Academic Support Center

The Academic Support Center (ASC) serves as an undergraduate advisement resource center for all undergraduate students as well as for faculty and staff who work with students in an advising relationship. ASC provides individual academic advisement, coordinates pre-professional advisement, provides individualized support services, and connects students to University-wide resources.

Students who need assistance regarding their academic concerns are encouraged to contact the Academic Support Center, Taconic Building 2nd floor (518-442-3960), or visit the Academic Support webpage.

Academic Advisement

First Year students who have not declared a major, and students intending to pursue a restricted major are advised either by the advisors in ASC or by advisors in the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP). Beginning in Fall 2020, all First Year students will receive advisement from their University Academic Advisor within the Academic Support Center, or their EOP academic advisor from admission to graduation.

Students are encouraged to work closely with their academic advisors. University academic advisors are in regular contact with the University’s academic departments and programs to ensure that advisors have pertinent and up-to-date information about school and college offerings. The advisor is therefore able to assist each student to plan and select a course of study that is consistent with the student’s abilities, interests, achievements, and future plans. Information about courses, academic study at other institutions, interpretation of the University’s academic policies, and referral to other University offices and individuals for assistance with the student’s concerns are part of the services provided by academic advisors. 

Students may “declare” their major at any time after earning 24 credits and completing any other requirements for admission to that major. It is easiest to complete all requirements if a major is chosen by the end of the sophomore year. Most financial aid programs require that a student declare a major by the junior year. Once a major is declared, students receive academic advisement from the major department.

Students are required to meet with their academic advisor prior to registering for courses each semester. In addition, students are encouraged to meet with their advisor on a regular basis. Together the student and advisor can evaluate the student’s academic experiences and goals, and formulate appropriate educational plans.

To complement faculty advisement, ASC serves as an advisement resource for both faculty and students needing clarification or interpretation of University academic policies, procedures, and programs.

Health Careers Advisement

Approximately 80-100 students from the University apply annually for admission to medical, dental, optometry, podiatry, chiropractic, veterinary, and other allied health professional schools. There is little variation in the basic requirements for admission to the professional schools. The majority of these schools require the General Biology sequence and one full year of study in chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, mathematics, and English. Many health profession schools now strongly recommend or require that students complete some advanced science coursework, and humanities and/or social science courses as well. There is no special major for pre-professional health careers, and the requirements for admission can be met through a variety of majors available at the University.

The Pre-Health Advisors in the Academic Support Center are available to meet with all students considering health professions preparation. Guidance is provided in regard to curriculum, admission requirements, extracurricular opportunities, and the application process.

Resource materials, admission statistics, and procedural information are available for University students by contacting the pre-health Advisors in the Academic Support Center, Taconic Building 2nd floor, or by checking the Pre-Health website. Students should sign up for the pre-health listserv found there to receive current information about campus speakers and seminars. Students can email [email protected] with general pre-health questions.

Pre-Law Advisement

There is no single “best” program of study in preparation for law school, and students are encouraged to consider a variety of options. The Association of American Law Schools recommends a broad-based liberal arts curriculum and considers the prescription of particular courses unwise.

The pre-law Advisors in the Academic Support Center are available to meet with all students considering law school. Personalized assistance is offered in regard to curriculum planning, preparing personal statements and the application process.

Students interested in law school should watch for meetings of the Student Pre-Law Association and on-campus visits of law schools. Additionally, the pre-law Advisors maintain a listserv for all pre-law students to disseminate timely information about workshops, tests, guest speakers, and special opportunities. Special seminars are offered each semester to provide assistance on applications, test preparation, and planning for law school financing.

Students who to connect with a pre-law advisor are encouraged to contact the Academic Support Center, Taconic Building 2nd floor (518-442-3960), [email protected]Visit the Pre-Law website for more information.