Rock Your Career: Jenna LaTourette, MIA ’22

What was one of the most meaningful experiences you had during your time in the MIA program?
I think the whole experience was meaningful. I felt engaged in each course I have taken and feel that I am taking away a new piece of knowledge or valuable skill from each one. I also think that the opportunities with career services and in the professional development module were meaningful and definitely something to take advantage of because it has helped prepare for me for the post-graduate world.
Where did you complete your internship requirement and what knowledge, skills, and abilities did you develop as a result of this experience?
I fulfilled my internship requirement at the Center for Advanced Red Teaming. As a result of this experience, I have learned professional development skills and had the opportunity to network with professionals and experts in various fields related to national security. Throughout this experience, I have further developed my research and analysis, writing and technical skills.
What specific skills or experiences through the program have prepared you for your transition to post-graduate employment?
The MIA program has contributed to the development of my research and writing skills. I have become more proficient at policy-based research and writing as well as statistical analysis, both of which are valuable to my position. Additionally, classes in my Global Security concentration have prepared be with knowledge in areas such as political violence, weapons of mass destruction and non-proliferation policy that I can apply to the work I do in my post-graduate employment as well.
Where are you currently employed and what is the focus of your position?
I am very excited to be a full-time employee at the Center for Advanced Red Teaming post-graduation. My new position is a Senior Research Support Specialist. The focus of this position is conducting open-source research and written analysis to support project development.
What advice do you have for students who are considering employment in the public sector and pursuing an MIA degree?
My advice to students who are pursuing an MIA degree is to keep an open mind. The MIA program will provide you with many valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied to different opportunities, some of which may not have been in your original plan.