): 1112-1117.