Mitchel Y. Abolafia
PhD, Sociology, Stony Brook University
BA, Sociology, Tufts University

Specialization: Organizational Theory and Behavior
Mitchel Y. Abolafia is a Professor in the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York. He has also taught at Sloan School of Management at MIT, Johnson School of Management at Cornell, and the School of Management, University of California at Davis. He holds a BA in Sociology from Tufts University, and a PhD in Sociology from Stony Brook University. Professor Abolafia’s research interests include economic sociology, organization theory, public management, and ethnographic methods.
He is the author of Stewards of the Market: How the Federal Reserve Made Sense of the Financial Crisis, Harvard University Press 2020 and Making Markets: Opportunism and Restraint on Wall Street, Harvard University Press, 1997, 2001 (translated into Chinese as Hua Er Jie, China Society Press. Beijing, 1999). He has published over 30 articles in such journals as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Studies, Strategic Management, Administration and Society, Group and Organization Management, Sociological Forum, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, International Public Management Journal, American Review of Public Administration, Ethnography, and Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.